@anon84779643 Would have to be my tag. Seeing how you mix has taught me so much. Got into mixing to quit smoking and so far so good. If I had to pick one FAV it’s hard to do because I don’t consider it a flavor as an additive. I’m a tobacco mixer and I needed that ashy taste and found Classic Cigarette (FLV) and it put my cig clone over the top.
Classic tobacco is one of my favs too @rcleven… excellent in my Kentucky Peachgrass recipe!!
this one, in it’s original form, was posted as my first recipe up on elr years ago… I found it went all the way to Japan as soon as I had posted it… kind of funny as I was looking for naming dups… and yet found my own recipe there haha!!
Very nice. Actually never seen it before and three of those flavors are in mine. The shade, Classic, and hazelnut go so well together.
They do… and hazelnut… oh my gosh I am a sucker for that hazelnut… with graham crackers and cream or a touch of smoked butterscotch… yeah buddy!!! I will follow it all over!!
Favorite? Rich Cinnamon (FLV) It’s so damn good if you’re a fan of cinnamon or bakery type juices. Best part is that a little goes a LOOOOONG way, so the miser in me loves the economic benefits too!
Thanks for the opportunity, and hello to my ELR Family! I’ve missed you guys - have a safe, sane and happy 4th!
Now you got me going. I actually own all those FLV flavors. Will be putting those together soon.
@anon84779643 you’re naturally the first one to be tagged!
It’s difficult to choose a single flavour from FLV there are so many I use.
But if I have to choose just one, my mention goes to the last one I’ve enjoyed working with and it’s:
Pink Guava
that was the key to make the perfect grapefruit! here’s the link!
the tags go to you, @Pam10 and @Letitia and many others, for the help they gave me on the layer, thoughts and insights!
Thank you again, Frank.
Tag a friend. @fidalgo_vapes @ozo @JoJo
One of my favorite flavors would be root beer but there are plenty more. I stumbled across that flavor and pulled the trigger after watching a Wayne diyordie video.
After that I do appreciate how tangerine flv blends with other oranges outside of the flv line.
@anon84779643, I’ve GOTTA tag ya, because I’m BRAND new here, literally like 2 days, lol… So I don’t have a favorite FLV yet… I’ve only been mixing for a week, but so far I really enjoy Pear, Apple, and Lemonade… Was a 3-4 PAD smoker, and after double pneumonia AND a COPD diagnosis, I gave vapin a DESPERATE shot, and it’s now been 7 weeks since my last smoke… Great site, by the way! And good luck to all y’all!
Nice… And since you’re a drummer, we’ll definitely get along, lol… I’m a multi-instrumentalist Studio-Rat…
Drum roll, please…
Yeti full. (Lol. Auto correct hahahah)
Seriously though. Beautiful
Thanks @Chrispdx… Now I can make noise on it, but I seriously want to learn more…
I can do a few blues tricks… but yeah uhh…
what is too cool is the place where I hang out for open mic… we all vape there…
times sure have changed when you hit the bars and the vape rolls out
Pentatonics and Dorian mode are great for learning the blues.
I do like to slide… thing my biggest hang up is I do not want to play cover songs…
I can relate. Just learn a 1-4-5 progression and you’ve learned 80% of all the blues.