First time post!

That’s so sad


I don’t know what’s worse. Her loosing her lab or loosing access to Holy Reserection. She was a custom mix house.


Supermarket music, is just awful.


Check check check.

@Scotty they’re you go.


You can spend quite a while simply bending custards away from centre with other flavours before committing to dumping a bunch into random recipes you have to wait a month to realize you don’t like.

You like custard: add to that.

I personally found that the Butterscotch, Cheesecake and Butter flavourings - when added at about 1 part to every 10 of custard flavouring - added much more to the richness of the mix and using them at small percentages meant they combined into additional creaminess without their individual flavours being noticeable at all.

I might add more B/Scotch so that’s more dominant, but even at 1% it’s still adding to the overall mix and I should’ve grabbed some caramel too: that’ll add smooth+richness without taking away from the custard itself.

Think about which flavours will strengthen your plain custard base.


I wouldn’t even need to know what a vaporizer is to know the above reply applies globally to anything related to taste, because it’s simple logic :microscope:

Apart from suggesting specific brands of flavours that’re top-shelf and worth having in your collection, nothing else about flavours can be learnt from anyone else because flavour is so subjective it’s like someone else telling you exactly how much blue to add to the yellow for the shade of green they want the grass to be in your painting - a month later you’ve got someone else’s mistake at the back of a closest because you can’t stand looking at it :roll_eyes:

Sure, once you’ve messed with a given flavour enough to know how it mixes with others, you can see it in some recipe and know it will work, but by then you’ll already know your flavours well enough so you never needed other recipes anyway.

Your taste-buds are all you need mix flavours you love - everything else is just background noise distracting you from what you should be doing: playing with flavours to learn them by taste, yourself.


I would write a short-list of flavours you can think of that’ll compliment custard, then go check the rating for each brand by typing them here:

That’ll allow you to order flavours that average the highest rating and ones that boost your standard single-flavour custard mouthfeel and creaminess: cheesecake, butterscotch, butter, creams, vanilla, other highly rated custards, since custard is your favourite flavour that’s your primary project.

Mix your own colours Babe.

Get paint on your hands and fingers and up under your nails; learn which colours to combine by trying stuff yourself: other people’s recipes are to juice-making, what paint-by-number is to real art.

Don’t plod your way through an ugly paint-by-number horse like everyone else: be creative - mix something that’s all you.

Listen to your taste-buds , not other people.


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As for mine: simply adding cheesecake at 2:1 (custard:cheesecake) has creamed the mix out enough to taste almost like Killer Custard, but not quite and I couldn’t realistically give a percentage of how close or far it is, just that each hit reminds me of KC now, so I’ll leave it to steep a few days before I get it out and fuck with it some more.

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If you like fruity flavors, search my ID on the recipe side.


I would add to the list/cart…

Custard Improvement

  • Cheesecake
  • Butterscotch
  • Butter
  • Vanilla Cream
  • Maybe other creams
  • Vanilla
  • Acetyl Pyrazine

And any highly rated custard you don’t already have, just so you can continue expanding on that basic custard and fluff of out or fatten it up if you feel like it…

And then whatever other 5-star rated flavors you need for any recipes you’ll (inevitably) be thinking about for the rest of your cart.

1/3 the cart for custard experimenting, the rest for other mixes.


  • Ice-cream
  • Maple Syrup
  • Brown Sugar
  • Some nice cereal(s)
  • Sleep maybe :sleeping:
  • Graham Cracker
  • Gingerbread Cookie

And I know these are fruit, but if you pick glazed or ‘pie filling’ concentrates they won’t be annoyingly fruity…

  • Stewed Apple maybe, for bakery
  • Mango for the ice-cream


If I were filling the cart :smirk:

I could add more and remove or swap-out for other flavours then check the flavour list for the highest rated version of each - as if it were my own cart - but couldn’t earlier without that list you just gave me and it’s getting a bit late to start on it tonight.

The Acetyl Pyrazine is just a really useful, general nutty kinda flavour that can boost bakery and other nuts and cakes at small % or create a nutty flavour that’s different depending on how much you use, at higher %.

Very flexible flavour that one.


More General…

  • Fresh Milk
  • Meringue
  • Marshmallow
  • Pancakes
  • Glazed Donuts
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Just check whatever flavours your thinking of/or adding to your cart here before locking them in:

And don’t order anything that’s not rated 5 stars by a large number of people.


I do not get it…
That and a list of recommendations …


It’s extremely simple…

Half the list are standard cream and vanilla based flavours to compliment custard - which we already know is her favourite - while the rest are generalized basics anyone into desserts would have in their cupboard, though far from complete they were the first widely usable concentrates that came to mind.

If it turns out she loves one or all the custards she’s already mixed and has in the cupboard steeping all she has to do is swap the custard base for something else and those flavours can be included; if she’s not happy with what she has in the cupboard, she’ll have custard-friendly flavours to change it.

Equally if she does like what she has in the cupboard and still wants to mess around with different custards she’ll have something to do it with.

How she mixes them is up to her, but in order to listen to her taste buds she needs flavours for those tastebuds to taste.


@Scotty it was a SUPER rich, and decadent Vanilla blend from DIY Flavor Shack. It WAS eventually re-formulated, and no longer the same (from what I hear).


Took the words right out of my mouth @Lucas_James_Holden.


I almost added this but just didn’t think I’d have the reserve to use it sparingly. It did say to start in small increments. Maybe I will add it. Cart still has all my stuff just sitting there.


It’s pretty good :slight_smile:

If you use it at too high % it starts tasting like popcorn I find, while I’ve read other people say corn chips.

It’s smell will also remind you how strong it is when you uncap the bottle don’t you worry about that.


What’s in you’re cart already?

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Sliced onion is often underrated too: especially white, being milder - wet, crunchy and fresh with any sliced sandwich meat goes well with any condiment and is a nice change from standard lettuce or tomato.

Lettuce and tomato are of course, better for your breathe though they manage to get boring after a while and if I’m adding those to a sandwich I’ll usually omit any meat at all and just stack heaps of lettuce and tomato in with just mayonnaise plus fresh ground pepper :thinking: