First time post!

It’s gonna suck today.

4 hours is my usual limit of focus: this will be a 7 hour shift.


…in a place I have to continually monitor my behavior and not be inappropriate.



or one of my favs “you’re a long time dead”


imagine that, not worried about the kiddos but worried about adults in the room, lol


It’s casual and not full-time hrm…

Easy work though.


Yes and you should put-in an order, Gorgeous:

It’ll take longer than your American sites and you’ve gotta commit to 30mL minimum bottles with VTA, but their flavours are on point.

Of the 30 or so bottles I now have of theirs, every flavour so far has been bang-on: that’s why the honey & milk tastes like authentic honey and milk.

There are a few flavours I’ve read about from VTA that other people have been less than impressed by but not within our preferred flavour range: all of the dessert/creamy/custard flavours we’re into are excellent and any of them you order will be worth the wait.



Running outta 15mL mix bottles!

Chubby Gorillas though, do that’s good I wil order the much sexier satin-finish bottles next Muth calls “Cosmos”

Little retro fuckers they are… hope they come in 15mL.

Finally have some that Fizzy Sherbet everyone who’s ordered from VTA seem to be so in-love with, which will be paired with the Rose…

Fizzy Rose.

Maybe a few drops of strawberry.


Rose with milk or cream could probably work too, though I have a sneaking suspicion the association between Rose and Soap might just be too strong for the Rose to be used at high or even average percentages.

Accent notes only.


I just added vanillian, or something with that name. Does that ring a bell. I love their pictures and descriptions… so far


I have to admit, I am THAT person who always rips through over excessive amounts of towels… and I always stash the good smelling bottles of lotion… I have been known to take two or maybe three made in Au face towels. I AM THAT PERSON!! Turn me in, I must be stopped!!


They’re good quality towels - not taking em would be the real crime.

Vanillin rings a bell - the concentrated extract, which I think is the chemical in vanilla beans that gives it the flavour/aromatic.

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I got this killer custard shit nailed.


Nailed like, totally… nearly.

What I don’t have nailed, is a stealth vape for the hotel since there’s not really any chance to go skulking around outside vaping, so I’ll have to sort-out a stealthier device so I can vape salts all sneaky like, in the cleaners cupboards.

Going several hours without nicotine is just not an option.

You leave em on the floor all wet and bunched too I suppose?

I was surprised to learn it’s standard practice there to use those dirty towels to wipe, mop the floor and everything else before dumping them all down the washing shute for the laundry bitches to deal with :slight_smile:

So no need to feel bad about that: you’re just leaving more cleaning rags around for us to use :smirk:

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… hang on…

Good god it’s fuckin cold today… kinda cold where there’s not much wind, but it seeps into everything anyway.

i can recommend a Smok NORD. a descent puff can be had from them if needed, small and concealable. but, i have found flavor is not good(factory 1.4or6 ohm coil) and idk how good battery life is, have not used it for extended periods of time.


Flavour’s not so important if it means saving myself having to wait 4-6 hours :grimacing:

Only took me 2 hours to start licking the fill-slot on my tank yesterday :thinking:

with high’ish nic and light puffs it should last a lot of your 8hr day. if you have a place to chaarge it = puff away.

but now that i think about it, the NORD has a fire button. if you keep it in your pocket, perhaps not a good thing(loose pockets would be ok). so maybe a draw fire would be better for you.

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Nah, only 4-6 hours shifts but I’ve also got HEAPS of pockets in the work pants I wear and a bunch of lithium ion power-bank’s plus I’ll probably have a backpack once I settle in and find somewhere to put it.

I’ve also got this little Drag X plus mod now, so a little pod with 510 base would last a week on the 21700’s I got for it - they’re new too and 4200mAh.

So a … actually I’d probably be best with a MTL tank since I’ll have to use it with salts anyhow: a tiny 510 MTL RTA ideally - the mod itself is not as tiny as pod kits can get, but small enough to slip in most my pockets without triggering the fire button.

Course the pod came with the drag x is too air and large to use as a MTL, plus uses pre-built coils which are very, VERY good are 0.2ohm and default to 50W so they’re just monstrously big for stealthy vaping.

Great for home though: I had to disable the smoke detector and finally did when it kept screeching after only a few minutes of vape-triggered annoyance.