Flavor BAN!

Wow and gone that was quick probably due to the grammatical error in it

As I said unconfirmed but I believe that a 24 hour TRO has been granted with possible ruling tomorrow at 11 am



I think he is one of the attorneys in the MI case


The original tweet: https://twitter.com/rphallisey845/status/1179175184693170177

Benevolent E-liquid’s Fakebook page does not appear to have much of anything related on it:


That’s gone too.


Here is a case where flavor loving puffers and dealers could quite realistically say, “thanks, Obama !”:

LA Times (October 1, 2019):

The FDA tried to ban flavors years before the vaping outbreak. Top Obama officials rejected the plan

… Food and Drug Administration … four years ago, when it tried to ban flavored fluids for e-cigarettes.

If the FDA ban had gone through, the kid-friendly vaping liquids would have been pushed off store shelves. Instead, over the course of 46 days, a deluge of more than 100 tobacco industry lobbyists and small business advocates met with White House officials as they weighed whether to include the ban as part of a new tobacco control rule.

The end result: Senior Obama administration officials nixed the ban and much of the evidence supporting it, according to documents reviewed by the Los Angeles Times. The officials told The Times that a cost-benefit analysis suggested the economic burden on vape shops appeared to outweigh potential health benefits of the ban.


Now, as a mysterious vaping-related lung disease has doctors and parents urging the nation’s 3.6 million young users to quit, many are finding that they physically can’t — they’re hooked. It’s exactly the kind of youth addiction crisis the Food and Drug Administration had warned of four years ago, when it tried to ban flavored fluids for e-cigarettes.

If the FDA ban had gone through, the kid-friendly vaping liquids would have been pushed off store shelves.

Instead, over the course of 46 days, a deluge of more than 100 tobacco industry lobbyists and small business advocates met with White House officials as they weighed whether to include the ban as part of a new tobacco control rule.

The end result: Senior Obama administration officials nixed the ban and much of the evidence supporting it, according to documents reviewed by the Los Angeles Times.

The officials told The Times that a cost-benefit analysis suggested the economic burden on vape shops appeared to outweigh potential health benefits of the ban.

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October 2, 2019:

A Vape Ban Would Crush Oregon Cannabis Oil Extractors. Gov. Kate Brown May Do It Anyway. Oregon’s cannabis industry was already reeling from oversupply. One bright spot was oil extraction


Andrew DeWeese, a cannabis lawyer, says Brown could use executive powers to declare a state of emergency. But DeWeese says the cannabis industry will fight back if a ban is imposed.

“Because there are so many companies in Oregon that have substantial revenue streams coming from vape products,” he says, “those companies might take the position that the state of emergency declared goes beyond what powers the governor has to declare that emergency.”


Great articles @Raven-Knightly, and I see a continuing trend, wherein “vaping” and “THC/Cannabis” are used almost interchangeably. I another article posted by another user, again, vaping and the THC/Vitamin E Acetate were blurred, and blended interchangeably again.

It pisses me off, every time I see it. I don’t know how you or ELR feel about this, but many of us have been happily vaping along, DIY’ing, and we haven’t killed ourselves yet, or been rushed to the hospital, etc. As soon as the “other guys” started fuc%^&* around, jacking THC and then cutting it with Vitamin E Acetate, all hell breaks loose, and WE, get lumped in with THEM.

Want to get baked, roll a joint, hit a bong, eat a cookie, go fu$% up your own shit, and stay the hell out of ours. No offense to any die hard THC’ers out there, but don’t screw us up.


But it is marketeers - and not end-users (just as would be the case regarding Nicotine vapers and vendors) causing potential harms for end-users consuming their possibly tainted (“illicit” market) products. There exists little interest among PTBs regarding the dominant area of dangers (THC liquids) - because States either do not (or, if so, very wealky and ineffectually) regulate such things. Dr Michael Siegel’s latest (Oct 1):

The “Other” Youth Vaping Epidemic: Why Has It Been Ignored?

Further, it is quite demonstrably government-employed pernicious shitheads and liars who are not at all reducing danger/harm - they are busy actually vastly increasing danger/harm by intellectual dishonesty. This is not something that end-users have caused. Only fair to pick appropriate villains wisely (and accurately).


Supply and demand ? Is/was there a DEMAND for THC vaping ? Did suppliers/manufacturers just up and create it and hope for demand ?

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That argument could just as easily be used against you yourself as a consumer of things that you may like. You wanted something nice. Somebody cooked-up something dangerous. Therefore it must be all your fault.


OH YES @Raven-Knightly, OH YES !!!

Wasn’t it Michigan (I can’t keep them straight any more), who banned everything EXCEPT the very closed pod systems that WERE killing people ?


There is no argument to be made about myself, or other responsible vapers/DIY’ers. I don’t know who started the FIRST ecig, but there either was a demand for it, OR, they took a risk, saw a market niche, invested the money, and marketed, and waited to see if they were going to be a hero or zero. It took off.

Sheeple flock(ed) to the commercial juices, but the smart ones, went DIY. I know a lot of people, many of whom smoke, cigs, pot, etc., and I never once heard any mention of wanting to vape THC. Vaping was vaping, getting high was getting high.

I refused to delve into a re-hashing of DIK’s, EM, Suc, Sugars, etc. and the dangers, but with all of the NIC out there, many (some) of it, fairly high concentrations (i.e. 100-250mg), you just DON’T hear about vapers blowing up, dying, being rushed to the hospital, and THAT, says a LOT, about US.

My anger is not at you Raven, keep posting the good stuff you are, but my anger is against/towards those who have/are working towards screwing it up for all of us. As you’ve clearly mentioned, our “appointed” (and not appointed) officials are BUSY at work, trying to fuck it up as well, so “fuck show” doesn’t even come close, and I need another drink before I talk about the CDC and FDA jacktards.


Yes, ultimately “somebody” is to blame, no two ways about it. I shall pour ANOTHER drink, and continue to lash out at all those who work to harm, what I hold dear.


Dammit @anon84779643, 1930’s !!! ???

Now I gotta read that now LOL.



But to fall for the fake-out that it is people (just) like you (I would argue, despite how “special” we may think that we are) - not drug prohibitions themselves - constitutes a victory for your and our oppressors. It is an imitation - rather than a repudiation - of a totalitarian chemical-statist state. They want nothing more than to divide and conquer regular folks against themselves. Looks like they succeeded. Who shall we persecute ?

Note: My only point above is that regular folk end-users who hold this or that “dear” are not the true villains.


You can start with Big Pharma and their drugs…

but afraid… years ago we all couldn’t ban together… there were many advocates for us… and they all want Money.

for the diy crowd… no one wants to come off their money… its why a lot of folks do diy…

I guess the coming weeks will tell the full story… so far the lull before the storm is here…

Who knows what will happen.


I’ve been vaping long enough to remember pre-pod and pre-nic salts times, both of which appear to have been “invented” by BT.
Before Pods and nic salts there were no issues, but as soon as BT made the decision to enter the fray with products developed and designed to increase the nic level to a more addictive level the wheels have come off the industry.
So in my humble opinion it is all down to BT doing the same as they did with their tobacco products, increase dependency on nicotine.
Before the high levels of nicotine offered in nic salts the kids were not interested as they didn’t get a “high” from the normal freebase that was being sold in the 3-18mg range. Now that they can get a high they are all over it. Just saying.


Start by anyone/everyone that sells, or includes Vitaman E Acetate solo, or as an additive.
Follow up with any/all shop(s) that sell to anyone, under age, any ecigs, or juice, or NIC.
That alone, would be a great start. Everyone want to hold hands and sing with the THC crowd, fine.