Whyyyyyy though what is WRONG with them?
Surely they can’t ALL be terrible?
But on the bright side: my rostered 3-day weekend begins tomorrow - I plan to make at least three new recipes I’ve not had the time to focus on all week
I stayed back an extra two hours just then too - helped the old alcy woman who ‘trained’ me and I’m sure she was half pissed when I got upstairs to start assisting her with her last two rooms: really I’m not just saying that - she was slurring words, dropping cutlery, knockin’ shit over and just had that weird kinda ‘loud’ and boisterous pisshead kinda deal goin on.
Only place I can think she would’ve got it in the middle of an all-day shift stuck cleaning rooms like the rest of us, was out the fridge of a checked-out guest, who often leave half bottles of wine and beer behind.
Being the randomly stand-up super-nice guy I am, I made a point of acting as though I didn’t notice any this weird drunkard-type behavioural tells and just got on with it - business as usual.
Oh and I’ve finally got Capella VC v1 Babe: obtained, in the cupboard plus steeping a 60mL mix, which was intended to be a single/solo flavour test but then I thought about the 2-week wait for ANY custard yum to start emerging and thought better of that.
Both smell-testing from the bottle and the back of my hand as well as vaping the fresh mix so far, it tastes exactly like Warm Custard [VTA], which I thought it would though I’m not entirely sure why and it’s strange since there’s no vanilla in the Warm Custard but well, I always have added Vanilla Cream [VTA] to the Warm Custard anyway so there’s that mystery sorted.
Ended up adding the following, in select, carefully considered percentages…
- Vanilla Custard
- French Vanilla
- Vanilla Cream
- Raw Sugar
This one doesn’t taste like Killer Custard at all: but just a nice light, smooth, creamy custard - light being the operative word since I wanted the Vanilla Custard to stay dominant.
You can have that recipe if you like and substitute Vanilla Cream with any plain cream plus one of the vanillas you ordered, you can sub the Raw Sugar for Cotton Candy, and you’ve already got the other two flavours: french vanilla and Vanilla Custard
Certainly I didn’t need to, but if I’m going to test the Capella Custard it’s going to take weeks to steep-out, so there’s fuckall point making a 15mL mix, which meant a 60mL of course and consequently logic dictated that if I’m to be sitting on a 60mL bottle of custard I might just as well add a few extras to boost it into an actual recipe that’s worth vaping because I’m going to have enough to be vaping it for weeks.
Remind me tomorrow too, to buy custard and drink it.
I continue to forget but when I remember I’ve forgotten, I imagine one them 750mL bottles of the really nice dairy brand - they make their own custard in a bottle just big enough to fill either of the main pockets in my pants, so rather than iced-coffee or cold milk I want thick, ice-cold vanilla custard to glug down.
Ugh… if it wasn’t too much a pain in the arse I’d go into town and get some now, which’s why I gotta remember tomorrow to get that shit while I’m walking past the fridge.
Now though: dinner then to add this maple tobacco to some pre-steeped custard mix that’s festering in the dark cupboard - because I’m fuckin’ certain the two will go together like bread and butter.