NY- 60 years of nicotine in deep freeze

@SessionDrummer @fidalgo_vapes @anon36682625 …really anyone who wants to read through this long article. I haven’t finished it yet but I’d love to get everyone’s thoughts. You do need to get at least half or 2/3 through to get all the important info.


Let me get this Voltrove review cross-posted @muth.


The person wrote this article did a summation article. What they didn’t mention is Phillip Morris was blocked out of the Chinese market for their heat not burn products. Kind of hard to complete in a market that you can’t enter.


But they’ll be in the market that currently is blocking vape products, right? Where will this leave us original vapers? We’re the ones who developed this alternate harm reduction. I can see this going in either one or two disastrous or opportunistic ways.


China has one tobacco manufacturer. I haven’t read anything about them producing a reduced risk tobacco product like PM’s IQOS product.

Last I heard PM was applying for a new atomizer patent for their IQOS device.


China Tobacco has the Monopoly in Chinese markets. They are owned by the Chinese government.


Alteria would be the distribution arm of PM in the United States. They were the same company till a little over a decade when they split in two. PM does all manufacturing and distribution outside of the US. Alteria is manufacturing and distribution in US only. Alteria is licensed thru PM to distribute IQOS in the US.
Blocking wouldn’t be the right terminalogy. They compete with vaping. They have deep pockets. They are part of the Tobacco Settlement. They will remain legal. They pay huge taxes to the FED’s and US States. The States turn around and sell bonds on projections on income from the Tobacco Settlement. They need the money to pay bills and pension obligation. Revenue is declining (the article states by 3% a year). The blocking is not being done by the cigarette industry it is being done by your reps in Congress to protect the States from loss of capital.
Reminder: Alteria owns 54% of Juul. About the same of Cronus a refiner of canibus products in Canada. The have taken a beating on both investments. Why would the cigarette industry want to block vaping?


Does the Chinese government own the vaping industry there?


YES! Exactly. That’s what I was thinking. Thx for all your info, btw. Now if somehow Altria could tie in their Juul’s or any other vaping products’ profits into the Big T Settlement fund then our state reps would have no reason to ban vaping products. I’m not sure I know what I’m talking about because politics are a mindfuck to me, and I hate to say it, but if Big T invested (basically bought out the vaping industry as we know it) then there is no longer a reason for state reps to oppose it. Awful thought but true. Am I making any sense?


they “don’t” want to block it. they want to utterly own it, ALL of it = monopoly.
buy a pack of smokes, or aa vape = they profit. and just like the mob = you better not muscle in on their turf.


I bought 2 gallons myself … should last me many many years


Eh, that’s what I was thinking. Ya think they’ll let us play on their turf for a price? It might be our only chance to survive. They themselves want to progress away from combustible cigarettes. We bring the best goods.


I have no idea how old you are but can you include me in your will? :rofl:


Im 54 … hopefully it will last me till I die :slight_smile:


not exactly sure what that means.

but we don’t know what products they will sell, most likely disposables, at least at first. then, who knows other than whatever makes them money. vaping isn’t going away, bet on it. but the wild west is about over, though the black market will be there for however long in whatever form.


Not quite Tru but not far off either. Any of the Tobacco company’s and one alcohol company that have money in canibus or vaping are regretting their investment right now. In fact Alteria inserted the current CEO at Juul. They have written off two thirds of their investment in Juul. Their stock has dropped to record lows in the last two year’s. Not exactly the kind of investment any company wants to make. Alteria also had the opportunity to buy out Juul entirely and passed. Will it happen in the future? Not till Congress changes their stance on on vaping in this country. BTW your state senator was the sponcer of the bill. Dick Durbin knew the bill wouldn’t pass on it’s own merit so he snuck it in the budget bill.


The own bits and pieces of most of any industry in China. You do realize vaping is against the law in China.


Your making perfect sense. To answer your other question read my reply to jinx_d.


just wait till all of the unprepared vapers can’t get what they want, then resort to juuls. and juul went down because of all the other disposables on the market, there are a ton, and probably better = are these now going to go away ? idk, but i bet many of them do.

“Dick”, Durbin = a royal POS !


If that plays out @jinx_d, it will be sad to watch.