NY- 60 years of nicotine in deep freeze

Ya …It sucks for alot of people but for me its more important to keep the people that have transitioned off the ciggs …I can only hope that something stips the madness it just doesnt look good…


I think those companies who paid good money for their PMTAs should sue to get their money back.


I still can’t believe it won’t be overturned at some point in the nearish future: I’m serie it’s a violation of civil rights and some team of lawyers on behalf of the vaping industry will end up commencing a class action lawsuit against the govt(s).

If we lived in a world without any nicotine already I could see them getting away with this, but we’r heave the freedom to smoke tobacco, the freedom of choice to use those nicorette gum etcetera - singling out vaping just seems like something too easily challenged y’know?


50 /50…Right now I have more freebase because salts are used so high…The one thing I need is more salts…I also buy from different places and get different brands

Carolina Xtract , Nic Select , CNT , Chemnovatic, LNW which there FB is cnt and amerinic mixed…PurNic ( salts ) oh and most recently i got some Nude Nic which seems to be pretty great but they only have 50/ 50 VGPG base mix for salts…


Lawyers will, I’m sure of it.

It’ll take them time is all.


But they don’t really have to be, right?


Ditto. I do the exact same thing!


No they can be used at the same pct as Freebase from .1 to 50mgml…Some people like FB and some Need salts I vape FB so I haave to have it lol


Let hope both of our Countries get some common sense …


We do have a team of lawyers who represent the vape businesses here. I know they helped with the PMTAs and I can’t imagine them letting this slide.


Why do some people need salts? Do they need a more instant effect? I never understood it except for the extra smoothness. Personally, I don’t really notice that much of a difference. I heard that salts have a longer shelf life. Is that true?


This was my answer earlier

personally. I use Freebase which is the standard regular Nicotine …I buy Salts because my highest pct of Quit Rate for other people comes from them using things like the Caliburn at a higher Nic pct so i start People with 35 mg of salt and they typically use a pod device with 1.2 ohm or higher then I gradually reduce them with out them knowing over a couple months . Sometimes they notice they are vaping more so I’ll bump them up . If the person chooses to use the pod device i try to bring them to 10mg of nic and hold them there for awhile…So that why I buy both because i mix for a bunch of people and everyone is different…

I have people who already vaped Freebase and i keep them on it …

Most Salts are much smoother than FB


Smooth , quicker to blood stream , works better in higher nic low water pod systems…


So that’s where our 2 gallons went!


Sorry to make you write so much. I didn’t realize you maintained your customers intake for them. You would be Dr. Fiddy, I presume?


Me either.

We won’t hear about it for a while yet just because, well can you even imagine the paperwork?

Fuckin whole forest of trees they’ll be needing, and just getting the first preliminary documents written and printed and distributed and everything else…

I get the shits having to fill out a single page form with personal details - glad I’m not a lawyer :smirk::flushed:


Lol…Ya I do becuse with my mom and GF it took them numerous times to quit and I finally tried a pod decixe for them with high Nic and it worked and it has seemed to work over and over…I dont believe in keeping people at such a high Nic level no matter what so 5mgml down every 2 weeks apprx u til I get to 10 but sometimes I hold them at 20 or so and I have had to bump people up…Its is actually a lot of work and believe me ive never profited ever


I think you all over there have a much better chance at having your over turned right now we are stuck and things can only get worse …But I am hoping one day we will actually have our rights back


You’re a good man, fiddy. I hope they can reach a point where you don’t have to work so hard on the levels anymore.


Ha thank you …Its gotten easier and ive started to develop a menu that people can pick their liquids then if they want something off the list they can pay a premium bc at that point it becomes a chore and they are usually a pain in my ass lol…I do fear that in a few months ill have to mix for more people and I can’t turn them down…Or we lose

Its actually funny because a couple years back i stopped mixing for other people period…I only started again when regs started pushing people back to smoking