No online purchases in Utah

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I did check them out they arent too far from me, bout 15min drive on other side of salt lake from me. Been meaning to stop in a check them out in person. May just do that. Wonder how the ban is effecting their stock also tho?

Yeah. When I asked them about the changes they didnā€™t really answer. I really wanted to submit an order prior to the change but couldnā€™t.

Whwn i showed my gf the email from lightning vapes she said i should have just ordered a bunch of wire too but i didnt think itd be banned and i felt guilty for spending so much on the rest of my stuff already lol. Cant find an address for themā€¦ Hope they have a store front im pretty sure i have driven past it but i could be wrong not that it matters because the shops cant order anything to keep in stock either nowā€¦


They arenā€™t a ā€œvapeā€ supplier so you might have some luck with the shipping.

1 Like they wont care and they ship pretty fast (the free shipping option is epacket so dont chose and pay for epacket its a waste of money and the price drops up to 60% when your logged in so make an account real quick to see real prices when shopping) they also do not put that its ecig stuff on their packages they put gist or consumer electronics and a very low value :wink:

You should check Advanced Vapor out if they are close. They have some nice stuff on their site and very reasonable pricing. Iā€™ve been using their stuff for a few months and love it. All looks bright, shiny and clean when I get it. They do focus on Stainless Steel but also have some Titanium available as well. Not sure what your preference is, but if you do TC then you might find a friend for the long term close by.

I emailed them for an address because they dont show up on google maps. I just ordered from fasttech to see if theyll do it lol

I have only 22g titanium. I prefer wattage mode tho.
I have mostly kanthal. Just ran out of the 30g nichrome80 i was using to wrap 26g kanthal with.
Decided to order another roll of the nichrome, but also decided to try out some ss316. Ordered two rolls each 26,28,30,32 gauges to play with for a while.

Im sure fast tech willā€¦ they arent suppose to ship alot of stuff into canada and they doā€¦ and your ordering wire its used to make jewelery and thats obviously why you want it :wink:


lightning vapesā€¦

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Kinda what I figured. Sucks!

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Yeahā€¦ I just got UD from fasttech instead. Itā€™s Whatevs just takes longer but still cost me less so it works out

Well, there you go. A bit of silver lining for you. Try Temco next time. Iā€™ve bought from there before and itā€™s decent wire. You may have to do a bit of wiping to get the machine oil off, but you should be doing that anyway.

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Do you use SS316? From what i have tried of it, I like the flavor much better than kanthal and so i got 26,28,30,32 of it to play around with. Was wondering if you had any suggestions of builds for single and dual builds around 0.2-0.4ohm range. Just started using claptons more recently and really liking them, was thinking some SS claptons would be wonderful in my kanger rba and my supreme(once it gets here) along with my plume vail

Iā€™m vaping SS Claptons now. 26g core with 32g wrap in the Velocity. Dual coils ohm in at 0.18 and the performance is outstanding. I have them slightly spaced cuz compressed I get a lot of popping. Iā€™ve used the same single clapton in the TFV4 mini (spaced) and it is perfect IMO. Iā€™ve rebuilt reaper (original) coil heads with 26g dual coil single wire at 0.5 and they work great. My personal preference is 26g wire only because Iā€™m too impatient with the ramp up of the 22/24g. Although with the Hohm Wrecker mod, it should be quite good. Have to try it and let you know. I tried a dual core 28g with 32 outer wrap and they were pretty nice, but I prefer the single 26 core. I also get a better vape with a 2.5mm ID rather than a 3mm ID. Experiment and see what works for you.

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26/32 was my original thought when ordering them after some time messin on steamengine. Figured id get 28 and 30g also just to mess around and see whatelse i could come up with too :slight_smile: nice good to know tho i wasnt 100% sure on it just was guessing lol

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One thing to watch for: SS wire is springy as hell and when I make my Claptons, they tend to open up so I have to adjust and pull down the outer wrap a few times. After Iā€™m done I take a mini butane torch and run it down the length of the clapton and it takes a bit of the spring out of it. When you coil it, be mindful of the ends. Give yourself a little extra on the legs as the outer wrap may want to extend past the core. Of course, I may be doing it wrong to begin with and my method needs to be reevaluated.

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Sounds about accurate to me. The only SS i have messed with so far was rewicking cubis coils in my AIO. It was i believe 28g and definitely springy af. Ill keep it in mind when i get my spools in. Thanks for the advice

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@Lostmarbles Wonder how 26g SS core with NiChrome 30g wrap would do, as the nichrome is a bit softer not so springy, maybe for learning clapton builds ill try that also till i get it down better. Only made a few successfully so far :stuck_out_tongue: much more wasted than created at this pointā€¦ Saw a guy use an empty old kanger protank coil shell to do it so i been trying that but my dumb luck the spool snags on itself being rolled badly and snaps the wire most of the timeā€¦ Ugh didnt realize it would be such a pain in the ass for me to get down