Good Deals 2021!

Nice! I love CC wire. I always forget one thing or another during sales. I took this opportunity to fill a couple voids in my inventory.

When I get down to a thousand feet of Clapton sizes I get nervous :laughing:. I like to have backup rolls on standby.


You are a true professional



It’s almost time to re-up on some flavors. Maybe time to add some new ones, eh?


So tempted but I got so much JF when
river supply closed out flavorings to the public that I could fill up my bathtub and bath in them lol. Not a sight you want to see, trust me :scream:

Oh who am I kidding, would kick myself if Ultimate Strawberry was the real deal and didn’t take advantage of a sale…I am my own worse enemy


Well, I caved and bought a bottle of the Ultimate Strawberry. As you said @mjag, if it turns out to be “the one” and I didn’t get it…Ya. Thanks for that by the way :rofl:


Really, jungle flavors have decent concentrates? huh, didn’t know that. When I first started, I had some jungle flavors but I didn’t like any of them and just stopped buying them. The last time I purchased from jungle flavors they were named flavor express. I wonder why they don’t talk to us anymore.


Jungle Flavors come from Germany. Yeah, they have lots of good flavors. E-cig Express re named their site Flavor Jungle to distance themselves from vaping. I think they could’ve picked a better name to avoid any confusion.

Flavors Express is just a made up name for flavors they get sourced from China. Bull city gets the same flavors and calls them SC or Super Concentrated. I’m not sure what the story is there. It’s like a flavor house with no name. Whoever gets those flavors can call it whatever they want.


Fresh of the Shake @2.5% I get a really realistic Strawberry Flavor.
Smell: Impressive smell. I would buy any Strawberry direct of the shelves smelling like that. It’s exactly the smell of Strawberry when they’re fully juicy and don’t need to ripen any more. A hint of sweetness in the air.
Off the shake: A strawberry in great standing, I taste a light sweetness. There’s a hint of the typical acidity which could also turn a little greenish. Realistic representation of a strawberry so far and definitely in the top of the list for a strawberry.

I will try to write a full review in the next days.


Aw, crap. 10 characters my ass


Thank you so much Steve :+1:

Going to order the next size up now.

@Dan_the_Man yeah, JF does have some good flavors. Don’t have time to get into it right now, still groggy from waking up and getting close to late for a brunch I didn’t know we had to attend until 10 min ago lol. @INOIROC has a good run down of the confusing naming flavor express uses.


Ya Flavor Jungle use to be ECig Express , they changed their name due to regulations in WA State … They also dropped out of the forum around that time . It was probably a smart mive to distance themselves from Vape Forums. Jungle Flavors has very good flavors . JF is a company that seems to improve on competitors most popular flavors




:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Ya, man. That is what I meant!!


Really? huh, I had no idea. Maybe, I’ll have to check em out. Ya, I got that whole thing all mixed up. Ecigexpress, that’s it. They totally stopped talking to us and I totally stopped buying from them. Shit happens


This is not something you come across everyday. The stuff is pretty outdated but they are custom painted. It says they were store displays.


All sold out.
Pretty as all git out though. Wish I would have see it earlier.


Everzon has some banging deals and supposedly being shipped from a US warehouse. I bought an OXVA Arbiter RTA 28mm for $20 with $6.00 shipping. There are a lot of good deals there.


I recently posted about getting some Goon 24 clones from Vapeyaya. It took forever but my guess was that they needed for more to be made. Looks like 2Fdeal got some listed now too and I’m guessing they’re from the same place. The ones I got are really decent quality. If these are indeed the same ones , they’re worth this price:

Edit; I just looked at the photos at 2F and I’d bet money that these are the same as what I got from Yaya.

I missed out on scoring these when they were super popular. I’ve been checking Chinese sites for a while and haven’t had much luck. I guess somebody decided to make another batch and throw it on the market. They also have the older Apocalypse 24mm RDAs which I haven’t had a chance to get. Armageddon has had the 25’s on sale for a while but I haven’t seen any 24’s.


Thanks for that. I think I’ll grab a few. You can never have too many Goons.