New database error discussion thread

Well not ALL, but before, when I was in n00b status, I was reviewing, but NOT adding to my own flavor stash notes, thankfully I started doing it later, but I wish I’d done it from the first review …


You dont mark your MF flavea as other undet carrier?


No, TBH, you use so little of them because they’re so strong, the carrier type didn’t seem to matter.


Blueberry (MF) is still in my stash with correct notes it seems :woman_shrugging:


I’ll admit it’s getting hard to keep track (we should have made a running list), as to what exactly is getting borked. WHAT was being merged into WHAT, WHAT got deleted, etc.

Say the newer Medicine Flower PREMIUM Blueberry got wacked, BUT, it got merged into the original Medicine Flower Blueberry.


As far as i understand…

  • Blueberry (MF) – is not affected
  • Blueberry (Premium) (MF) – was deleted (= merged with lots of other BB flavors and placed in folder named Blueberry (Invalid Name/Unknown Brand). BB (Premium) was not merged with BB (MF)

Like someone said before, i also miss at least occasional explanations by doers, to prevent all the confusion of the community which is evident. What’s been merged, what deleted, what the goals are, anything.


Agreed @mikser. VERY agreed .


I had no idea you could back up your recipes! Thank you.


You’re welcome @Lynda_Marie.


I had Different notes on each, my notes for Blueberry Premium got merged into Invalid Flavor…


Well seems the merge continues (sigh), thank’s to Wayne being a good egg I now know in the last 7 days this lot has changed in my stash, figured the info may be of use to others -

Your “TOBACCO AMERICAN SSA 1%” was changed to “Tobacco American (SSA)” in the Nov 14 file
but this current file shows you now have
“American (Unknown brand/ No recipes)” which was “TOBACCO AMERICAN SSA 1%”

Your “Apple Dragonfruit (SSA)” had a minor change to “Apple Dragon Fruit (SSA)”
Your “bubble lemon (REK)” is now "bubble lemon tea (REK)
Your “Cactus* (Unknown Flavor or Brand Name)” was “Cactus SC (WF)”
Your "Candy (Unknown brand/ No recipes) was “Pineapple Candy with Citrus (SSA)”
Your “Cigar (SC) (FE)” was “Cigar (FE)”
Your “Cinnamon (Unknown brand/ No recipes)” was “Cinnamon Cookie (CL)”
Your “Plum (Pure Flavours)” was "Plum (PF)
Your “T/A Blend (OSDIY)” was "Tobacco Blend (OSDIY)


Why are you guys concerned about the Database anyways? You know what’s in it, most people won’t be able to find it anyways even if they were looking.

Pro Mixers like myself that still use TPA, CAP and FW are still on top of the charts, good luck catching up.


Is anyone else showing a flavor “Mine”? Can’t even guess what that one was.


Could be Tuscan Reserve… :man_shrugging:


Not one I ever had, thanks anyway.


Oh ok, I saw “Mine” used in a recipe where the guy referred to Tuscan Reserve in the recipe notes… maybe he had it spelled wrong and it got merged :man_shrugging:


@Letitia That sounds EXCITING, I sure hope I have it too !!!


Just gone to do some mixing for the 1st time in a while with waning mixing mojo (I wonder why?) & I spotted one of the flavours I wanted to use was just totally missing from my stash, from what I can tell not even renamed to invalid, just poof gone gone gone, I have re entered it & added the notes back in & have used the full name of the vendor rather than it’s abbreviation -

SWEET CREAM CL 4% (Cornish liquids)

Notes -

Well this is a bit of a shock to the system! This is also my first test of any flavour from this brand.

It is likely one of the best if not the best sweet cream offering I have tested to date, it really is fairly profile accurate, the cream is a good solid cream flavour with some mild hints of the milk fats, good body & mouthfeel without being to gunky, it’s quite a dense full cream & really does convey the taste of a cream.

Now the bad part (for some), the sweetness really is quite sweet, bordering on to much for my own tastes but I think it will be very workable if used low & possibly paired with other milk & cream flavourings, the sweetness is pretty good though, not 100% natural but not far off it at all IMO, it’s actually quite reminiscent of my favorite cream offering (Hangsen) & certainly a flavour I will be putting to use, overall excellent which is a refreshing change as many so called sweet creams are pretty awful.

% tested @ - 4

Steeped for many weeks

Mouthfeel – medium

Dryness – none

Harshness - none

Off Notes – none but see above notes

Sweetness – mid sweet more towards the higher end

Single flavour recommendation – no but not a million miles off

Uses – anything you want really, will no doubt work very well with most things where you need both sweetness & cream together

Mix % Recommendations – accent 1 to 2% - Main note 3 to 4% - Single flavour 4+%

Personal Rating - 9.5/10


No Joy @Letitia


Sadly I am of no use either Letitia -