First time post!

HEAPS of fresh ground pepper: I love that shit.

Unlike chili that ONLY adds heat, ground pepper adds that aromatic flavour that’s unlike any other flavour in any herb or spice I’ve ever tasted.

Brilliant: sharp but rounded at the same time.


This custard tastes better tonight than last night.

The actual custard flavouring has only been in there a week: I’m pretty sure it’s the other flavours I added the other night with their shorter steep times coming out ahead as said custard is only beginning to emerge.


@SessionDrummer yeah the cheesecake mostly I’m sure, though this particular mix is a hodgepodge of custard + vanilla cream, plus butterscotch, plus cheesecake, plus butter base, plus … forget all of them actually, but there’s 9 flavours all up: 3 primary and 6 in tiny amounts to boost the custard/vanilla cream/cheesecake.

I’ve got separate mixes with just butterscotch, just cheesecake, butter and cheesecake plus only custard/vanilla cream which all have as a base as well as the boosters just mentioned and all are steeping away so I can get an idea which is the better option.

And I’ve added a little Raw Sugar to all too, because the Sweet Honey got progressively sweeter after a few days in a previous mix until it started becoming a primary flavour more noticeable than the others.

Still, I don’t know how they manage to create flavours like Honey and Raw Sugar that vape sweet but don’t taste sweet when you lick-test: there’s no actual sweetener going on in them because they taste bitter and disgusting as liquid, yet flavour juices and vape fine.

Fucking chemists and their sorcery!


Cats and dogs out there - winter is almost here :snowflake::snowman_with_snow::snowflake:


Best get your kayak and winter woolies out there.


Hey look, our overnight is more than your daytime for Monday… Lol.


Yeah almost 30°C at the busiest time if day is the price you’ll pay for that :slight_smile:

Meanwhile, it won’t even crack the 20°C mark at that time of day and 3:00AM I’m asleep and unconcerned with whatever temperature it is outside.

Wet could suck for others, but I don’t mind a bit of rain splattering me: it’s one those elemental experiences like storms that’re good to be out in given they happen less often than they, don’t.

Couple months when the wind starts and it’s 3-5°C at midday I will care about the cold more, but unfortunately the weather doesn’t cater specifically for me :angry:


Still spins me out a bit, that less than 1km from where I am in any direction there are massive, million acre valleys that used to be massive prehistoric lakes dinosaurs swam in and flew over.


I will send a snapshot soon. Still working it all out. It’s been a slow process between work and sorting through what I think I need to replicate a few custards.


I never ever add salt to anything but I am mighty with a pepper mill grinder in hand!


You know, I’m starting to really grasp the steep time required of custards. Just a start, not fully grasping the actual time involved. I’m ok with this now as looking at my two mixes daily is almost sheer joy to note the differences in smell and a little bit in color. I’m really enjoying this process. It’s akin too letting a fine wine age.

I know, I’m a complete newbie expressing these thoughts but just let me have my time with this.


What does this look like? Is it crystals or liquid? I guess I can google but eh.


14c mild! Kansas City just came out of boring bad winter with lows of -14c to average of -1c. NSW winers are easy peasy!!


Giant Vapes stopped shipping to me a long time ago…I live in MA :rage: …The ban capital of USA. And the worse part is that they are only 45 minutes away and the new owners won’t allow in person pick up. The original owners were super friendly and laid back. Vaping 360 owns it now.


Have they pulled any bones out and replicated any of those massive creatures?


Hey @muth is there a flavor ban there? If I can be of assistance let me know and if I’m here in USA I will ship to you if you need anything.


Yes, MA started this flavor ban where you are only allowed tobacco flavors :crazy_face: and then what’s the use of that if mail carriers won’t deliver? We have vape shops but they are restricted to tobacco flavors. I’m sure if I tried hard enough I could find one that would be willing to fly under the radar.

Where do you live now? I appreciate the offer. I’ll bookmark your post so I don’t forget who offered, lol.


I reside in Kansas City!!


You would be shipping to Boston! I’ve done this before with a vape friend who’s closer (NJ). I paypaled her the money so she could place a legal order then I paid her the shipping cost to my address. It’s a pita but what can ya do? And now Giant Vapes can’t really offer free shipping anymore because of the signature fee and alternative carriers. The more I think about it the more I think I better hone my mixing skills, lol.


I’m exactly the same, I don’t like the really hot peppers either.


Denver may be going the same way, which is why I started on this DIY journey in December. They may legislate being able to only sell tobacco flavors, and menthol-tobacco would be considered “not tobacco”. I freaked out because I am a menthol-tobacco vaper. Gotta say, I am so glad I found this site and started experimenting with menthol-tobacco recipes. I’m getting close to finding my ADV and, as you know, I am starting to experiment with melons and some fruit flavors. And just as important, I’m having fun.