Flavor BAN!

My 2 cents about this is that cannabis should be legalized, not just in the US but world-wide. People will find their way to it and as long as it’s not legalized, it’ll be in the hands of criminals who lack the knowledge to deal with the products and empathy for their buyers.
As long as it remains a black market product, problems like this will keep happening. Users will keep ending up having issues with the law, it’ll place an unnecessary burden on society.

If all these people who got hurt and died had legal and unhindered access to cannabis, none of them would’ve been hurt and none of us vapers would have to worry about having access to the things that keep us from smoking tobacco.

We gotta get rid of all these oppressive and dividing politicians, they’re literally killing us.


Not necessarily. It depends on how far the rabbit hole the government decides to go. Once the black market hits stronger for vaping it could gain some serious grounds to go even deeper and eliminate some of the other products too. It all depends on how far the rabbit hole the government is willing to go down.


I’ve never purchased any nicotine or e-liquid from China. I’ve heard that they have some good nicotine but it’s a hard pass for me.


after the recent incidents hopefully more light will be shed on that topic.


It is the small-minded who will hate you for an opinion. The rest of us understand you have a right to yours and may speak it.

Pods were originally designed for ease of use and and stealthier applications. As they were intended, I have no problem with them. Never been interested, but not offended. But because of their ease of use and disposable nature, they quickly became the go-to for the underage crowd. Too easy to get, use, and hide. Unfortunate.

And enter the street pods with the THC and less-than-sterile sourcing, and now they’ve become a centerpiece for the attack on vaping. I really loathe that.

As for salts, I love them because they remove the throat menace that nearly drove me away from the hobby. It’s more about responsibility than the product itself in my opinion. Salts and pods are easily abused, and often are. My two cents too.


When those started to come on the market my spidey senses started going straight through the roof. Even some of the local B&M’s in my state started taking them off the shelves due to concerns.


I didn’t think much of it because I was viewing them through the lens of a ‘seasoned vaper’; one who thought of them as yet another smoking cessation tool, as well as a new way to vape in situations where the big gear just wasn’t logistically feasible. I admit, I didn’t see the rampant abuse coming.


So one more thing that kind of irks me is that there are flavors of cigarillos like grape, boozy watermelon, mango, banana surprise, etc. Why are these not off the market? Banana surprise and boozy watermelon are horrible as my research found out.


That’s an opinion and I get where you’re coming from, but it’s just another thing that will be banned while there is a valid demand for them. Responsible regulation would be much more helpful in my opinion. Like how you can get over-the-counter medication and stuff that you need prescription for for example. Not saying that is the way to regulate it, but banning products should really be the very last resort if literally nothing else works.


Big Tobacco and Big Pharma agree with you, which is why these vaping devices are in the banning crosshairs. They’ve tried to get them to go away but have been unsuccessful, so it’s last resort time.


If you have corrupt politicians that are led by corporations, that’s the result you get. You guys have some pretty good non-corrupt politicians but you just don’t vote them into the right positions :wink:


This is great for both of them - big tobacco reestablishes a virtual monopoly and big pharma similarly has the monopoly on cessation products - medical insurance profits from the continued sicknesses - it’s a win for everyone except public health


seems to me they offer the exact right nic content for somebody trying to quit first time, that is close to the nic they were getting from smokes…assuming they’re a medium -heavy smoker. (people forget that not all the nic makes it into your bloodstream, and therefore false equivalents get quoted all over the place; and that’s highly discouraging for a fresh quitter, who doesn’t usually realise that he’s cutting his nic intake substantially. That vaping succeeds in spite if that is amazing! If you look at the fine print on a nicotine patch, you’ll see the patches are allowed to marketed by the amount of nic the user expected to absorb, not by what’s in them, which is considerably more)

In short, those concentrations are perfect for quitters, but not so great as an introduction to nicotine, as you say. But that need’t be delivered by a pod system, nor do pods ned to contain such high concentrations (juul have just brought out an EU compliant vession, at therabouts 1/3 strength. I’ll bet it won;t be so popular as the USA one)

So, ban pods if you like, ban Juul if you like (i dion’t quite trust 'em anyway) or better still, make them really hard for kids to get hold of, but don’t deny high nic content to those who actually need it, I know, i know, they can always buy a powerful mod and vape 3mg juice by the pint instead, but that just doesn’t appeal to most folk. Most folk would probably just go on smoking instead.


This is a first for me. I respect your opinion on this. (Very hard to type that for some reason. LOL.) However this is one thing that I have seen first hand faulty manufacturing, a button that would not turn off, and people actually getting NIC sick really quickly. I agree that these need to be regulated. I still see more harm in these that I do other products. (I am not saying that all products are perfect. I just see more faults in pods than I do others.) Just my 2 cents.


We do?? I did not know that.

Can be said about so many things, sadly.


@Skullblade789 That’s why you need proper regulation and quality labels. I remember (when I started vaping in 2016) a lot of stories about sticky buttons and uncontrolled firing etc on regular mods too. They’re getting better and it seems to be a thing of the past for what’s on sale in the shops here.

Maybe because they’re a little too socialist for your liking perhaps :smiley:


There are free base’s that goes in the upwards of 18, 16, 12 MG. Which to me will get you the right level for even a 2 pack a day smoker as my self was to get off and titrate down to 6 or 3 MG.


I did say not everything was perfect, lol!


More likely they’re a little too corrupt for my liking.


For Fuck’s sake! WOTOFO just released an IG post about playing video games and vaping! Jesus, can someone say bad fucking timing! I replied to them and said this is hurting our war on the flavor ban and hope they consider rescinding their post!