First time post!

Freezer storage:
100mg almost full 32 ounce glass amber bottle
100mg 250ml plastic

Basement storage:
100mg 60ml bottle (that I can’t open)

Working bottle:
100mg 60ml bottle
6mg 60ml bottle

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Oh noes!! :slight_smile:

That can be for last: it’l be loose enough by then.

Wtf is a 32 ounce anything Babe I DO NOT UNDERSTAND :slight_smile:

32 x 30mL…

320 x 3…


About 1.2 litres anyhoo…

1 ounce = 29.5ml so 32 x 29.5 944mls or something close to that figure.

What size bottle should be deemed my “working bottle”

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So take the 32 ounce bottle and put that in the fridge if that’ll make you feel better - leave the big 250mL and any others you order in the freezer because that 1.2 litre bottle plus the 60ml one will last you a thousand mixes x

The 32 ounce is in the freezer!

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I think several 60mL bottles should be.

Or one 250mL bottle.

Hang on… if I use a 250ml bottle and open continuously to mix, won’t that degrade the nic? Dear god here we go again.

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So then you’ve only got 60mL of 100mg base outside the freezer: 60mL will last a little while, but if you don’t want to keep defrosting and freezing, get 250mL out the 32 ounce and fill another bottle with it.

Then chuck all the working bottles in the fridge and take them out as needed.

That’s pretty cute :slight_smile:

Don’t worry about it - it won’t degrade that fast :heart_eyes:

…i’ve been using the same 500mL bottle that’s never even been NEAR the fridge for 2 months now and there’s NO difference in colour OR strength :slight_smile:

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And also: opening the bottle to stick a needle in and suck some liquid out isn’t the same geez you worry SO much :happycry:

I shake my bottle before using it automatically; leave it in the cupboard, leave it sitting open while I’m mixing - its fine :slight_smile:

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I dunno. It seems like the 60ml bottle I have out is getting some color to it as before when freshly opened was clear. Are you calling me crazy? LOL!

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It’s not THAT delicate and nicotine is NOT a volatile substance Babe: stop worrying so much.

Pour what you feel you’ll want for a few months in a bottle (I’d go 250mL or so), stick it in the fridge OR cupboard and just USE it like you do ther glycerine or flavourings.

It won’t go bad on you for a long time (if ever) even if you shake it, leave the lid off or don’t cool it at all.

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Have you got it in the light?

Daylight seems to be the only thing that rapidly changes juice colour on me.

So if anything: keep it in the dark when you’re not sloshing it round.

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Never heard anyone so worried about their nicotine :slight_smile:

Just stop it :smirk:

Oops… see I’m typo’ing now :slight_smile:

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Just… shhhhh… relax: you’ll end up with a personality disorder getting too OCD about what is, a VERY stable chemical :slight_smile:

YOU will end up disintegrating before the nicotine does x

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keep all of your nic in the freezer. except a small bottle, i wouldn’t use larger than 60ml, that you keep in the fridge.

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