OK, so here’s another natural pairing of MF flavours
Lemon (MF)
No need for me to wax lyrical about this one, cos others can do that more elequently, and indeed they have! If you check out the ratings overhere you’ll see that everybody’s given it five stars. Me, I did a terrible thing when first I opened this bottle. I spilled it all over my hand! Was I crushed? Well, actually I was too intoxicated by the heavenly scent of lemons wafting up to be that upset by the wastage, which happily turned out to not near as bad as I thought from the scent.
Seems to me this is actually better than fresh lemons. But how is that possible? Heck, I must have a crap greengrocer. But ummm, I’m waxing lyrical after all, aren’t I?
What I really wanted to say is that I’ve tried this all the way up to 1% as a top note, and I don’t see any actual need as such to go higher than that., but still, I’m intrigued by @Pentine 's experiment., and if he can find the ceiling for this flavour, well, then I might have a go at banging my head against said ceiling.
How’s it going, @Pentine?
I’d also like to mention , this is one of the few flavours that MF supply with a closed cap; the pippette enclosed seperately in a little plastic bag, the reason being that these flavours are espeially volatile, I believe? That being so, I think it’s wise to continue store it with the closed cap on, even though it’s a faff washing out the pipette…or it would be a faff if I actually used it. To my thinking, i might as well use an 1ml syringe instead, in that case, and get a more accurate measurement than my scales can offer, along with much smaller drops than you get from the glass pipette. So that’s what I actually do. Call it penance for that dramatic spillage 
Honey, Wildflower (MF) / Wild Honey (Botanic Elixir)
Actually, I haven’t tried the pure MF version of this one, and I don’t intend to get it , not unless the BE supplies dry up, because this is pretty powerful stuff, and I 've not yet seen any need to go above 3% BE , which would be equivalent 0.3% MF. At that strength , it’s easier to use the dlutions, and, what’s more, I don’t see myself using up a whole 15ml any time soon. So that makes the BE more ecomomical unless I open a juice factory.
As a natural sweetener, this has it’s limitations ofc, because honey has it’s own distinctive taste which doern’t go with eveything (cream and honey in your coffee, anyone?) but where it works, it works beautifully . eg in Honey and Lemon *big grin * . or should I say Lemon and Honey? (Actually I think we should say Lemon and Honey , but nobody else does , so I’ll bow to convention for a change )
Now, here’s a curious thing: I’ve read that the other MF honey, that is Honey, Acacia (MF) has overbearing floral notes, which put some people off it. I can’t directly compare the two, because I’ve only tried the Wildflower, but I cam say that I’m not getting any strong floral notes from this one, in spite of the name having that red-flag word “flower” in it. Hmm. well, that makes sense when you think that wild flowers are not so strongly scrented as cultivated flowers after all. Or it might be that my taste buds are out-of-whack of course. I wouldn’t trust them, not if I were you (nor even if i were me, as I am
) I’m not even a honey buff, just someody who finds honey handy on occasion, but sickly when over-used. I’m much more likely to reach for the brown sugar when preparing food, But anyways, as somebody who finds real honey handy. on occasion, I must say I’m finding Wild honey even handier . And it tastes just like honey, in my humble opinion. Without the flowers.
Try it with the lemon. Your taste buds will love you…I think