First time post!

I’m just using the ones on my phone keyboard :smirk:

ppm - paragraphs per minute.
epm - essay per minute

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save me from myself! or work as it is Friday, meh. Friday, all dressed up and no where to go!!

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Really now…

Aw… Friday here too, for 20 more minutes.

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20 mins long to still to do something and make it a memorable day!

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Means I don’t have to be in bed to get up at a particular time, though I know if I allow myself to get horizontal I’ll fall asleep anyhow.

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Maybe I can pull these two strips of cotton through the coils in the next 20 minutes…

It’s taken me… oh right since you got here and I’ve got as far as looking at that cotton a few times… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Thinking about my boring mix. I upped the vg, closer to 80 vs. the standard 70 that most seem to love. This could also be why the flavor is restricted.

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Did you try it again?

Remember too, PG carries flavour so too little or an ALL VG mix wouldn’t necessarily mean a tastier juice, but you know if you’re talking about the custard, it’s not boring - just TOO fresh.

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You still haven’t made my throw-together custard though: bet it ends up good too, though I have a suggestion for you - soon as I’ve wicked my tank

Correct so I used more vg, more like a mix of 80/20 vs. standard 70/30. So less pg, less flavor. Are you sure about flavor coming out more as the days pass? It seems contrary.

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… and maybe not a high enough % of flavour, but you honestly cannot judge it yet at all: around a week is when it’ll start tasting like it should, so…

WHERE are you?

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WFH today. Might go to the office this evening.

I do have to say, I am not fond of working with nic! It still make me nervous. I don’t like pulling it out with a syringe either. It feels too difficult and the slightest wrong move, not good. So I’m not super psyched to start my next mix yet.

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Yes - custards need to steep x

I’m sure at a certain point the flavour will start to diminish and fade, but that’s a different place and time and animal altogether - that’s a long-term thing.

Short term, the flavour will emerge as the days clock past.

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Why don’t you like the syringe?

That’s about the simplest way beside just tipping it into a funnel or something.

Where are you sorry?

wfh = work from home. We still have covid all over the place.

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K, so you can mix at some point.

You need to: you need to get a half dozen mixes started so in a weeks time you’re not there looking at one little bottle of custard.

The image of you standing with one little bottle of custard mix in your hand disappointed, would break my heart: it’s just too sad to visualize.

You’ve gotta mix MORE to avoid that scenario :confused:

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well… I have my order of dis won. Last order :expressionless: I can’t find a clone of it either. What has the world come to?