Joyetech Cuboid

Always gotta carry a backup…bats, tanks, devices, juices, wicks…shiiiii…

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I’m a big fan of a triple backup system; 2 VW and a mech mod just for sure, when the aliens land and they wipe out all things electronic! :laughing: They know what makes our world tick!

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My cuboid battery life is pretty poor .won’t get through the whole day.started Vaping at 10 bout an hour left on it now .Vaping .36 at 50 watts not good battery life

I’ve found that too. It’s a battery eater lol. Mind I’m running a 22g ti at 0.06.

Been vaping all day, 236 puffs, 550° @ 80 and .17 ohm dual coils, batteries showing 1/3 life left on the display, shut down and held left button 3.60v and 3.62v
…works like this for me daily, still haven’t updated the firmware.
My Billow v2 Nano on the other hand is due to be filled for the 3rd time (from empty this morning)…and I usually get 100 puffs out of the Nano, and 150 out the the tall one.

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$35.00 @ VapeNW… Its almost like they know i need a new dryer so they dropped the price. Please tell me this is too good to pass up.

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THIS IS TOO GOOD TO PASS UP…until 2 weeks from now when the knock another buck off, maybe…did that help.
Atleast it’s not $50+ like I paid on 01/04…it’s practically ON SALE! (…that is what they say, right?)


Just an FYI, im telling my wife that you said i couldnt pass it up. OOOOOOOOO, You are in SOOOOO much trouble!!

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Go for it…women love me, you’ll be fine.
If she has a problem with it, you just tell her I said it was alright


Kinda makes me wonder, when the prices start getting lower and lower, if they’re getting ready to rollout another dual or triple 18650 mod??? :thinking: Seeing as how everyone has gone bonkers over the Reuleaux, stands to reason they would follow suit.


I was thinking about the Reuleaux but i like the way JT is updating often and love my mini. Oddly she didnt bat an eye when i told her. Maybe i finally broke that wild horse? Sweeeeeet!


So you’re not aware that the chip in the Rx200 pretty much works the same as the Evic, Cuboid, Evic Mini. Joytech makes the chip for the Rx200. Been using mine for a few weeks and have already updated twice. Last update included TCR settings which really makes the Rx200 rock. Just be sure you know the facts before you choose. I personally do not like that battery door on the Cuboid…


dead at 9:40 p.m. and 326 puffs


Cant say that i like the batt door either but u dont think i want a 3 batt. I already have several large unregulated boxes and dont use them as they but in my hand after awhile. I did not know that about the RX, thanks for the information, much appreciated.


Battery door makes the most sense out of all my mods, works great and does what it’s supposed to…no magnets to complain about…and I just changed batts.

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I suggest you go to a Vape Shop, look at the Cuboid, then put a Rx200 in your hand. Then choose…

Look at the difference from a IPV4s. It’s smaller than you think…

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I think it’s more a matter of how fast they cover their cost from the initial runs. If they sell out the first run seems they come down quick in price which make sense. Only have to do the design work and molds etc once. After that all new runs should be lower production cost. Of course, some companies will strive to keep the cost artificially inflated.


Here’s a photo comparison of the eVic Mini, Cuboid, and Rx200.


Well, I took the Vape NW bait on the Cuboid. :wink: That, plus 4 LG HE4’s are on the way.


After a bit of complaining and a threat to not ever buy anything from Cigabuy again they’ve shipped my Cuboid. Apparently the tank will come later. Learned my lesson, no more pre-order. I don’t mind the wait when ordering from China, you expect that. But put it out there that it’ll ship on a certain date?? When you don’t know if that will even be possible? Nah, I’ll take my lumps with this one but won’t buy anything preorder again, or from Cigabuy. They could have offered me a little something for the inconvenience but didn’t.

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