I dont actually remove flavors, that isnt something i can do. I merge or change their names and i double check everything, sometimes i have to go into private recipes to do so. I am quite thorough but i do make mistakes so if you see something let me know.
Sometimes flavors are sold through resellers before they are listed on manufacturer sites. CAP has done this a lot in the past.
Call Capella ask them…Im 100pct sure that none of these resellers would advertise or sell these flavors and use the Capella Name , Logo etc …Possible that Capella isnt listing them bc rhey are using a distributor to sell them . Anyway , all YOU have to do is call Capella , they are really nice and informative
It might take months, not just weeks before some flavors get listed (and more before they are listed in their A/P Status DAAP file)
It might be like Ken says, they start selling flavors before they list them on their site. When did they start selling them?
Honestly, I’m not gonna start making international calls because you cant back up your claims. I told you i checked both Capella’s flavor list and discontinued flavors list. It isn’t there, you guys claimed something, you guys should back that up. I cant spend 2h calling every country in the world whenever someone is in doubt or I wouldn’t have had time to report a single dupe.
Here you can find some NEW Capella’s. No international calls required
Thanks, but I ment a Capella source, found that link when I googled it as well as some resellers but nothing from Capella themselves.
I guess common sense just isnt enough these days…
Not trying to run you off or anything, and this is the only site I use for mixing, but there are at least 2 other mixing sites where the database is locked down so this mess cannot occur. And before you ask, both Cap Milkshake and Sticky Bun are also there.
IMHO all 3 sites have their strengths and weaknesses.
Wouldn’t common sense be the opposite though? Or do you think we always should base our decisions on random private persons instead of the companies themselves? To me that seems like the opposite of common sense, however common sense isn’t really that common anymore.
You don’t see how that would be problematic in 99.9% of all situations? I mean Capella sure doesn’t sell 1.6k different flavors right? But if were gonna trust random people over Capella themselves they do now… Not even that, it doesn’t even seem to be to consideration to hear what Capella says themselves, whether it is like Ken says that they haven’t updated their site or not. We should just jump the gun as soon as a reseller stocks a flavor? Does that go for Apple Pie v3 as well? Its both listed on wholesaleflavours and vapable as well as users here claim it exist, so it must exist right?
If it is like you say Capella would probably be more then happy to prove your right, you don’t even need to rely on your “common sense” of listening to random people online.
Well yea sure, I don’t say I doubt there are sites listing it, you can see multiple resellers stocking it too. Its besides the point. Basically they are all equally trustworthy, having it on bullcity or on other mixing sites doesn’t really change anything. The only more trustworthy source would be Capella themselves, having it come from them would be the only way to be sure and add something new to the argument.
There are countless of none-existing flavors listed on random vapesites, trusting that over the manufacturers is probably a very good reason why there are a bunch of wrong flavors in the db to begin with. Its not like people want to add wrong flavors and do it on purpose.
Even though a lot of manufacturers have shitty order of their own products I trust them more than I trust the sites that you just said, have their own weaknesses as well. If they both have weaknesses I rather pick the one who makes the flavors and whatever his weakness is to to say.
But again, we are all very aware of other sites listing other flavors. That’s not changing anything, you guys claimed there exist Capella flavors that Capella doesn’t list. That might as well be the case, but im not going to believe you over Capella, sorry, I wish you were more trustworthy then them. But you simply are not, just like you probably trust them over me. The only way to change that fact is to get a response from Capella. You need to back up your claim with proof, even if the claim might be right, but you lack the facts, you cant assume that claim is a fact without the proof, thats how you get 1,6k Capella flavors in your db.
Okay, could someone just answer my simple question? I just received my BCF order which has Sticky Bun (CAP) in it. Is that the name I’ll be seeing/using in the data base?
Yes …Sticky Bun (Cap) is the flavor and yes it is Capella
Are you kidding? Who would do a thing like that? I want their names and addresses !!!
As you are the one in disbelief then it is up to you to get the information that you need. We have been doing this for a long time and have seen this happen often enough to know how it works, if that isnt good enough then give them a call.
Sorry bud but that is your only option. Maddening isnt it?
Not really, the one who makes the claim should provide his evidence for his claim, not the one in disbelief. I cant claim the earth is flat and because you don’t believe me its up to you to disprove my claim. I did provide proof for my claim, that its not a Capella flavor, I provided Capella as the source. If you wanna disprove my claim or come with your own, you should provide proof of your claim. Not the other way around.
I’d happily change my mind if you can come up with proof less refutable than mine. But right now its basically random people arguing with the manufacturers about which flavor that manufacturer provides.
As of right now, Capella claims one thing, you think Capella is wrong regarding their own flavors. If you cant provide any source for your claim, or show anywhere that Capella says the opposite. Id say Capella are the ones that are right.
“We have been doing this for a long time” Maybe that is the reason there are 190k different flavors in your database? Maybe its time to switch it up a bit and try something new?
Alright then, im done with you. You have received the last answer from me.
First of all, congratulations, I didn’t realize you had become a moderator and that anyone asked for you help (incorrectly) going through the database. Secondly, lucky for use this is ELR not GLR, we don’t need to prove anything to you. At this point it’s pretty evident you’re just trying to rile people up, so I’m gonna waste much time on this. Do you just think it’s one big conspiracy, that all the resellers got together and decided to sell the same fake products under the same name. Do you even think before you start typing?
No, but like 180k of the flavors in the db its most likely people wanting to do right just doesn’t have the full picture. Not everyone in the world is out to get you.
You don’t have to prove anything to anyone unless you want to. You could fill up the db with 180m flavors if you think that’s going to help. I’m just saying if you want to convince someone to something you should back up your claim. You cant just say something then get pissed off because people don’t believe you and they can point to sources for their claim. Its a lot easier for you to just get some proof for your claim which weights more.
Think about this from my side for a second. If you were me, would you really believe random strangers online more than the manufacturers? If I said Capella had a random flavor they are not sharing, would you believe me over them? Probably not right?
Im asking for something simple, back up your claim. Its not that outrageous is it? I mean we have pretty wide known sayings for that, “burden of proof”, there even is a Wikipedia site for it Burden of proof (philosophy) - Wikipedia. If that’s to touchy for you maybe making claims isn’t for you?
Even if someone called to verify you probably wouldnt believe it anyway so really this is just something you want to argue about …If @BullCityFlavors @wllmc or all the other vendors who sell the Newest Cap release arent a good enough source for you so be it . It seems to be the majority opinion here is that the flavors are Cap and you should call to confirm