First time post!


Yeah that’ll have to steep too, but try it fresh to see.

As a generalization, fruit flavours can be shake and vaped, while desserts need steeping: might be why a lot of people like fruit liquids.

Though just as many LOVE desserts, so steeping is a evil fact of life for us :confounded:

I predict you’ll probably be able to taste the almond and vanilla fresh-mixed while the cakes will taste bland at best until they’ve steeped a few days.


That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t create it though!

Mix it regardless what it tastes like NOW because it will 100% for certain change later.

Same with most of these: you’ve just got no reference point yet because you haven’t tried a mix that’s had it’s week of steeping, which means you don’t have a clue how much flavour is too much or too little in a liquid that’s had a chance to rest long enough for those dessert-awesome flavours to release.

I want you to try that first mix that makes you think "heeeeeey: THERE it is yeah that’s not bad"

From that point, you’ll have a memory/taste starting point to use as that reference and heave an idea of what’s too strong, not strong enough, too sweet or sickly etcetera.

But you’ve gotta mix mix mix to have a selection of liquids to build that reference point with.


Oh and that recipe is private, so I couldn’t go check the notes or ratings.


Even if it tastes like nothing much freshly shaken, wait you have a dripper right? You’ve really gotta use an RDA for testing these mixes so you can just drip it in the hole and vape: opening and changing-out an RTA or closed tank every time you try a liquid will drive anyone batshit, so I’ve just assumed you’ve been using a dripper to test these mixes.

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I’ve changed that custard above to replace the almond with cheesecake, since I have it on good authority Killer Custard is mostly Capella VC with a bit of cheesecake added.

That’s not another plug for that one recipe: you should make as many as you like - the more the better - but doubling-up on the creamy with heaps of custard and a good squirt of cheesecake should serve the mix better than the Almond does. :smirk:

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One request I have that is kinda a pain in the arse which is why I’m meekly framing it as a request instead of simply demanding or ordering you to do it: add the flavours you have to Your Flavour Stash on the recipe side of this site.

It’s a pain in the arse because for every flavour you search, 5 will show up with slightly different spelling, but all you’ve gotta do is click on whichever has the highest number of ratings and that’s almost always the version of the flavour accepted by the majority.

Once you’ve entered your flavours, set that Stash to Public: that will allow me to at least search and google the flavours you have to find out about them, though there’s also useful basic information right there on the ELR flavour listing like the average % used in mixes, the recommended % as standalone and mixed - being able to see at a glance which flavours you’ve got means I can google and absorb the average of information relating to each flavour, then regurgitate that info back to you in summarized format.


And finally - since it’s Saturday tomorrow and you shouldn’t have meetings back to back so I’m loading you up in preparation for the weekend - a simple thing you can do that’ll pay dividends later:

Maybe find a bottle and mix plain VG with some flavours: maybe some custard or cheescake or maybe the two combined in their 2:1 ratio and a seperate bottle of VG with yellow or cupcake too…

Maaaybe, you might wanna do that :slight_smile:

Tossing some flavour in VG now will allow it to sit and steep-out in the background while you’re busy with everything else and if you take a 100mL bottle, add 90mL of glycerine and 10mL Cap Vanilla Custard to it now, in a few weeks time you’ll have custard-flavoured heaven in a bottle.

Depends how much you want to use of course, but with a 100mL bottle of Cap Vanilla Custard, I’d personally not feel I’d dedicated too much by using 10mL for 100mL of custard VG base and if you just chuck it in the cupboard and forget it while you’re messing with the smaller mixes, one day in a few weeks you’ll yes you will crack the lid off that 100mL bottle and be amazed by what’s inside.

Maybe you can do that :smirk:

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As an off-topic aside.

I’m sitting here, pondering the practicalities of just managing multi-national businesses and what that would entail and have concluded, that I can’t even imagine what’s involved, but it’s pretty impressive.

As a common wage-slave who remains fit because of the physical demands of school cleaning shifts that see me on my feet performing what amounts to an extended cardio session that lasts 3-4 hours straight at a time, there’s a very clear OFF button when work stops, and on a busy week setting my alarm for 3:00AM and not returning home from the afternoon shift until 7:00PM or later, I’m usually perfectly fucked by the time I walk back in the door.

I can imagine myself sitting at the big desk, taking phone calls like a pro and acting like I own the place while fielding underlings phone calls with advice that - while sage - is way too generic to be of use to anyone:

"Go for a walk, clear your head, buy a coffee: you’ll sort something out."

"That’s what we’re paying you for Barry - to fix things. Do your job. (CLICK)."

"Oh sure, I mailed it twenty minutes ago on my way to test-drive that SAAB I was looking at."

But actual paperwork and regulations and financial software and asset management: that hurts my brain to think about :slight_smile:

Like the CPU in the center of a circuit-board filled with little chips all needing instructions, you are: for lack of a more appealing metaphor.

Good job you :slight_smile:

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Inter-personal human dynamics are pretty interesting, when you think about it…

Far less interesting is the zit on my chin: one of those annoying fuckers under the surface so it’s invisible and can’t just be shaved off…

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Annoyingly bulky as it is, it’s no longer ‘tamed’ with that last 1.5 ohm MTL build binned and recoiled for full beast-mode at ~0.25 ohms.


I mad

Right, I will have to learn how to make it public. Give me a moment!


Really? Just Cap Vanilla Custard on it’s own? I have 60ml bottle, one left, I will do this - I think.


I could never vape like that! Everyone I know has huge tanks and blow their faces off with clouds. I’m pretty sure I barely chuck clouds, lol. Dual or single coil?


My #1 all day vape is 10% Cap Vanilla Custard in a 3mg 70vg/30pg base. The only thing is that I let it steep for 2 months at least which you may find annoying.


Well… I’m convinced. I will make the cap custard single flavor and let it steep.


Maybe become a fan of fruity light flavours instead?

Maybe a nice, light orange-kiwi, or a zappleberry crunch or whatever weird shit the fruit-lovers are into calling their crap :thinking:

I dunno if you can hack the time required for desserts and custards :thinking:


Uh huh, good, I think :roll_eyes:

The more you make the better: I used 100mL as a kinda minimum that wouldn’t use up too much flavouring, but 200 or 300mL is obviously better - it’ll mean more flavouring, but it’s not as though you’re wasting it by putting it in VG to steep and it’s sure as shit not doing anything in the original packaging :grimacing:

More, is always more.

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That’s only for home: I’ve got smaller tanks I take out that’re still sub-ohm but a quarter the size of that one and producing a quarter the vapor, but they’re all drippers and the other closed tanks I’ve got require pre-built coils I don’t want to have to have to order.


I have 500ml in use and 500ml steeping at any one time. Once you have the rotation worked out it’s easy to always have some steeped juice on hand. I usually have well over 1500ml in use in my rotation too.

Currently in my steep drawer I have:
500ml Cap Vanilla Custard V1 ADV
500ml Strawberry Cheesecake
500ml Suicide Bunny
120ml The Definitive Banger Custard
60ml Monkey Milk (tester)
60ml Dirty Water (tester)
About 5 SFT 30ml bottles
About 7 STF 20ml bottles

Just got to keep on top of them all…


Can you still buy Cap VC 1 or is it one those flavours banned because it has chemicals in it that actually tasted good so the fun-police banned it?

And from what I know she’s only tried mixing one recipe so far and mentioned a Lamington in passing: my thinking is if she’s not going to try little individual mixes and put them aside, at least get some flavour started in some VG - it’s never turning into juice worth vaping if it’s left sitting how it came.

After all, custard’s the favourite, so mixing a larger VG base would at least start the process…

The additional benefit being, that once that custard-flavoured VG has developed some flavour, she can mix it with other flavours and even if they take a week to steep, she’ll at least have the custard flavour fully developed from dot when the others are added.

Cheesecake is also commonly loved in custard’s and several times now I’ve seen it lasted as an ingredient in Killer Custard, so some of that in a bottle to start developing should happen too given she may not go for simple Cap Custard as a single flavour.

That’s all I’ll be mixing tonight: 200mL VG with the remaining 20mL Warm Custard tossed in, though I’m thinking carefully whether to also add a bit of Pudding Base and Van Cream.

I shouldn’t, since the pure custard can be mixed later, but then both the other flavours also require steep time…