Fix My Mix - Bring your trouble recipes here!

Can you maybe post a link for your recipe? You may be able to increase the throat hit by adjusting your PG/VG percentages.

Higher PG gives you a stronger throat hit, if that’s an option, for you. (Found this out the hard way :sweat_smile:)

What sort of rig are you vaping with? Can you use a thinner liquid without adverse effects on your setup?

Also, a few drops of vodka will also give you a bit of a throat hit without too much thinning or flavor change…?


Thanks for the help fam., I couldn’t wait😔…, I had to run to town & wasn’t sure what to do with it so I squonked my Wismec Luxotic & dipped a lil A.P. top of tht…, it gave it a different taste, but gave me more feeling, so I hurried up & threw about 30 drops in the remaining 90ml… It really changed the flavor though…, it went from a coconut cream to a coconut cookie! Its ok…, but


Still missing something


this is why solos are important to test from low to high.
You will not only get a feel for the flavor… but ideas of what or where to use how much.

You need to take a lot of notes on what you taste. :slight_smile:


Im not even gonna waste anymore sft bottles on these flavors tho… Idk… I probably won’t even have to use most if any of these other flavors in my stash in about a week or 2 :astonished: Idk I might use a lil here & there:)…


Hey there my friends, I am hoping to get a bit of help for a Flavorah recipe. I need to drop the % and could use some help getting a better idea of the flavors.

OG recipe

Berry Blend 2.5%
Cheesecake 1.75
Cream 2%
Frosting 1%
Raspberry 1.25%

This is how I changed it but I think it probably needs to come down more.

Berry Blend 2%
Cheesecake 1%
Cream 1.25%
Frosting .75%
Raspberry 1%


What’s the profile supposed to be? As Frosting goes, that’s high (from my POV anyway). The ‘frosting’ aspect gives way to more of a sweetener above 0.4% or so from what I’ve experienced. But that’s the only one of those flavors I have tried, so maybe there’s someone out there with a lot of FLV experience who may be willing to speak up. :wink:


Smoky Style!

Berry Blend 1.4%
Cheesecake 1.2%
Cream .6%
Frosting .4%
Raspberry .8%

Try this instead, @Dan_the_Man :slight_smile:


I’ll try that. Thank you very much my dear. I haven’t mixes w/ FLV in quite a while but when I was using them a lot I found that they don’t need a lot of time to steep.


They don’t… I’d let that sit for a few days… maybe 5 at the most :slight_smile:


Need some help here to do the gooey chewy toffee taste… not quite there yet, the licorice is all right but… missing something…


I don’t have those flavors @Iv3shf, but question… why not use the toffee bar flavor from flv??
the “bar” part… if used low really doesn’t show up, so you might want to add it in? Or sample it to see if you need a remix??

I need more coffee :slight_smile:


Don’t we all need coffee…
FLV Toffee it’s in my next wish list, the point is that I need it to show up, I’ll push it high at like 1-1.2%


Start low, Frank… :slight_smile: not high… around .4% to start


Imma working on it brother. I’ve been trying to Caramel, Creams , ice creams, butterscotch’s are my man flavors that I have been trying to get just perfect. Maybe a fruit or two added and or some extra bakery notes. As soon as I really think I have a real real winner you will be the first to know. I promise man👊 Talk at ya sooner than later I hope. Peace!


I’ve really been trying four many months now. I just got 13 new flavors in today to work with… I do have some decent ones but I really think they all need tweaking. I got some of those flavors that I needed today I plan on mixing up some old flavors and do the tweak test. Lmao I h gIve it a whirl brother for sure. I bet ya I will have one or two hopefully in about 2-3 weeks because of steeping and all. Good man I gotta get up duder. Sh!t:(


I would love a good pina colada recipe. I’ve taken your old Strawberry Custard recipe and used your % but changed the ingredients, well, I’ve changed the company’s, and it’s simply one of the best e liquids I’ve ever vaped. Period. Absolutely, unbelievably, fabulous. I’m saying this, because I’m of a feeling that if anyone can do this, it’s you. Only problem is, RF(sc) are no longer a company. Help!


Have you tried Hangsen Blueberry? I struggle with Blueberries too, but I think this one is the best of a bad bunch, imo.


Yes i have I get a candy BB vibe…Since that post my taste buds must of changed bc MF BB is so good now and FW BB combined with the MF is what finally did it for me …I do need to play with the Hangsen again . I think the first few times i tried it I went to high …


Oh YES it IS !!!