First time post!

What do I want: 10% I guess… that’ll give me wiggle-room to add other flavours later without pushing 20% or more.

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I have gotta get myself another set of scales.

Maybe that one above that’s linked: anything that weighs more than 100g, because 100g is what I’m trying to mix and it’s crackin’ a spastic at me.

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Also when you mix in bulk like this, you can shake the shit outta it every ten minutes if you’re that way inclined: without nicotine there’s no concerns about oxidization.

I’ll shake it only once per day each night of course because I’m not suffering mental illness and don’t have OCD tendencies, but I can shake it often as I like.

Reminds me again how cool it’d be to heave one those paint mixing machines they have in Bunnings and other hardware stores paint sections.

One of those would keep the mix sloshing around continually and without a doubt reduce steep time considerably.

Course I couldn’t help myself and ended-up including other flavours, though all in low enough percentages so no one of them is more than an accent…

  • 12.00% Warm Custard
  • 2.00% Pudding Base
  • 2.00% Vanilla Cream
  • 2.00% Sweet Cream
  • 2.00% Fresh Milk
  • 2.00% Sweet Honey
  • 1.00% Acetyl Pyrazine and
  • 0.50% Barrel Oak

100mL of the shit, that’ll be outstanding once I have had it in the cupboard for several weeks until I’ve forgotten I had it, then remembered and dug it out to add nicotine and use it.

The Barrel Oak: I’ve used that in too higher concentration in a few mixes, where it just gets a bit sweeter than ideal but last night I spontaneously had the urge to smear a drop on the back my hand - diluting it by rubbing it into my skin like a lotion left that bit of my skin smelling exactly like wet, sweet wood.

I’ll actually go stick it in some warm water and give it a shake to help speed it along I think.

Also actually, I should have a look for one of those old milk frothers that were around before proper coffee machines moved to the home market: I remember growing up, almost everyone seemed to have on in their kitchen drawer - a little battery operate sucker that took 2xAA’s and had a disk-shaped wire whipper at the end of a thin metal rod.

You’d just heat your milk then stick that metal whipping end in and all it did was spin like any mixer… I’ve heard of people using them to mix juice faster, and I’m sure they’re dirt cheap now nobody wants them anymore plus you’d get decent millage from the batteries just whipping juice.

The attachment is also small and thin enough so you could easily just rinse it under a tap without losing any real amount of juice.

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Gremlin didn’t go out of business. They just switched to “candy making supplies” as their listing.

They still sell flavor concentrates in PG but also oil soluble so you have to be sure you check and make sure you chose PG not OS.


I tried the MSG in warm custard-flavoured milk.

Curiously though not encouragingly, the flavour of the milk itself seemed a but richer, though not the custard (or sugar, though that wasn’t even a consideration).

So it could be that MSG will only enhance the taste of real foods - of course being most effective with those that already contain Glutamate but also adding it to foods that don’t.

Ergo I didn’t mix MSG into PG of course, since the milk test wasn’t promising enough to compel me to :smirk:


Finally the next batch of flavours is on the way - oddly mailed yesterday.

I’m pretty keen on putting the Butter Base, Macadamia and Red Dates together just as a change from all the dairy-based flavours: nutty, fatty and sweet - they just struck me as a potentially good combination.

Can’t see them not being a match really, while also being both rich and completely different.

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images (93)

I googled that and was kind’ve expecting a more stylized, curvier, tapered snakey looking tank… though it does look nicely machined.

I’ll assume you’ve got the stainless steel version and though the 24K gold one makes for a good photo you’d need the gold mod to go with it.

Not only would you be too worried about dropping or otherwise damaging the sucker, I would feel like an a-grade wanker walking around with a solid gold vaporizer.

Looks nice in the photo though :smirk:

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I’m sure of that. Dis Won probably does have some sweetener in it but it isn’t overly sweet compared to most USA juice. I will post a profile of it shortly. I’ve tired so many custards and Dis Won is the absolute best for a standard custard.


Remember, we still have b&m juice here for a bit. Not sure when they will clamp down on that.


We never had those here. But you know American pour over coffee. Gross. Maybe I can find one on ebay but highly doubtful. Meanwhile, I noticed your comment about shaking w/ out nic. Does this mean I can’t shake my mix now that nic is in it? I also believe I messed up and added a very small amount of cotton candy. Now it might be grossly overly sweet. Damn it. I’m going to do another batch.

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oh wow, link please. Not that I’m ordering any but more curious.

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Where do you order your flavors?

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I wish it was easier on the eyes, however it is one of the best flavor tanks out there. I have four. All silver. I would never buy gold in the past, however now that they don’t make any, I’d grab a gold one without any worries. Plus it would look really sweet on my tiny blue Vaporesso as it has a big gold button. Cute!

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RYAN MAY 28, 2017




Advertised Flavour Profile:
Dis Won is one of the most delicious Vanilla Custards you will ever have the privilege of vaping. It was 3 years in the making. You don’t want to miss out on Dis Won. You’ll see why.

Flavour Profile:
Dis Won, made by Dean of Coil Vapes (incredibly nice guy), easily the most hyped juice of the year! The crazy thing, it’s a plain old vanilla custard, or is it? Vanilla Custards are popular, most of us have vaped some form of a Vanilla profile right out of the gate into the world of vaping. We watched and heard as other reviewers ranted and raved about this juice, knowing there was something to it for sure based on the volume of rave reviews. But for some reason none of them captured or expressed what makes this juice so great (other than to say it’s great). Well, it’s a sophisticated Vanilla Custard, almost Floral in nature. The Vanilla is the freshest we have tasted (more like the flowers of Vanilla than the bean), there is a nice hit of honey, and the most surprising and interesting is the hint of Jasmin that brings it all together so lovely. This is a complex juice, Dean has for sure spent the time he states perfecting Dis Won. The balance is perfect, and the Creme Brûlée image is fitting on the label (you get it on exhale). As for Cleanliness, it’s great for a Custard but still not super easy on your coils. All in all, Dis Won is the best Vanilla Custard on the planet right now.

  • Smoothness - 10/10


  • Intensity - 9/10


  • Flavour - 10/10


  • Originality - 10/10


  • Complexity - 10/10


  • Balance - 10/10


  • Cleanliness - 8.5/10


Overall Rating

Inhale: Smooth Creamy Mix of Sweet Vanilla, Honey and a magical touch of Jasmin

Exhale: Sweet, Delicate, almost Fluffy Vanilla & Cream (Think Creme Brulee)

VG/PG: 70/30
Category: Floral, Custard, Dessert
Best on: Any Atty!
All Day Vape: Sophisticated Vanilla Custard like no other.
Buy 60ml: $25 Niko Vapes
Website: Coil Vapes

This right here…


You can and everyone still does, it’s just a matter of how OCD you wanna get: shaking obviously introduces air and distributes it throughout the mix, but who doesn’t shake even commercial juices and they don’t just ‘lose’ their nicotine content.

Remember, eveen for all the preparations aand precautions everyone takes to treat their nicotine with kid gloves and store it like it’s a snowflakey thing that’ll curl up and vanish if they treat it wrong, I’ve never once seen a single one of them actually test the nicotine content in their bases, even though you can buy testing kits for $9.95.

There’s a post in the nicotine river thread gfrom a chick who works there where she says there’s no evidence that nicotine itself ever degrades nno matter how it’s stored.

But I also get most people are worried more about how it tastes than the strength, hence the freezing etcetera, which makes sense.

Depends how much you added duh :flushed:

You should have already made all different mixes anyway, so your not putting ack your eggs in one or two mixes and so you’ve got multiple mixes in a few weeks to start testing/tasting so you can learn what’s blugh and what’s good.

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Hey, I just got over my nic transfer project to the freezer. Don’t bring that monster back up for discussion. But well now that you have, it does worry me quite a bit. I have one almost full sealed 32 ounce bottle of 100mg and 250ml of 100mg. I did it both ways, one moved to a bottle the other (250ml) stowed in original plastic bottle. So we shall see how it degrades. I have to move and get more nic as I think what I currently have stored won’t last but 4 yrs. Maybe, who really knows. It is the new elephant in the room.

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Just looking at the colour, you can see it’s been steeped long enough to develop that deep golden colour.

Yeah people seem to review it very well.

Still, with a good custard - which you have - properly steeped and with a few other flavours in accent amounts, you’ll be surprised how easily you can create a custard that’s great and it really wouldn’t be hard for you to pick a few accents that’ll result in a custard that’s easily as good as any commercial - just not exactly like one or another.

It’s just getting that custard flavouring in glycerine to steep and the longer it steeps the tastier it’ll be.

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It’s only an elephant of you pat it :slight_smile:

Order more if you want: …you won’t be able to soon so it’s more or never.

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