New Recipe Showcase 2019

I like the sound of this.
I have to make just a few responsible subs but I think I am good.
I’m going to mix as close to this as I can and let it sit. And I’ll report back.
And I think I’ll dig it.


This too good.Thanks for sharing this.


Thank you for your comment, I will try what you say. The idea was to add creaminess without too much sweetness …


If you have cream fresh from flavour art, or cream from flavorah, it would be perfect for it.
Adding dairy from tfa will give milky/dairy taste, that IMHO doesn’t really goes well with your recipe, unless you want that strawberry cookie dunked in milk taste. Again, this is just my opinion, though.


You know how you have your favorite rig, your favorite tank, your favorite coil, the perfect position for the air inlet, AND the perfect wattage setting?
And then, the flavor that you can’t wait to put in it because it is always so honest and true, so maximizes every flavor you try, that you think, “I have to try this in my baby”?
This is one of those flavors.
If I’m being honest I had to use Capella biscuit, but I’ll say that this is the first time I’ve used it where I can really taste the cookie. I’m also getting a fair amount of egg flavor, the good rich custard kind that is not too sweet. And the strawberry ripe from tfa matches both of those nicely. This is what I love about DIY. If this were a commercial juice it would hit you In the head with a baseball bat of sweetness. This is more like a warm blanket. It reminds me of a cookie that your nana would give you when you come in from play. I’m only at 24 hours and know this will mature but I can’t imagine it taking any “wrong turns” in the steep.
I suppose my comments are somewhat moot since I used subs, so I will be back with my version so you can see what I did…


My subs (quantities are the same, except I think I ran the strawberry ripe a little heavy (1/2 a gram) due to late night mixing. Hey, at least I wasn’t operating heavy machinery.

Berry (Crunch) Cereal (TPA)0.55
Biscuit (CAP)1.10
Cheesecake (Graham Crust) (TPA)1.10
Raspberry, Sweet (TPA)0.66
Shisha Vanilla (INAWERA)0.41
Strawberry ripe (FA)3.02 (oops, 3.72)
Sweet Cream (CAP)0.55
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TPA)1.10


I noticed that if you click on the recipe, even though it is private, we can comment on it.
I’ve come home and with a clear head and sound mind, am going to go rate it 5 stars.
You should make this public. It’s a fine recipe!


Did you ever try to make a recipe to match a flavor that you love, and miss the mark, but wind up with a flavor that is delightful just as it is?
I’m going to assume yes.
I set out to make runts.
Particularly the banana runts.
When I eat a banana runts I know I taste a delicious artificial banana, and I think I catch some vanilla, and of course sweet and sour. And dental bills. Those don’t have a flavor but if they did it would be bad. Good thing no one has a “dental bill” flavor. Yuk. It would be methyl alcohol, fear, and pain. Such a bad thing to vape.

So… on my first attempt, I missed the banana runts.

I’ve since made a couple variations to get closer to the actual flavor, but when I try them, in my profile rta, they are closer to correct, but then I drop 5 drops of this “fail” on my cotton and it jumps up to a delicious flavor and gets wings, but doesn’t taste like banana runts.
Just delicious.
Don’t you just hate (love) when that happens?
If you like creamy desserts like I do, don’t go here. If you like something sweet and a little sour to take a break from your custards and donuts, read on.

This has harvest berry in it, clearly killing my runts mission, but providing violins and trumpets in the orchestra.

This hits sweet on the front, and breaks into a chorus of fruit, and lemon lime soda, (takes three long cloud hits) actually it tastes like sierra mist or 7up, with some jolly rancher candy stirred in.

(*3 more clouds)

I don’t know where the lemon and lime came from, surely the harvest berry and blue raspberry, I’m tasting it as I write this, and it’s lemon lime soda with a fruit basket thrown at it.

I love my tobaccos and desserts but I like my third tank to have a happy surprise in it for me. And this is happy.

Could you try this?

You won’t throw it out.

Its crazy delicious. I’m proud of it.

Enough to post it and take criticism.

This was tasted during this review at 12 days steep with a baby beast tank on a geekvape mini legend set at 55 watts, no pop or crackle, smooth hit.

Originally tested on a profile rta till delicious.


Oh, and my coils.
In my baby beast it’s v8 baby mesh.
If You have baby beast or the x-priv baby, go get these coils.
I don’t know why they don’t crackle or pop, or why the flavors are so real, but these are my faves, I’m new at this but I’ve been through a few coils and I’m fixed on these till I hear different.


I would suggest using a dripper/rda @Chef_Johnny for flavor testing… :wink:


Yes! I have a profile rda. Rta?
Whatever, the thing you change the cotton and drip in the top.


Okay so I did this on a whim. I love it.
Pretty simple.
Nothing appears to be missing.
Might add caramel.
See notes.


Another one I’m vaping daily and ready to make public.
Full disclosure it is a DQ Peanut butter shake recipe that I had to adapt due to flavors on hand.
So not my creation other than some kick ass subbing.
I can’t get enough of this coil killer.
As Clint Eastwood might say, “Go ahead, kill my coils”.


Steeped this for a month or so and it turned out pretty good, the sweet and sour Rhubarb WF lends a bit of tartness along with the back notes of Raspberry Mailina and gives it a bit more of a ripe taste to the Rhubarb Compote. The Rhubarb flavour doesn’t get hidden with the Vanilla Custard and it just turned out to be an alright mix… Woo!


Like alright back to the drawing board ??? Or good enough to make public but will make a V2 ??? Or a good recipe and you dont want to seem conceited ?


Alright as in, I’m a mediocore mixer with confidence issues


Didn’t you see the “Woo!”?


I did see the woo , I thought it was a Ric Flair woo so thats what confused me …btw the recipe looks great


“Rick Flair woo”.

