First time post!

Yes, I guess I still am not worried about being able to buy juice when I clearly should be. Thank you for the reminder. I guess in part, I worry that what I purchase won’t be good in 10 years.

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oh. do you have a bottle opening tool ? for juice bottles ? i beleive BCF has them, good investment. and you save all of your used juice bottles ?

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I have just a few of the older styled juice bottles of which I can’t use because I need the labels to stay in tact over time. Otherwise I have four bottles with tiny caps, I believe 50ml’s that I can work with and of course many empty 60ml plastic gorilla bottles.

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perhaps. but look at it this way = if you used to spend $1000 a year in cigs, and probably much more. then these actually really petty amounts we are spends on stocking up are nothing.

invest in your future !

and even if it doesn’t last, at least you tried


At least use the back of a knife: you will ruin your nails.

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ok, those will get you by for a while. and in case you didn’t know, these juice bottles do wear out, at least the clear ones.

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Get a LOT of use outta them before then though.

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i can’t tell you what to do. but you would be wise to spend the few bucks on the tool, really. this truly is a no brainer, much like a scale.


You really fuckin can’t either.

God knows, I’ve tried :slightly_smiling_face:

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Important Customer Notice

From Nude Nicotine & Nude Labs,

First and foremost – our leadership team here at Nude would like to extend a very warm thank you to all of our loyal customers. Some of you have been with us for years, and we truly appreciate the opportunity to keep us at the top of your list for vaping products.

We’d also like to thank you for your patience at this time as we strive to catch up with the massive in flux of orders we’ve been receiving in large part due to the upcoming shipping ban. We will make sure every order is processed and in the mail before the deadline arrives.

In order to facilitate this, we will need to implement a (temporary) final day to purchase from our retail store.

March 28th, 2021.

We want all of you to rest assured that we are working with our lawyers to forge the way to get you our vaping products going forward.

YOU can be a part of this solution as well!

As many of you may know, the shipping ban is prohibiting direct to consumer shipping, however we still will be able to ship to businesses. We encourage as many of you as possible to get to your local vape shops and inquire with them to see if they’d accept shipment for your products. Drop us a line at with the contact info of the shop if they are open to the idea.

We are also working with several vape shipping up-starts, but they are still in the early phases of direct to consumer shipping beta testing, so that may take some time.

As regulations continually change so shall we.

We look forward to servicing all of your vaping needs going forward!

Thank you again!

Nude Nicotine & Nude Labs



Is that to tell you they aren’t accepting anymore orders, or just the standard notice?


Ok on the nic buy again. Should I be concerned with pharma or chroma types? I purchased pharma before for no other reason than I thought it was better?


That is official notice of last order date. I am ordering and I haven’t even officially began the diy journey. This is all backwards for me.


Truly it should be a fun journey but so far it’s been riddled with anxiety. I do appreciate the help though. That part is nice. But the rest of it, almost makes me want to quit.


What’re they brands? If so, a) google and scour the web for reviews to decide or b) just pick one.

Get some oh no, you already said you don’t kind’ve salts.


If you quit now, I will hate you.

Seething hate, not just haha that’s funny cool kinda hate.

Not just cause I’m bored that day and need a temporary victim to be an arsehole to either

Certainly not ‘super-cute angry emoticon’ kinda hate…


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good question and idk myself. more filtered perhaps ? i just bought the chrome.

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God the photos always look SO GOOD!

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