NY- 60 years of nicotine in deep freeze

I bought some amber glass bottles of various sizes from a stall in Fremantle market years ago and they seem to work just fine.
The biggest was 100ml and the smallest 10ml. The 10ml ones I filled to the neck and they have been residing in the freezer compartment in a couple of trays from Red Dot ever since unmolested.

I too have been thinking of the future and believe that certain ingredient we can’t have is our Achilles heel.


Give it to those who didn’t have time to stock up enough or only just found out and have none :+1:

Karmic balance in the universe will be restored.

Or, mix into smaller 100mL bottles for wider distribution to whoever ends up missing out :blush:

Yeah see, it’s not one person specifically buying up ludicrous amounts of nicotine, it’s the potential for people to start going mental like thei did with toilet paper that bothers me…

If it can happen with something as inane as toilet paper too, it can certainly happen with a highly addictive substance doo many people want that’s about to be highly restricted.

Everyone here have their supplies sorted or nearly sorted, but many others probably don’t.


I was being funny in my way. I don’t give a flying fuck how much nic others buy.


If 2-1/2 gallons buys out a vendor’s entire stock, maybe the vendor should have stocked more… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I confess to having that same dastardly plan way back then but then the scare was over and I foolishly had 200 years worth in the entire bottom of my freezer with the added issue of freezer burnt meat from cranking it below 0°f! Besides who would buy nicotine from some crazy old bricklayer? Lol at 12mg and less than 10ml a day you don’t need gallons of Nic. More like a couple quarts for a decade! So I wasted $300!


For sure, especially those trying to quit. Vaping has saved my life and likely some limbs from smoking related diabetic problems. Not to mention no more heat attacks since way back then. My last circulation test to my legs had me at 99% normal blood flow thanks to Vaping and not smoking three packs a day. It’s costs my wife over $350 a month to smoke and me 25 cents a day with my own juice and coils!


Why I reacted so strongly to OP: 60 years worth is insane and if enough people did that it wouldn’t just be a few gallons from one person: it’d start that ‘never in stock’ situation that would domino from one site to another until a few people buy all the nicotine as it’s restocked while many more people can’t even get a bottle.

There’s more than enough for everyone long as people don’t go mental.


The rest of you all read that: the fact we have all the juice we need doesn’t mean anyone should be encouraging 60 year purchase orders that are lunacy and could mean lots of others get none simply because a panic sets in and enough other people start duplicating OP for it to be a problem.

I don’t give a fuck because I’m worried about me missing out: I’ve already got years worth of 100mg base and will have over a decade worth within the next few weeks and I don’t even live in the States! I’ve got until October! It’s trying to keep people calm so everyone gets to stock up I’m concerned about.

Anyway bedtime, it’s 4:00AM :roll_eyes:


What tape did you use on your caps to seal?


i could care less what someone buys. that is, unless they are buying what “I” want :laughing:


Unfortunately, unlike the pandemic hoarding, this doesn’t have a ‘return to normalcy’ inevitability. Odds are this ban will be in place for a long time. Fortunately, although it is a PIA and inconvenient, we are still able to go to the physical locations when we need to re-stock assuming they remain in business. My supplier is in Tulsa, which is a 4.5 hour drive. Not fun, but at least they’re there. At this point, at least, it doesn’t look like we’re buying the last nic we’ll ever be able to.

Stupid regulation.


We’ll be fine: we got another 7 months to go.

I reckon 6 bottles will see me past the 10 year mark and by then I’m sure there’ll be some cool new delivery system we can switch over to anyway :smirk:

If we buy just 1 bottle a week, we’ll have more than enough nicotine to see out our lives by Oct.



I have about 10-15 years stored up. OP was just thinking of the long haul getting 60 yrs worth. I’m thinking about buying another gallon myself. We don’t really know the longevity of it storing for 10-20 + yrs but if I spend another $160 on a gallon and it turns to shit well it would suck, and if not then all will be awesome.


@jinx_d @anon70102222

I just remember the pandemic hoarding, and think how easily that kinda shit could happen again here with nic, and how I’d be feeling if I only just found out about the ban and every site I went to try and order some was continually sold out, because of a handful of people with the childish desire to be nicotine gods.


It certainly is happening here. Last week when I bought my gallon of salts from Heartland, everything they sold was in stock. As of this morning, a whole lot was out of stock. Unknown if this is temporary but it’s telling.


Why I refused to go along and pat OP on the back for ordering enough to supply a small country: just trying to not encourage it.

He’s only one person, but if enough people do that it’ll get to be bad luck for anyone else who needs the much cherished nicotine.

I’ve noticed hardware is largely outta stock on Austrakian sites, though not nic based products.



Lol…I mix for apprx 20 people in my area and im sure that number will go up so im nit just ordering for myself…The diy community is going to need Nicotine there will be some people without . I figure that if I have enough then not only can I mix for people I can also send out 120ml to people who need it or more…There will be a time we cant get it anymore this I believe with all of me


With Pandemic Panic, I was ‘annoyed’ at how the panicked folks bought everything out and hamstrung the rest of us at the beginning like that. But in this case, it’s actually pretty justified. I don’t know how many of our suppliers will be able to remain in business when the loss of shipping customers hits. If I have to drive to Montana just to get nic, or not even be able to get it at all, I’ll be quite happy I have some years’ worth in my freezer.

Worse to me is how many people will pretty much just return to smoking to compensate for this disgusting legislation.


A lot of companies are gomna stop selling 100mgml to consumers bc Fed Ex is the company who tyoically ships that for the providers …Not many comapnoes are restocking their Nic especially above 48mgml


there will still be nic in this country. the companies that will be making juice for the B&M’s will need it. but i don’t see many/any small juice companies surviving. its mostly going to be laarge’ish companies, just because of the legal and paperwork.