So does a difference in personality allow to make decisions of such scope following a different process of decision making than usual? This whole jab/nojab thing carries a lot of properties known from religious people. Not my cup of tea.
I wish I could hear you say “Battersea” now
I’m currently based in Liverpool and my Oxbridge tones confuse all argumentative individuals. I regularly have to tell Slavic speakers to calm down.
Can you kindly emphasise more, I can’t get your point
Then I better make a video related to it. Maybe an extension to the Battersea Poltergeist case would suit me.
It’s a general acceptance of variance in beliefs and an acknowledgment of a desire to avoid arguments. Just my teacher reading of the post.
Ok, I see.
What I mean is that you mentioned difference in personality. Does a different personality allow you to throw out old scientific principles and follow some media driven scare show and peer pressure when you are supposed to make an informed desicion which has a huge influence on all our future?
As mentioned before, fear is not a good help for decision making. Too much shit happened for that reason in the past. Keep applying proven methods of decision making and don’t cave in to the peer pressure.
If you find out that the jab is the right thing for you to do then go for it. I’m not telling you to listen to my view. Just keep an open mind and don’t get pressured into a decision you may well regret.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, it’s been a pleasure.
Good luck and stay safe.
Good luck and stay safe.
We will celebrate a special recipe once this is all over. Cheerio
I think it’s better to avoid any shouts of vitriol.
I find any discussion of the area as a pointless and distracting issue.
But I just have an LLB, CELTA, DELTA, FDA, BA and MA after my long name and Pr. in three forms before it.
I don’t know what that means but. I agree with the pointlessness of many of these discussions. However, it helps to uncover some very annoying sides of people you thought you knew better.There’s also the religious aspect of it. Not believing in the high corona priests is blasphemy, if you want a real discussion you won’t get it because you must belong to some undesirable group of heathens and you’re probably dirty and dangerous and you want to kill their children.
Well, addressing it can be very tiring.
Some of my letters make me a preacher and theologian: Dealing with people who take the Bible literally made me not care to deal with people who cannot handle facts. I went through 27 papers on Covid reinfection with ‘friends’ before I decided that they were hopeless: Like trying to chat to someone who takes the Bible literally but knows nothing about the text: Pointless!
You also have to bear in mind different scientific presentation and different personal physical circumstance.
So sorry you feel like crap. About 24 hours after my second shot, I also felt like crap. Fever, chills and every muscle in my body ached. I ached in places I didn’t even know could ache. It lasted about 36 hours and then felt fine. Like someone turned a switch. Luckily I had friends who reacted the same way, so had no real worries. And since I felt like the vaccine was “doing its thing”, I just embraced it and waited for it to be over. Hope you feel better soon.
Ive had family and friends die from covid in the past year. Idk but if I didn’t know ppl that have died from this I wouldn’t believe it either. But my breathing is already unfortunately probably stage 1 C.O.P.D as much as I don’t want to admit it im only 34 years old. If I were to get covid I would not live. I had to take this chance. I am already afraid I won’t live long anyways
you obviously don’t know anyone that has been sick and died from this disease. Also I watched both my parents die from lung disease. And it is not a nice death. My dads lungs collapsed right in front of me and the sound that came out of him ill never forget, my mom struggled for 18months before C.O.P.D stage 4 took her away from me. And she suffered. There is only 4 stages and I think im already at stage 1.
Well anyone? Have any of you had your parents drop dead in front of you due to disease? Or friends that were healthy die from covid? I have seen both.
I know ppl that have died from covid seriously? Some ppl and the same ones Making these dumb comments probably still have their parents which mine are now dead. Mine died from smoking related but ive seen friends die from covid that were otherwise healthy but they must have died for no reason… imaginary fake disease. Like.really? Come on. And my sister a nurse who can’t get a day off work caring for icu patients all on ventilators because of a made up thing. Like really?
well your entitled to your own opinion but ive seen friends die from covid and they were in their 30s and 40s otherwise healthy you obviously have not.nand thats fine but if you haven’t then keep that to yourself. This post wasn’t about me telling ppl to get the shot or not to thats your choice no one is holding a gun to your head. And my sister who works as a icu nurse taking care of these ppl on ventilators because of a fake made up disease she can’t get a day off because of an imaginary made up scam idk. That’s your opinion but please don’t cut others up that get a shot. Its just well its silly.