Nicotine Rivers growing flavors and how you can help

Will those clear bottles reduce life expectancy of flavors? Does light affect them?

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Good morning!

Sorry for the delay, TFA only has one glazed/frosted donut flavor :slight_smile: What was your order number I will send you out the CAP version on the house!

Thank you :slight_smile:


Good morning!

In all honesty I have never dealt with the powder only nicotine in liquid form. As long as its cold/air tight/light free I have heard of people having batches of nicotine for up to 4 - 5 years. I can look into the powder and give you some better answers, let me know :slight_smile:

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We have been told that are some flavors that should be rebottled and kept in the dark. I need to look into this more but I have told by the owners of these flavor companies that is takes a long while for a flavor to go bad or potentially change. I appreciate the question my friend!


read this please.

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Hope @Nicotine_River does not mind me chipping in on this but the clear bottles are just fine, no matter the bottle color, they should never be stored in sunlight (Black will absorb heat). There are some other items that will effect flavor still. Flavors must be stored at an appropriate temperature and humidity level. This can be especially problematic in hot, humid climates. As a rule, flavors should not be stored near heat sources, such as steam pipes or laboratory ovens. Flavors should never be stored in direct sunlight. Flavors should not be routinely stored on the bench tops. In such locations they are unprotected from exposure!


Thank you :slight_smile:


@Nicotine_River … I emailed yesterday about a problem with my order, haven’t heard anything back yet.

Was curious if you got my message on here from the other day in regards to the glazed donut, also have a follow up question, much thanks!

I think Grant answered that.

Signed: Mr Buttinsky

Haha yes always great response time from him, but I’m not sure how direct messages are notified and if he had noticed mine :blush:

Hmmmm. He hasn’t noticed mine. Now my email. Guess I’ll have to call them tomorrow.

I think they are probably really busy because of the free shipping sale over the weekend. My order was placed on Saturday and it’s not boxed yet according to their site.

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You guys don’t offer free shipping over a certain amount?

I want to be Mr Buttinsky again :slight_smile:

Free Shipping is really more gimicky than anything. When you run a business, every dollar you spend on that business is overhead and businesses exist to generate profit. Where companies like Fasttech, for example, can manage free shipping on products that are already super cheap is in volume shipping. Companies such as FedEx will offer huge discounts to businesses who ship in high volume. So that’s one way it is affordable for them. They pay very little for their product, then pay very little for shipping. All that cost plus their profit margin is rolled into the price you pay, but it’s not really free, and they DO generate a profit.

Some retailers offer free shipping for purchasing over a certain amount. This amount is not accidental. The cost for shipping the product is factored into the product itself, and the “offer” is merely to attract larger sales. So if the consumer is really only wanting $5.00 in product (say 1 item) but will get free shipping by spending $100 (20 items) then they feel they saved money, especially if shipping is $10. What they don’t realize is that they’ve really only spread the shipping cost across those 20 items, or 50 cents per item.

Point is, it’s a psychological thing…a marketing strategy. Companies can no more afford to pay out of their profits to ship product than we can give half the groceries in our shopping cart away to a stranger in the parking lot. Well, we may be able to do it occasionally, but not every time we go shopping. Otherwise we end up spending twice on our grocery bill so we can continue to eat.

I can’t remember where I read it, but it was here on ELR. One of the members said he was buying from one of two vendors (BCV or ECX) vs the other, and was getting the one that didn’t have free shipping because it was cheaper overall.

Here’s a good article that explains how free shipping is a psychological issue. They talk about a buy cycle every customer is in. One of those is the “purchase” cycle. They say The shopper has to be in buy mode in order to be lured in by the offer of free shipping..

More rambling thoughts from Mr Buttinsky.


That was beautifully put! Couldn’t have explained it better :slight_smile:

We have been dyinggggg but we will be caught up today my friend, I apologize for the lag time and delayed response :slightly_smiling:

Thank you so much for everything!

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Good morning!

I just saw your email and it said you were shorted some flavoring, I apologize for that and the delayed response. I will have them re-do your complete order today and have them overnight it for delivery tomorrow.

That is guaranteed :slightly_smiling:

Thank you so much for everything!


It’s fine really. I figured you guys were swamped and probably freaking out a little.


Grant is the best… Nuff said!!!