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Nope after a side by side and 2 days steep Its not 27 bears…Something close and in the same realm…27bears is a bit sharper and tangier FML

I felt there was a tiny difference that could be caused by batch difference but dammmn side be side smell and knuckle tbis was 100pct 27bears .

Even after 1 day steep mystery flave and SnV mystery they are so close…But but i concede not 27 bears


I agree with your thoughts…I will insist that this flavor has Ethyl butyrate in it


Do you have Cloud 9 or Tropical Blend by Pur to compare the Mystery Flavor to?


I dont…Im so bummed about being wrong i dont even want to know now lmao . Ill jusy start mixing simple recipes to see where it sits in a mix with cream and bakery etc


Have you tested those


No, I am paralyzed on one side so I can’t do SFT’ing because it requires 2 hands to change wicks. I did do the knuckle testing, though, yet I’m sure my taste buds are messed up after years of smoking Djarums. Hubby thought it was most similar to Cloud 9, but he does still suffer from long Covid and his taste buds/smell is still messed up. I thought it was T.B., but then I thought it was 27 Bears. Who the heck knows if you, Rocky, S.D., Sam and other pro mixers don’t know yet, LOL.


Its a tough one for sure…Its gonna be great when we find out . A lot of people are going to be like NO WAY , others are gonna be like I knew that lmao…

If i order from bcf in the next coulle weeks ill grab a 10ml of each


That’s why I let y’all do the heavy lifting, LOL. If I can help you in other ways, like sending you a small sample of each flavor, let me know. I only have 10ml of them all except I have 30ml T.B. Do you have Mad Mix by FA? I thought that was very strong but within the same realm.


I do…I have most FA except Tobaccos lol


Hey Bob_ohms :call_me_hand:
Glad I’m not the only one getting a Cherry note in it :ok_hand:
I too was thinking of Gummy Bear FW but I don’t have that one…
it does smell like like Jelly Candy CAP, but doesn’t have the nail polish taste on the knuckle that CAP has…


Hehe, I hear ya there, they should have sent out 30ml :rofl:
I’ve already finished both my SFT testers and on recipe ver. 8
Changed coarse multiple times trying to make this flav work…


I do. Waiting for the 24 HR steep. Vaped at 10% no steep and they are not close. Tried Swedish Fish for shits and grins and the red hue of the tester is telling me it’s not it either.


Ah geez, I guess I missed this? I really have been busy lately. Either way, I look forward to the results everyone comes up with.


I also tried Pur Jelly Candy and Pur Gummy Candy, it is not it. I went through the entire fruits, beverage and candy category at BCF that might resemble something with pineapple, banana, cherries and mango. It is NOT Beetle Juice, Berry Mix, Cherry Berry, Cherry Crush, Dweeb Candy, Forest Fruit, Fruit Chew Candy, Fruit Hard Candy by SSA, Fruit Smoothie, Gummy Candy by TPA, Gushy Fruit Candy, Hard Candy by FW, Harvest Berry, Hawaiian Drink by WF, Hawaiian Drink by TPA, Hawaiian Islands Punch Type, Jelly Candy by Cap, Pineapple Candy, Rainbow Candy by Cap & FW, Rainbow Drops by TPA, Rainbow Lined Gum, Salt Water Taffy, Summer Fruits, Swedish Fish, Swedish Gummy, Tropical Gummy Candy, Tropical Punch by FW, Unicorn Vomit, Wild Berry Gummy Candy. I also tried Blenderize, it is in the same realm, but is much stronger.
It might be Cloud 9, Mad Max (probably not, it is much stronger), Tropical Blend by Pur, 27 Bears (which just got ruled out but my gosh, it almost tastes spot on!),
I don’t have Strawberry Banana by FW, Tutti-Frutti by TPA, Gummy Candy by FW, Tropical Fruit Punch by Cap.
Hope this helps narrow down your search.


Well i am still on the fence . I agree with this statement 100pct. There is a tiny teeny something different . I will say that if i needed i could probably sub these flaves for one another lol


Wonder why it tastes different after steeping when they taste almost the same out of the bottle?


Something is popping its head out a bit more . I am just not sure what :disappointed:


If you can think of any other flavor I didn’t list above but is on the BCF website, please ask if I have it. I’ve got 2300+ flavors, gahhhhhhhhh!


I thought i was a flavor hoarder …I dont vuy Tobacco , Teas , Alcohol Bevarages , Mints etc …I also gave away the majority of my Fw and Tpa years ago so that lightened the load…2300 is impressive


Don’t be impressed, I am so OCD and my walls are ruined from all the nail polish racks I have hanging. I don’t like tobacco myself and my mint selection is small due to my aversion to mints after smoking Salem menthols for far too long. Then I switched to Djarums and only took up vaping when C-19 came along and shut down my supply line to Indonesia.