First time post!

That’s quite a lot. How much do you vape per day?

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?? What do you mean?

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Why we’ve all been emphasizing the importance of actually mixing the mixes NOW, so the steeping starts NOW.


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I chain vape so quite a bit. Though I do mtl, most of my rtas have 5 - 7 ml tanks… lol


You want to clone dis won! 1,000 ml and you will completely have killer custard amnesia.

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Same here but I don’t think I exceed 7mls per day. But again I’m using a micro single coil!


You cannot wind me up: I am un-windable…

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I’ve never even tasted it, so can’t even think about how it tastes.

Killer Custard: mostly Cap VC with a bit of cheesecake and Cotton Candy.


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Why, once you do DIY for a bit and try that again you will probably find it sickly sweet. try the Grant’s VC My Way recipe and see what you think, it’s very highly rated.


She did: that’s the only mix she’s done so far and she didn’t like it fresh, instantly proclaimed “IT’S RUBBISH!!” then hurled it in the cupboard.

Still, she only mixed 20mL if I remember right, so when she opens it again in two weeks time to discover it’s NOT rubbish and is in fact EXACTLY what she wants, she’ll be back to day-1 of steeping after hurriedly mixing another bottle - wishing all the while that she’d listened and made more two weeks ago because now she’ll have to wait another two weeks and that, will definitely be rubbish :slight_smile:


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Here you go, highest rated Killer Kustard clone on ELR…

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8:1 Custard:Cheesecake.

And I find still, even though I’ve switched from 50mg/mL commercial salts down to 6mg:18mg freebase:salts mixes, I’ve still always got a second tank with 50mg/mL salts just to max-out my nicotine levels after a while vaping the lower (though still 24mg) strength mixes.

You better be mixing and not just off sulking with the shits…

Unless you want to find yourself in some podunk little hole on the map in the middle of nowhere with only a few bottles of freshly mixed shit you can’t bring yourself to vape now all the commercial juice has dried up…


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Wasn’t trying. No way would I do that!

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You back to tell me about all the mixes you’ve just slapped together?

Slapped together is better than painstakingly not done.

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Lol no I was playing oculus because there isn’t a lot to do here right now. Remember we don’t have the luxury of going out right now:(

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Gawd you’re frustrating me woman! :angry:

You KNOW I’m only harrassing you about it to TRY (and try and tryyyyy) to stop you being disappointed in a week, or two, or three: or when you find yourself in that podunk hole on the map with nothing to vape but rubbish…

It’s guaranteed to happen if you don’t go with yesterdays gardening metaphor and sow now for harvesting later.

Fuck Occulus - get your flavours started so we can all move on from discussion about the importance of getting mixes started and back to more trivial, frivolous things.

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I do not want you disappointed: don’t know why I would even give a shit, but there you go.

I could not give a shit, tell you to keep playing and worry about liquid when you run out, whenever that happens - I’ll have an ever-growing collection of both nice and shit mixes in the cupboard waiting to go.

But in for a penny…

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A hundred different little bottles however: these ones leak when I knock 'em over.

Not much, but enough to make me not want to get them by the dozen on the way through town.

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