No online purchases in Utah

Groucho Marx?


Small world indeed…

I used to be stationed at N.A.S. Lemoore… longest 3 years of my life.

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Down near Provo area

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From my research into the hole online sales issue i’ve come to believe sales made out of country will still be ok. Basically any sale outa country is considered “from manufacturer”. The ban they’re putting out is for personal sales of products and sales “from manufacturer” aren’t included. As long as you don’t resale the item’s shouldn’t be a problem. That’s why FT started carrying U.S. made ejuice to get around this.

That’s why it sounded familiar, we used to have relatives and pick peaches in Orem

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Pick peaches as in for personal canning my mom canned them not as in transient fruit pickers. :slight_smile:

Our elected representatives have been wiping their asses with that parchment for decades. What I fear is that toilet paper will be worth more than the dollar at some point in the future. I really don’t want to wipe with money, it’s filthy and you can catch something you can’t get rid of.


It already is, petrodollar keeps it up artificially, if that goes out of the window for whatever reason, dollar is totally worthless. Mind you, so is all the rest of the money. We should just make our own from recycled newspapers or something. They’re worthless rags anyway, might as well put them to good use.

Idk i have a sensitive butthole. It better be soft and absorbent like the cottonelle i have :stuck_out_tongue:

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I meant making money from old newspapers, not toilet paper :grinning:

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Lol ohhh hahah okay

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When there’s no more moist towelettes… that’s when I go POSTAL

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Got some good news today via email from


Great news. Let’s hope it stays that way.


I like the :wink: they did haha like they just totally know these regulations are horse shit


Ugh… Lightning Vapes won’t ship fucking wire even.

Seriously? Try ebay.

Ordered 26g kanthal and 30g NiChrome80 thats it…

It’s just friggin’ wire! Maybe because their store is set up for the sole purpose of vaping supplies. Might have to try a vendor that doesn’t have “vape” anywhere in their name. Sorry brother, that really bites.

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Try advanced vape supply. But the only specialize in ss316

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