First time post!

Well, sometimes it ships (much to my delight, less steeped. I am custard anomaly. I need to purchase jasmine and try that at different levels. I do agree, I will be very pleased with diy custard.

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It’s just because there’s a lot of shitty commercial juice around, so you find a good custard and think it’s magic: it’s not though - just good quality flavours aged properly and poured in a bottle.

You’ve got the good quality flavours Chicklet…

AND the bottles.


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Who do you think you’re talking to? I know you don’t believe it, or you’d already have a dozen different variations of custards and desserts in the cupboard ‘developing’ right now.

Can’t talk bullshit to me :slight_smile:

But you WILL believe it once you’ve tasted a mix you’ve had developing long enough to have the flavour “come-out”: why I’m trying to get you mixing more mixes - to accelerate that process.

You’ve got to have your own mixes steeping long enough to have flavour to learn by taste.

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I actually need to buy more bottles. Getting ready to place another order with Bull City.

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so true!!!

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You are full of shit :slight_smile:

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Hang on, one thing I think we are doing is over estimating how much I need. Not the nic factor but more e liquid per day. If I only vape say at the top mark 7ml per day, I should make 60ml test batches. I can make a 60ml bottle last sometimes eight days.

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…don’t wanna be too nice to you.

Like Pavlov with his dogs: praise you constantly and you won’t get anything done.

Intermittent rewards ftw.

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but god Dis Won is so really good. If I brought some over, that is to say I actually order more before their official close. Can I post in Au or is that too risky? I need to be able to fly back n fourth so no naughtiness please!

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I dunno.

You can mail until October legally guess, then you can mail and pray?

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LOL, my dog is constantly praised not with treats but words and she’s flippin brilliant!!

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Uh huh :slight_smile:

As long as she ALWAYS gets the reward: won’t do anything without praise and adoration anymore.

Much like you :slight_smile:

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alright, don’t get your hopes up but if I make it over with extra bottle I will mail some to you upon arrival. Who knows when that will be as I’m not sitting in hotel for 2 weeks.

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Sure okay :slight_smile:

actually she will as she’s a working breed so working is her reward!! I just proved your theory for you twice!

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Whatever :smirk:

Well you’ll be on a diet of alternating praise and rebuke, since continual praise has seen you mix just 1 bottle of juice so that doesn’t work.

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ummm. you say you don’t have enough nic, but yet your ordering flavors. flavors can be had at any time, nic can not(perhaps). you would be wise to order at least 2 more ltrs, 4 would be better. jmho, ymmv

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Two mixes, 1 @ 15ml, 1 @30ml!

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My mistake, sorry :roll_eyes:

Wait, while I run and print your Artisan Mixing Certificate :neutral_face: