The theory of simple.
All that is on you, @Kinnikinnick…
I was raised that hobbies pay for themselves. Share what you know, love what you do, or step back.
LoL… you missed out a word, Sd
interesting book for those looking to read more…
but I think we are way over topic… back to mixing I go… laters!
That sure seems to (assuming), keep it more fun, and less stressful. We should all strive for that in our lives.
I use 3 scales for mixing, .001 (100g max), .01 (500g max) and a 1g (3kg max). The last one for my base liquids when I mix liter bottles.
99% of my concentrates are mixed on the .001g
Most recipes, base liquids included are in 30ml bottles, so everything goes on the .01g scale. Whenever a bottle’s gross weight goes over 80g, I’ll switch to the .01g only for the base liquids.
You bet your sweet bippy!
At one time, I thought about monetizing my NET hobby; researched the domain, purchased supplies, contacted possible vendors, set up a website… the whole shooting match! Then I said to myself, “Self? Why do you want to set yourself up to not be able put your head on your pillow at the end of the day and go to sleep in a minute and a half? You don’t need the money! Are you nuts? Why don’t you just ask the first person you run into next to kick you in the balls… right now! Why don’t you just dig a hole, jump into it and have any ole stranger start shoveling dirt on your head? Know any good lawyers? You better! Ready for all that paperwork? Late nights… balancing the books? Loss of quality home life time? Angry, unsatisfied customers? Shipping issues? Need I go on?”.
That’s when I said… “Thanks Self! I needed that slap in the face!”
But, back to mixing…
@Suomynona … “ I use 3 scales for mixing, .001 (100g max), .01 (500g max) and a 1g (3kg max)”
I use the first two types. … never mix larger than 500g; no need for my style of mixing.
I should make one shots and name them after vampire elixirs I’d be rich ROFLMAO
And use those names in your upcoming books wont hurt
Is this a 100g one or a 200g one?
100g, still in use and i wouldn’t change it for any 0.01 scale. Highly recommended.
Thank you. I have both, but use the 0.001 I was gifted more than my 0.01, too. Only switch to the 0.01 when I have larger mixing to do. It is possible my 0.001 is on it’s last legs, so I was browsing around for a good one, preferably rechargeable. Any brands to recommend?
No clue. Do you need a rechargeable one? I had to change the battery on this one only once so far. (in 3 years; and the battery is standard and cheap)
Thank you, I got one for $15 and change, You’ve been a blessing!
Nothing really. We were chatting here instead in private.
Absolutely nothing except me asking more silly 1 million plus 1 stupid questions and @Mikser wasting his time to answer them, then we decided to delete them so that I don’t derail the thread more than I already did.
Wonder if it would help with the problem im having using some VSO raws, 3 scales and all of them have issues. Sometimes ill have to drop in 5 or 6 drops before they will registers despite being freshly calibrated. I use MF Silvers and no issue with them at all. Even putting in a couple drops, picking up the bottle and setting it back down does nothing. 2 LB501’s and this little guy: Amazon
I have had no issues with any other flavorings over the years. Apple Raw and Grape Raw seems to be the worst offenders.
Anyone else run into this issue and remedied with a higher resolution scale?
EDIT: I have also tried adding them to the weight of another flavor as SD once suggested i do, worked great for other flavors just not these.
I don’t know if this has any bearing on your issue but you might see if you can find out the Specific Gravity of the VSO flavors in question. Assuming you measure by weight… For ex: If Flavor 1 has 1.024 g/mL and Flavor 2 has 1.099 g/mL then your recipe calculator should reflect those numbers for each of the flavors. I know, just a shot in the dark.