First time post!

You have a clone if suicide bunny? Which one? What is dirty water?

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Lol! I use Serpent Mini 22mm with a single coil. No special wraps just standard kanthal wrapped about 6 times. I guess a micro coil if you will.

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I just mixed 30ml of the single flavor Custard. We do have access to custard cap v1 but being new I purchased v2 as I thought it was v2.0 as in improved not less lethal.

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Oh and that is officially my 2nd mix!! Into the drawer it goes for 60 days. On another note, pulling vg into a syringe is a problem. I struggled to pull it up into the syringe. I believe I’m doing something wrong. Everything else - easy peasy.

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That’s just water out the tap, for Adelaide :smirk:

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I use my own adaptation of this Suicide Bunny mix. Check cookies?

Dirty Water is equal parts Gremlin Vanilla Overload and Gremlin Chocolate Overload. Just call it that as it looked like it in the bottle… lol.


Yeah, just pour the VG in the mix bottle :+1:

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Lucky I am not in Adelaide then… :rofl:


You’re never going to find what you like with 2 mixes a week: you’ve gotta GET the flavours IN the VG steeping.

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Find a screw on nipple top that fits your VG bottle. Makes life a lot simpler…

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I love Adelaide! I find it funny the “my state is the best” that I often hear in Oz.

Yuk and No

Oh, I thought Gremlin went out of biz.

It’s great if you like being slimy with sweat - everywhere, having to drink bottled water because the tap-water is so bad even ships docking at Port Adelaide refuse to take water there, winding up in a barrel of acid or having to travel an hour in every direction to get to - anything at all.

Adelaide is great if you like all that :wink:

@Scotty, if you can get hold of Inw custard that is supposed to only need a week steep. Also, FLV Vanilla Pudding apparently works well in Custard mixes too…

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Ah, This is right down my ally. Might have to pick up those ingredients and give it a go. I thought you might have meant “Mothers Milk” which I find odd strawberry taste.

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I don’t really have a say in what states I travel to. More customer demand.

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I do Mothers Milk or Mustard Milk occasionally, don’t mind either for a change. The 3 500ml bottles are my regular rotation though…


Whatevz - how much custard do I wanna kick-off…

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Clearly I am going to need to exercise discipline and planning to meet my needs. I have luxury of time right now but when travel starts up - my mixes will have to be timed better, steeped and ready to go.