New database error discussion thread

Sounds like you know what you are doing big-vape, I’m that I.T illiterate I don’t even know what a csv file is


Lucky you Pastor. :+1: But ya gotta admit 40,000 affected recipes is just a tiny bit more than ‘some bumps’ in the road :crazy_face:


Ken and TZ decided to fuck with people before they quit because Lars took away their 5% coupon code(s)


eh, when you look at the big picture and think 39k of those 40k are probably untested with no notes whatsoever…


ELR Discord

its 2022 folks, discord is where its at… you can come in and gripe about how bad this flavor merge sucks, talk about vaping, talk about recipes, whatever you want !


@Frunkster it means Comma Separated Values. A plain text file where the values are (you guessed it), separated by commas. You can view numerous ways, using Excel, Word, etc.

I HIGHLY recommend backing up your work.


Just when you thought it was safe to go back on Discord, JOEL happens !!!



He’s a sexy thing isn’t he ?
Probably only wearing the hat and chaps too !


Thanks SD, I do have everything backed up already in documents, they are not as easy to navigate though, thankfully big_vapes has kindly offered some assistance =)


I have a 100% cast iron solution to this rather time consuming, irritating mess. Take their access off them so they can’t cause anymore damage!!


Who ever created the site( we know who) needs to code it so no new flavors can be added and have only admins enter new flavors. This is becoming a headache. I understand everyone was trying to better the site but its a losing battle. Stop merging stop correcting and just scrap the whole process. Evrytime think you guys a taken a step forward you are just moving 5 steps back. Stop tormenting yourselves and just let it go until the site is coded to stop everyone and their mother just messing the database up. I commend you all for the try at it but you need to know when it a lost cause. More damage is being done then needs be.


Im just getting caught up, i havent been on the internet but a time or two in recent weeks. The whole house thing kept going sideways, we finally got our occupancy and im in with a lot more to do. Sorry this had to go on the back burner for me and for you.

I have a lot more to read and then ill make the appropriate inquiries.


Fiddy sent me this:

This is from Lars on ELR FB Group FYI

I hear what you all are saying, and I am going to have to do something about it. But for now, I have a ton of work to do and not enough contiguous time to handle this as well.
I will get to it, though, and I will do my best to fix what can be fixed.

Then I will have to develop an “undo merge” thing (which arguably should have been developed along with the merge functionality).

I get that it’s really frustrating to a lot of you - it is doubly frustrating to me, as things like this tend to be a dark cloud hanging over my head until I’ve done something about it.

Lars is aware so please just hang in their, all the stuff is still in the DB.

This entire DB cleanup was the original reason i was made an admin here and given access, it should have happened long ago but it is getting done this time around.

I wont keep apologizing for mistakes tho. I have 600 flavors in my stash, of those 6 have been affected. 2 were total fuck ups, 1 was blueberry sweet fw that existed in the DB a decade before it came out and the others i havent got to yet but they had no recipes.

Mistakes suck but the info is still all there instead of being deleted entirely.


Ok, so spitballing here… We have a lot of junk recipes with old junky flavourings… Once the dupes and stuff gets sorted out, to sift through the shit and whatnot, why not have “Classic” recipes and “New” recipes be searchable with a check box to sort by 2 groups. Picking from a certain date when flavours were more current because you know a majority are using new flavours…

This will allow people with current flavourings to search for more current recipes, while being given the option of looking up old recipes if the “include legacy recipes” etc… Could even have the database bring up from both pools if they are searching by flavour stash.


Im no IT expert but I’m presuming that this website has regular backups made so would it be possible to go back to an earlier time before all of this “merging” started? Sorry if it’s a stupid question but I had to ask.


Can someone please tell me how Pomegranate Deluxe (TPA) is supposed to be written in ELR? I’ve tried Pomegranate Deluxe (TPA), (DX) Pomegranate (TPA), and then Pomegranate (DX) (TPA) and it is not recognizing it.


You can’t find it; it was merged with something else (noone knows with what).
(so you better avoid all recipes with Pomegranate TPA too now here on ELR; better look elsewhere if you can find any).
Btw Pomegranate Deluxe (TPA) exists for more than 10 years (same as Pomegranate TPA)…


Thank you for replying to me so quickly. I really don’t know where else to check notes as well as where to add to my inventory besides my own personal notes. You woulda thunk that a flavor that existed for more than 10 years would have a firm foothold in ELR, eh?


A “Go Back” can be a POWERFUL thing @Lucas_James_Holden. I don’t maintain the database, or backups, BUT, assume there should be some backups to pull from.

It was mentioned above ^^^^^^, that maybe flavors would have to be “Approved” before being accepted into the main db, and showing up in the drop down menu. Other wrong/incorrect/syntaxed flavors COULD be in A database, just not the main one. NOW, that sounds simple, right ?? Well, maybe yes, maybe no. That would mean (assuming), that someone would have to run through the MONSTER, and DECIDE what was a REAL FLAVOR (in the main database, and dropdown menu), and what was NOT.

Is it possible, maybe is it feasible ?? Who knows.


Apparently it’s now called Power Plant Pomegranate - Tasty Puff