How I create Recipes



Or you know people that don’t want to SFT can stay on this post and those that do can go to the SFT topic (GASP) LOL that compromise thing you know. And Session I respect that you do SFT so the rest of us don’t have to… Said it to you will say it here too. I’m glad Developed has written notes in detail as well… oops one more edit and HIC, and Wayne, and everyone who took the time to do this so the rest of us can jump on in and mix our little hearts out :heart:


Not a clue if it was intentionally or not… @daath could say tho… :wink:
I already make a tutorial on how I do flv sft… and that is part of the reason this thread was created. 4+ people in my mail box to confirm it.


We should change that to the more common term, “Single Flavor Test(ing)”, and see if @daath can squeeze that link into his Beginner Tutorial Linkage Page.


I did stick it in the wiki, and had to ask him where the wiki is… I havent seen that yet… :slight_smile:


As for me, I’m going back to how I create recipes :star_struck:

TOC’S Pudding Stone :’S%20Pudding%20Stone

1.00% Cookie (Flavorah)
1.50% Vanilla Pudding (Flavorah)
2.00% Whipped Cream (TPA)

Flavor total: 4.5%
Remember to rate it at:

I figured out by mixing Vanilla pudding into a mix that it thickened it up. Then when you add the cookie in there it sweetens it and gives a little more texture to the mix. Whipped Cream TPA blends it all together. And voila a great pudding base for almost any fruit. Strawberry Ripe/Strawberry FA. A very simple beginner recipe that any new mixer can add their favorite fruit flavors too :slight_smile: Easy


Buttermilk. I haven’t played with this in a while and since no one has really come up with a “buttermilk” flavor concentrate that I know of yet, I still use 3% tfa whipped cream and 1% cap golden butter to sort of get that vibe, add a small % of lemon juice and it pushes that even more into buttermilk. Like two drops of FE lemon. Any southern woman will tell you that you can use milk and lemon juice in a pinch for buttermilk for your biscuits.

I really need to revisit this recipe and see what I can omit or take down now for 2020

TOC’s Buttermilk Pie Southern :

2.00% Apple Pie (Torta Di Mele) (FA)
1.00% Brown Sugar (TPA)
1.00% Cookie (Biscotto) (FA)
2.00% Cream Fresh (Panna Fresca) (FA)
2.00% Custard (Crema Pasticcera) (FA)
1.00% Golden Butter (CAP)
0.10% Lemon (FE)
0.25% Madagascar (Vanilla Classic) (FA)
0.50% Sweetener (Sucralose/Maltol) (TPA)
3.00% Vanilla Custard v2 (CAP)
3.00% Whipped Cream (TPA)

Flavor total: 15.85%
Remember to rate it at:


Absolutely No slam taking SB, I was just pointing it out, and just because I’m not big on sft’s, never said they are not helpful. Just got a order in with jackfruit, what the hell is a jackfruit? Yeah that one I need to test😎


omg Jack fruit… I love love it… you can add it to tacos, spaghetti, or even yogurt… good in a mix if you want texture… but… one would have to sft to find the texture mark … oooh lala… <3 :crazy_face: :tada: :beers:

it adds the meat to Pineapples :wink:


Yogurt? (Vomiting) :nauseated_face:


I’m sure everyone has made some rookie mistakes, I’ll bet some haven’t even read the Community Guidelines before posting. Maybe that should be a requirement, and you get a badge for it!


I’ve been thinking since I wrote this:

And I’ve realised that it’s not exactly true - for example: I know from experience that some flavours will mute/taste bad if used too high and I know some about what flavours go with what from cooking/baking.
So I’m not a “new mixer”, just a mixer who is constantly learning.
Just thought I’d clarify :crazy_face:


That’s one of my favourite parts! There’s always something new to learn.

I reckon that’s a big advantage and think it’s helped me too.


So much that sometimes it seems overwhelming :laughing: but it’s all good, if not great - keeps me busy!

Sometimes I’ll even look up a recipe and see what % ingredients are used and use that as a rough guide - see again I’m contradicting a bit of what I said earlier about being a new mixer. I guess my first response wasn’t as well thought out as I thought :rofl:


Thing is, we all should be learning… even if you are a super old mixer like me too… Once you hit a point where you feel you are not learning or not capable of learning, sometimes it pays to step back, take time off… and make sure you have some juice you can vape then come again at yet another angle… Always seek to improve yourself, but do not ever forget to have fun… Since our flavors and tastes change, so should your mixing and mixing styles. Thinking outside the box, or what you normally do will show every time that there are always a ton of ways to mix good juice. This is where working with one flavor at a time can show off other possibilities to use that flavor.

I would have never thought to add Eisia tea with marshmallow vanilla, but apparently it is a candy from Asia lots of kids like to eat :crazy_face:


Give it a try, it’s a great recipe …


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Not sure how well it’ll work i seen in the before mentioned post you was wanting to add some lemon perhaps … i would take a page from MR. Fresh03 himself and toss in that tasty INW-Custard swap for that lemon your looking for and it’ll help with the cream and custard as well… also gotta toss in FLV-Cream the steep is next to NOTHING If you get rid of TPA-Whipped Cream that’s at least a 2 week in my experience … Such a Great flavor just takes sooo dang long … but to each their own … still trying to see exactly how many days Caps van whip cream and the cap svl marsh whip cream is … just a few options … Personally i’ve found as of late Especially in the winter /COLD weather i’m preferring shake n Vape’s not intentionally just if i mix a recipe and it’s legit i’ll vape it to see how it change’s from the 1st Mix ever … then i know from there yeah i know i went off on a tangent but hey that’s what i do sometime’s but you got a suggestion or 2 or 3 haha Best of luck Enjoy Keep on Mixing Toooot N Scoooooot !!!


Thanks Chubby, I picked up some Lemon cream wafer CNV and have been using Flavor Express lemon for that lemon :innocent: