Good Deals 2023

@muth, i have these things all over the house:

They are useful for more than just opening jars. I use them for some of my RDAs that are near impossible to pull apart and for the OG Aromamizers. Old man hands SUCK!

Super cheap on Amazon, like 8 bucks for 4.


I have those too, Ken. Mine are kind of thin and when used with pliers which I needed, sometimes they tear. Otherwise, yes, I use those frequently.


Really derailing this thread but here’s what got the top cap off for me. I gripped the chamber with my left hand and put the pliers around the top cap and finally got it loosened.


Whenever I have something that wont budge, or is boogered up with goo or “resin”, I pour a couple inches of 91% isopropyl alcohol into a solo cup, plunk the offending item in there for a couple days, and let it work its magic.
Pretty amazing results most of the time!


I keep 91% alcohol around myself. Very helpful indeed. Only problem with that is it tends to dry out o-rings and the inside fit o-rings on the top cap are a bitch to reinstall. Other than that, I would have tried it because I couldn’t for the likes of me figure out what was making it stick like that. It might be possible that the tolerances of the 1/4 turn threads are a bit off. With all the Chinese clones I’ve owned, I’ve seen everything.


@Letitia Did you get your Odins from Vaperz Cloud yet? Tell me you didn’t have the same problem as I did? After struggling with getting off the stuck top cap of the Destiny RTA, I could not remove the battery door from the purple Odin :scream: . I’m like, what the…? The curse of Odin is upon me. I had to slip a plastic tie in between the vent slots in the back of the battery door. I looped it around creating a long enough pull tab. And that had to be grabbed by pliers to pull it off. I’m using it now but I left the tie on so I can get the door off again. Wtf again, what happened to quality control? If the gunmetal one is the same way then I know everything has turned to shit. I see a possible solution in sanding down the small plastic tabs around the edges that act as grabs. Tell me how yours perform, I’d be curious. I really don’t want to go through the return process if it’s something that can be diy remedied. What a pita inconvenience. I could see if it was a $15 mod or something but my first Odins are first rate and I would never expect this to happen with any of them. I am becoming more jaded with each order that arrives. I’m feeling like a Black Friday sucker.


I’ve had good luck using a vacuum cleaner belt. Just rough it up a little with sandpaper (I’ve used a rock as well). Gives you a good grip. In tough situations, I’ll put the belt around pliers but be careful you don’t distort whatever your gripping.


Took me a bit as well Muth. My hands are weak so I was frustrated for a while. What is working for me is slide my nails along one seam and use my thumb to push/wiggle the other side, helps to try closer to the top rather than the middle or bottom for me. I love them personally but having a hard time getting used to the lighter weight; compared to my ehpros they are very lightweight. Take care what you set them down beside, magnet grabbed my Em’s peanut butter


Clever, vacuum cleaner belt. Next time I change out a new one I’ll keep the old for vaping emergencies :smile_cat:


Lol is right, these magnets are overkill. I tried the sliding nails technique to no avail. I could not make a dent in budging it. I came very close to ruining the satin purple finish when trying to pry open with a small metal blade. That would have destroyed me, that is a NICE finish. I just thought of something! Are you old enough to remember tape and cassette players? Remember the tool that demagnetized the tape heads? I might still have one around. I’ll have to look into how you demagnetize things and to what degree so I don’t completely demagnetize it. Think it’s worth a try?


Good grief! If i had to go through all of that to take apart a tank id smash the shit out of it. I have a Rebirth and its super easy to take apart but im just not a fan of it. Also, its dual coil and i pretty much stick with my Aromamizers for dual coil these days.

Did you swear a lot during this operation? I did just looking at that pic, lol.


I use these also,but I cut them into strips about an inch wide. They work great!


No idea about the tool you suggested, radio has always been my goto. I did have a few cassettes but never had any issues with the tape itself.


I was pretty pissed, especially since I have two more coming. They better not present the same way or I’ll be hitting up every reviewer who never mentioned “the tank you can not fill” :rofl: If it didn’t get so much positive approval from people I know I probably would have never given it attention.


It’s okay, they called them demagnetizing wands but I discovered numerous ways to decrease the strength of a magnet. Good ole google fu and science projects. Heat, hitting with a hard tool, dropping, attacking it with another magnet, heehee. These are some tactics used. I would gladly drop the battery door or toss it across the room. For now, I think I’ll just apply heat with a soldering iron or tap on them with a metal instrument of sorts. Microwave ovens work but I don’t want to ruin the finish. Loving that satin purple more than I thought I would.


@mjag and anyone else who might be interested. Vapor Empire does not ship to me. And this is the best deal ever I’ve seen for this mod.

Around $19 with the CVD10 code.


I wasn’t alerted to this post but luckily just saw it. It’s a really good tank but but not without flaws. One time I unscrewed the bottom to look at my coils, and the deck stayed inside! I had to use needle nose pliers to get it out. It wasn’t too bad but maybe they could’ve reverse threaded it or something.

The actual deck part can unscrew from the bottom, but the 510 center pin holds it all together. If you loosen the pin, the deck screws off.

The top fill caps have always been a bit strange. Mine get sticky sometimes but never totally stuck together. It’s a short turn, but then you gotta kind lift the cap off upwards with a little force. You get used to everything after you use it for a while. I’m guessing yours have just sat unused for a while (Not sure how many years old it is now :laughing:), and got stuck from being dry.

If it turns out you just don’t like them, I’ll trade you for something you will like. That is, if you’re interested. I’ll happily pay for one too if possible :+1:.


Thats a great idea and im going to do that tonight. Heck of a lot easier than trying to use two at the same time.

PS: Welcome to the forums, @Scott92


Welcome to the forum @Scott92 :wave:


got my Odin mini a couple of days ago and have the same problem. That battery door is a BITCH to get off! Never had that problem before. I love the mod, but that damn door…