Hope it will help you, Gus!!
There are a few typos on my booklet…
Mango - the max I have tried it was 28d… so that “2” should be 28
the last 3 flavors will have to sort them when I can. a bit busy here… will announce when I have it fixed.
For the most part, pretty simple and easy to understand… last I saw I had over 1400 downloads between my site and the file sharing… so thanks again!
A bit late to the party with this @anon84779643 but managed to grab it from the “other” link (the original one was blocked by Norton) and just wanna say “thank you” for putting it out there for us all. Hopefully we might get some “converts” out of this .
I had a similar idea to @SessionDrummer and have started a spreadsheet with a column for median mix %, another column for my preferred % and now one for your %. It’s gonna be a long WIP due to the amount of SFT I need to do. Hopefully it’ll be worth it in the end. I’m up to 100 FLV flavors at the moment and “scared” to get any more . Thanks again and you take care
If I can get folks to adjust their drops per ml, it’d be a miracle…
I’d probably fall over.
I showed too many… then I guess they “forget”…
It does matter…
but in the end… I do not care. I care that I make the most out of the flavors I love… I can only show so much. I really believe the more you put in… the more you get out of the ultras.
btw @Dardy… new flavors are coming more sooner lmao…
Just let me think about that for a second .
… will more than likely succumb to the pressure though
haha!! If you knew what I knew… mmm umm… I know nothing at all…
I just wish they would get on with it… I need to go make my carrot cake, that is it… and my candy cane…
something to cool down with… gesh it’s hot here! steady working tho, @Dardy…
ok once again… for my booklet… Click the blue link below.
I do like thank yous and I do accept donations for the next booklet I put out.
I get a lot of pm’s… and I get hit up on fb for this booklet.
I have over 3 days of work, in just creating it.
and it’s nice to make new friends. Just saying…
It’s now had over 1502 in downloads.
Thanks Sd… I wanted it really easy to see and understand.
This is just my numbers… others might be different.
Well you always say “Go Low”, and many people just don’t know that, and mix them too high. That’s bad for FLV, bad for the mixer, bad for everyone. I’m glad you put out that list, and even IF our tastes are different, it is HUGE to have a starting point for these Ultras.
That is what makes all of this, super fun!
I’d love to see more charts from others… for comparison.
If I need to work up a template for everyone, in pdf form, I can and do not mind.
I shouldn’t have to tho… mine is not locked… just edit it where the numbers are, and fill everything in…
New flavors released, mixing now !!!
Blackberry (1%)
Blue Raz (1%)
Cactus Apple (0.5%)
Chai Spice (0.5%)
Energy Drink (0.9%)
Mango Pineapple Passion (1%)
Mild Tobacco (1%)
Mint Candy (1%)
Pearesto (0.85%)
Ripe Mango (1%)
RY4 (1%)
Sweet Mango (1%)
Vanilla Tobacco (1%)
playing around …off the shake very interesting
no clue what this will turn into , but ill vape it all
That’s the spirit!!
Any idea when these might hit retail?
This Friday at BCF
Nice. Haven’t ordered new flavors in probably a year. Will have to do a big one. Maybe BCF will have an easter sale.
I have already checked twice today on BCF. I am not the patient type. Lol
Blackberry (Flavorah) 0.6% (4-3-21) – FIRST ONE on deck, and WOW. This is/was/is a great one, right out of the gate. Having only a few Blackberries I use, I am always on the prowl for a new one to add to the list. Most of the BB’s I’ve tried always seem to be lacking in one way or the other, so finding the “Full Monty” is difficult. At 0.6% this one really dropped ALL the right notes. It did seem like it COULD be increased, and I’m thinking maybe more of a 1.0 - 1.4% to make it POP. As it stood, it tasted like a mostly natural, somewhat sweet, mid darkness blackberry, and it almost had some seed elements in there. Much to my happiness there were NO florals or soapy-ness that I’ve had with a few others, but just a very well rounded BB. I can’t think of a direct comparison, as it’s “roundness” was somewhat unique, and every once in a while I was greeted with a little bright sparkle or tartness on the finish, BUT, just barely. It leaned more towards the sweeter, mid-bodied Blackberry, and although at about mid-level sweet, I think it would DEF. benefit from a little TART to help kick it off. It was soo well rounded, and tasty, I could see it working almost anywhere you need a BB. This tastes like a flavor that Flavorah clearly spent some time getting right. 9.5/10.
Blue Raz (Flavorah) 1% (4-3-21) – Whoop, another smoker here folks. While admittedly not using Blue Raz’s much, I do like them from time to time, so this was an interesting test(er) for me. @smokyblue mentioned this one was a “One-Shot” out of the gate, and I agree. A completely finished, well rounded B.Razz with just enough tart, and sweet to keep you interested. At 1% it tasted very full and complete, with no off notes, or ceiling slamming strange-ness. While power vaping though the tester tank, I was looking hard for anything that would kick this one down a notch or two and couldn’t find any. It did feel like a one-shot, and a good one at that. You could possibly kick it up a little in strength, but it was pretty solid at this testing weight. I know this doesn’t help when reading a review, but many times while testing I kept thinking, “Bluuuuuuuuue”, LOL. When smelling it in the bottle, the tart/sour smelled stronger than it presented when vaping, and it really sat JUST where it should in the mix. Nice blue with raz, with nice helpings of sweet and tart, and nothing off-putting, put this up on top. If you’re in need for a B Raz, add this one to your short list. 9.9/10.