Flavrz / VSO Flavor Pcts , Testing Methods etc ...A difference of opinions!

Yes and technically he should have it and all rules should apply BUT i cant give it out for some reason and @daath hasnt responded. KenOwhere will pop in soon and maybe he can do it .


Is the thread going to close in two days? Wow, I won’t have time to put my thoughts into words… :joy: :joy: :joy:


We if that is the case then you will have no issue posting a photo of our bottles of concentrates to quantify your claims though it still stands that you have not actually even tried them to make the statement and claims your are making. Everyone is allowed an opinion about different flavour, and they are welcomed as we all have different tastes and expectation.

Otherwise to put it politely would have to call BS.


Don’t worry @Gus6. There will be a place for everything. Everything in it’s place . New threads are EZ to start. We’re all happy to hear what you have to say.


Drop it like it’s HOT @Gus6.


Tag or not, he is a vendor and identified himself in that manner on April 7.

Where Rule #1 states

I’m pretty sure he would have read the rules. and by breaking the cardinal rule (being #1) has contributed to this environment.

But let me ask 2 simple questions.
@Jetz what kind of vape setup do you use?
And, what kind of setup does your ‘recipe poster’ use?


Im not going to put what someone told me cause i dont throw people out there like that. If they want to come forward they are more then welcome. The only bs in here is you buddy. Kind of like this. Because i know their are others that made this claim but you are saying you are the only one

Is this another of your sale tactics along with he who will not be named :joy::joy::joy:

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As I stated previously, JUST VAPE!
Who cares about any of this argument, the final result will be… wait for it…. NOTHING! It makes no difference to me or I venture to guess, anyone else. Holy moly! Just stop already and act like civilized people!
Peace, love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, and self control, that’s what will make a difference.


Oh you didnt know bud. Im a troll lol. So seeing i been labeled and outcasted i might as well let them be right. You know the old saying right? You can go around kicking trolls but sometimes you might just kick the wrong one :joy::joy::grimacing::grimacing:

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Firstly, our comments are to help the community by educating, nothing more and like previously stated the eliquid industry is about 1% of our business. The amount of time, effort, resources to put into the industry compared to the ROI would not make any commercial sense. Though we do so as it is the most effective cessation pathway to QUIT SMOKING and everyone that wishes to should have that option in our opinion. There is a LOT of misinformation regarding flavouring and other information out there from various sources around vaping as you would realise. Though we have only ever commented on flavour concentrate where necessary.

To answer four question - firstly what is a vape safe flavour concentrates, it is a flavour concentrate that can be safely atomised. Being that when atomised it does not have any ingredients or compounds that need to be or are listed on the GHS. 99% of all flavour concentrates are used in ingested products. Meaning that they are fine to be ingested but have issues being atomised. Compounds that are safe for eating or drink though inhaling are a problem and have a different GHS classification.

Various set ups DTL, RTA, Pods and other various setup for testing and using.

The recipes are a GUIDE, our recipe should be set up at around 25-30% which is what most commercial juices run. The recipes are to help newcomers to vaping to find a recipe or understand a little more about the comparison of a commercial juice they are using and swapping to DIY, hence why we recommend 25-30% and especially for pod system, though using 60/40 or 50/50 base for this type of device.

Though that does not mean they do not work at 15-20% total flavouring on devices such as RTA etc. Nor does that mean the recipes should not be adapted. The recipes are a guide, as to how each flavour profile works together and a guide of the percentages to achieve this compared to each other.

They always use our flavour concentrates as we know how they work and the flavour profiles.
Though again does not mean they can not be substituted for a flavour that you may think will work or is close to, like anyone would do to get a profile that is more suitable to them.

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As for people here is your first open comment about your stuff. Im sure you didnt read it so let me help you find it

Even my exact knowledge of over dilluted concentrates that are weak it is fact they dont work on rta/rdas as from my experience


Can we get some pictures of your equipment with your concentrates lol

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Sorry for my absence folks, ive had another major health setback so i wont be around much for a bit.

@fidalgo_vapes: Vendor tag for both VSO and Jetz is done. Let me know if you need anything else.


Hope everything gets better for you bud


And thats a far cry from your first description of it will work by just cutting your recipes down in %’s for rda/rtas so we can assume that was a sales tactic, going from it will work :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing: not such a confident of a response as prior


And its only 1% cause you just launched the line. But that could easily change with he who will not be named pumping your stuff up. And thats what you needed. A good partner with pull in the diy community

You are not the only manufacturer of this type. Therefore you are misleading the consumer aka lying when you say you are the only one.

As this is the beginning in the diy as you have supplied food manufactures with these why now when Au has been close to banning everything flavored over the past two years deterring vaping all together. Its obv you are trying to get into this global market as the food side isnt doing well as there are better altenatives. And what is this so called comapny name that sells for food use? Or we not privileged to that. As you have gone on and on about it


Or, just test !!!


Thank You …My hero :facepunch:


Man I did say ‘simple’

so from that wall of text, I assume this was the concise answer for both of you.

I hope my assumptions are correct. Thank you.


He was vague on his setup. And you want to know why i say this bud ask me and ill give a person who is a vaper. Go ahead ask me lol