NY- 60 years of nicotine in deep freeze

This morning, Heartland seems to only have 100mg freebase in liter or gallon available. Everything else looks to be out of stock…


Good thing is I already have 10-15 yrs stock. I’m just gonna buy a liter of 100mg salt and call it a day.


Hell I will get anybody who wants to quit cigarettes a free low wattage device and a couple of flavors to get them started. Must have given away 15-20 Novo’s with 45ml of three flavors.


Well Liquid Barn now only has 48mgml on their site and No more Fed Ex option …I knew this was coming from talking to Bobby the other day but I really hoped it wasnt …If anyone wants quality Nicotine and wants to help LB het rid of their stock while they can ship USPS go grab some


friends/relatives ? i am not in a position to give stuff away. and i don’t know anyone that vapes. and if i should meet someone that does, new job or whatever, they can pay me or go to the vape shop.

i am thinking to buy another ltr, just on that chance. i have about 10+ years now just for myself. i think i should think fast


Ya the Novos were my here ya go if you want to uograde let me know and ill help device…I got a bunch of them on sale for like 8$ awhile back


It’s alright, I’ve stopped worrying on the States behalf about a panic situation on nic stock: my last word on it this afternoon was that a) human nature means people will always panic and do stupid things anyway no matter who tries to tell them to calm down and b) that I hope people who are just now deciding to stop smoking and take up vaping don’t miss out too badly, but it’s better someone buys the stock than to have nicotine unsold after the ban anyway, since unsold nicotine is even worse and people are going to miss out if they’re slow-pokes anyhow.

Buy more NOW then!

Really - I was never directing the needling at those of us who’re stocking up their own cupboards with some extra for friends and family who might need it, I was pointing at others who are being outright greedy and trying to explain to everyone that if enough people buy a ridiculous amount out of greed, it could easily result in others finding ‘Sold out’ every site they look on.

Order what you can now - one litre of salts probably won’t be enough, though you can always turn freebase into salt nicotine later.


people will not go without here. they will just buy from the vape shops, and pay the price. vape shops will still be around, maybe even more of them. its going to be just like tobacco here.


See ^

Don’t stop ordering of you are unsure about your supply.

This is your last chance and as @anon70102222 said they’re starting to run out of different strengths of nicotine bases already - next week might be too late.




Exactly. Sorens have gotten so cheap it makes the Novo look expensive. With 450 flavors I bought I won’t use it all. Heck the 15ml bottle is probably the most expensive. I don’t care. It makes me feel good when someone does quit.


At this point I agree; while I’m sure there are opportunists buying up stock for resale purposes (unfortunately), the fact remains that shipping will soon cease. I feel bad for people who don’t keep up on forums and such for whatever reason, and are not aware. I was unaware for a while myself. Fortunately I was able to get what I wanted (no, not inordinate amounts) before stocks became depleted and the ban goes into effect. And like I said earlier, I don’t promote panic buying in most situations, but this is actually warranted IMHO. Hopefully people are able to figure out how to source nic in the future and not return to analogs.


@jinx_d pointed out a point that means we can feel a bit less bad for those out of the loop or the slow-pokes who just didn’t get around to stocking-up…

…so while they will probably be paying a premium, they won’t be left shaking on a dank couch in a dark room from nicotine withdrawls - they’ll just have to expend significantly more money and effort to physically go to a store and get limited supplies, with even more limited options.

And since no amount of ‘community awareness’ here can affect the actions of greedy arseholes who never visit vaping forums, there’s no point worrying about it really: just buy what you can now, is where my attitude has moved to :+1:


they are and have been doing that, going to vape shops, thats why vape shops are still there, people use them. soon, they will have no choice. many people don’t want to be bothered with online stuff = walk in, get what they want, and leave = done.


I remember someone did that once and the degradation was minimal.
I can’t remember who it was but I seem to remember it was barely 1% after some years.
If my nicotine is still 50mg/ml after 50 years of freezing I would be ok with that.
Especially since by that time I’ll be long dead.
I don’t really expect to live for 109 years :skull:


If you are one thing, @Josephine_van_Rijn , that one thing would be stubborn. And that’s a good thing of course. I can see 150 out of you to be honest, at least. :wink:


The way this world is going I’m not sure I want to live another 91 years :cold_sweat:


Yes and no. I supply my son in law. The rest have been friends of friends, stranger’s when seeing me vape ask what’s that? Others that mention quitting smoking.
People I have never seen again. Some who couldn’t quit cigarettes. Some went on to quit.
I don’t supply them forever. I don’t dog people. If they go on vaping I have done my part. If they don’t continue vaping I have done my part.


Oh yeah… this was right after my comment, so I hope it wasn’t towards me @natbone b/c if so…, all I ban say is FUCK U, tht sounds pretty fuckin childish…

I have quite a few problems tht relate to my comments that I could go into a fuller detail about… BUT… I’ll just leave it as FUCK U MATE, since no1 really gives a flying fuck anyway…, sorry if ur comment wasn’t towards me, but it damn sure seemed like it was!, & it kinda pisses me off because tht was a perfect fucking example of the way the world is today… nobody gives a fuck as to why someone does or says anything or why it was done…, they just feed out their b.s. remark… so what’s up?? Y come with a remark like tht?


Actually, it was directed at the OP. But I do have a question for you. How old are you, 12?