First time post!

I don’t know what they’ve found, but they’re very limited: not only is it world heritage protected national park, the vast majority of it is completely inaccessible - the topography is just too heavily undulating for people to explore even on foot let alone with vehicles and helicopters are required to get to specific locations out there.

Sure there’s plenty of trails and tracks out there, but they cover like 1% of the national park if that.

They have found the only surviving prehistoric plant- the wolemi pine - growing unchanged in a tiny evolutionary pocket out there which is a remarkable tree to see: it lierally looks like a tree you would see in an illustrated dinosaur book for kids.

I got photos here somewhere of a young flowering plant at the local wildplant nursery…

That’s not the whole plant and I’m sure I took more, but everything about the Wolemi Pine is basic and spiky and unlike any plant I’ve ever seen anywhere: online or off…

I told the staff I wanted to boil the tree down when it’s flowering and turn it into cologne.

They were not supportive of that idea at all.


It’s completely unique - pepper :slight_smile:

Something else I always think would be a good component of a cologne if I were making one, though I’m quite sure that freshly ground smell can’t be stored in a bottle at all :sob:


You are easy peasy.


Glad we at least aren’t going to be slapped with that level of control…

Apart from nicotine importation being illegal without prescription come October, everything else will still be legal.

I think…


I hope so for your sake.


Me too :slight_smile:

So far I’ve heard nothing except that nicotine will require a doctor and prescription - nothing else has been mentioned :thinking:


What the heck would a doctor write a RX for liquid nicotine for?
I can see nic patches and nic gum but…liquid?


You can’t be asking about real raw sugar?

That’s, just sugar…

More caramel coloured than white sugar, which I currently have but alternate between that, raw and coffee crystals depending on mood…

Raw sugar…


I don’t know, nobody does but they’ve mouthed the same ‘saving the kids’ shit and I assume needing a script is meant to stop teenagers ordering online?

I cannot talk beyond that, since it’s been made perfectly clear we’re not allowed to discuss anything related to the ‘P’ word or involves the running of our countries.

Something both @Scotty and I were stunned to discover a few weeks ago, being the first online forum either of us have stumbled across that restrict opinion or free speech like that, but then found it was agreed upon by everyone.

Kinda like the way everyone on that creepy little island agreed to burn Edward Woodward in the big effigy at the end of the Wicker Man :sunglasses:



What does that mean? Is the P word politics?

Your politicians’ logic about nicotine prescriptions is just as looney as our politicians’ thinking, period!


Careful now! :smirk:

Yes, they’re idiots :slight_smile:


I mixed a full 100mL of citric acid salts this time…

That’s commitment for you.

Though I ended up cutting back the CA to 8g, which may not be enough and require another gram if there’s still some freebase floating around in there hmm…

If I cough my lungs up after vaping it, I’ll know there’s still too much unbound freebase in it; if it’s smooth enough to have nicotine sickness creep up on me without knowing, job well done.

Edit: I didn’t cough my lungs up but I do wonder, whether adding 1:1 Acid:Freebase combine into 1 part nic salt or 2, because even adding just 30% of that 100mg/mL base to a bit of test juice it seemed much stronger than the ~33mg/mL it should’ve been.


Take as long as you like: I’m just throwing-out flavours commonly listed in custard recipes to consider since I know you’ve got an open cart that’s still unfilled, that you love custards and because there’s that latency between mixing and vaping where you’ve got time to consider the next order.

There are several flavours I ordered myself last week in the list, but I didn’t order them randomly: they’re all common custard recipe inclusions.

Unless flavours will be unshippable there next month too, though I don’t think they will be since you and Muth are organizing an order-for/send-to thing.


Because chillis only add heat without any real flavour of their own: I usually get the impression people into super hot chili are into it purely for bragging rights, because it turns eating a meal into an endurance thing.

Most other hot spices bring more to the table, with heaps of flavour along with the heat.


All these different sugars and honey and golden syrup which I’ll also want and much like the chilli post above, they all add flavour too.

Compared to them, sweeteners are like chilli peppers; only adding sweetness while the flavourings for them add the taste of those things and like I said they somehow don’t seem to actually contain sweetener because they taste like shit when you lick em, while sucralose, stevia etcetera all make juice sickly sweet with just a few drops.


I’m fuckin sick of taking about juice.

I can mix fine without talking about it y’know? :smirk:

Like making coffee, or lunch, or having a shower or going shopping: I don’t feel the need to endlessly discuss the minutia of what’s involved in what colour shopping bags I got or how the plastic ‘feels’ against my skin, or which coffee tasted better that day and why that specific coffee turned out better :roll_eyes:

Yet I’m sure I’ll be over being sick of talking about juice when I crack open some bottle I’d forgot I mixed and find its tasting awesome, thanks to an obsessive focus on anything that interests me that’s always been there.

Nosing my way into complete immersion in something, learning everything I possibly can about that thing until I understand exactly how it works and then suddenly, one day I’ll just realize “I know all I want to about that.” before dropping it like stale dog-shit to hone-in on something else.

Frequently I’ll return to something that got to that obsessively interesting point with the intention of picking it back up, but once the initial phase of discovery has peaked the excitement of stuffing my brain full of knowledge about it is gone too.

I know how it all works, I can do whatever it is proficiently now: no need to continue with it.


Nope, they have their own flavour.
Not all chilies are stupidly hot, they are after all from the genus Capsicum and they definitely add a flavour all of their own to recipes.


I guess… though it’s not much flavour in proportion at all with the amount of hotness.

I like the green jalapenos in subways mind you, but not packing-out a plate til it’s so hot I’m pissing sweat after one forkful :slight_smile:

There’s plenty other ways to cause myself pain than that, and I generally avoid those too :scream:


Love my Thai green curry, and also Madras, Vindaloo or Phaal Indian curry. Heaps of flavour and nicely warming.


I’d probably like Indian food generally but I’ve never gone out my way to learn it.

Also I remember a few years ago spending a week at this chicks place who was trying to start her own ashram and had herself a “real” old woman guru or whatever who cooked most nights.

This old woman would serve up a large plate with a small spoon of plain rice and a small puddle of brown liquid that looked like gastro with a tiny shred of flat bread - not even a full peice.

Like how is that a meal?

I’d eat it, thinking the first night “this must just be the entree…” only to be disappointed while listening to the chick I was there to visit just RAINING compliments down to this guru about how perfectly the whatever it was turned out and I’m just sitting next to her looking at my plate doing everything I can to not roll my eyes and groan loudly at her.

Yeah that had some chilli in it, though it was the tiny serve and god that whole visit was SO fucking WEIRD there was always an uncomfortable air about the place, because I’d stated from the start that the whole arrangement was fucking weird as shit and yeah I said it to her but I’m sure she told the rest, which let me know pretty quickly how much trust I could put in her.

Always felt like they were just waiting to get the numbers to go all Jonestown… way they were all so 100% obedient to that old bitch I couldn’t comprehend it…

And making ‘inside jokes’ to each other about how jesus didn’t really get crucified, he returned to India as if a) they know something nobody else does and b) anyone even gives a shit.

They would treat her like she was the second coming herself, while all I saw was a lazy old cow on newstart sponging off everyone.

It didn’t work out with that chick.