Was not sure where to post this to be of the greatest help, so here it is. I switched to vaping August 2015 and started diy within six months. I spent a lot of money on flavors and became pretty decent at mixing. I mixed for myself, family, friends and co workers. I had quite the little cottage industry going. Along comes covid-19 and bam! Not working, family moved 1300 miles away and friends evaporated. I know, I know, same old sob story. Anywho, long story short, I have a lot of flavors that I will never use again. I hate to see them go to waste and would like to give them to someone that really needs them. They have been kept in a mini fridge. All have been opened, but are in original bottles. Some are years old, some are newer. I’m not going to list what they are. If you would like to have them, send your name to me and it will go in the “hat”. I will draw a name on July 1st at noon MST. I’ll contact that person to arrange shipping. Free for US residents. If you live outside the US, you will need to pay for shipping.
Depends on where you are. Everyone goes in the hat and I’ll help if need be.
I’ll play then. Im in jakarta, indonesia.
Swore 1300! I would be interested for sure and like to bring the hat.
She doesn’t deliver to PDX Chris!!
Nice to see you!!
Lol. At least not by boat!
Very generous of you! I’m in Florida. Toss me in the hat, please!
Done! You’re in.
Throw me in the hat, darling! What I don’t use will be held in reserve for someone else in need. Always good to pass it forward! Thank you for your generosity!
I’ll take a shot as well.
*Not an entry
Just wanted to say you are awesome
What a wonderful thing to do
I’ll dive in . How can I resist, you draw on my birthday
Thank you for your generosity🙇‍♂️
Cool man, very Cool.
What a very nice gesture, I would be most grateful to be considered
@Tracy8 what a wonderful gesture …I am a true addict and if flavors were crack cociane i would be considered a Fiend … This is wonderful ty , kinda sucks you arent mixing anymore . Have you quit vaping as well ?
I am still vaping but, only have myself to mix for. I don’t experiment like I use to, I just stick with what I like. There are 200+ bottles in varying degrees of fullness ranging from 10ml to 4oz. I’m happier giving them away instead of tossing them.
hope things get better for ya - always sad when family and friends drift apart or move away . so first let me say please and thank you . and maybe make you smile.
Well sign me up…Like I said Im a fiend and I always like to try and win something
That’s really nice of you. I know how it is when family and friends are away.
I would be a happy foster mixer for the flavors and I am always up for a win.