Okay, now we're talking. (I think?) Wotofo nexMINI stuff

OK, got some sleep and I’m happy to report that the SMRT Mesh V8 Baby rba does fit the Hellbeast sub-ohm. It fits perfectly and vapes well but a tiny bit more restricted than the stock coil heads. The mesh strip on the SMRT is a bit smaller in height and smaller in diameter when coiled, so that may be why. Haven’t had a chance to try it on the Cerebus yet, but will try it later on today. I don’t anticipate it will be a problem though. So far, so good. Still haven’t played with the standard traditional RBA yet, but @INOIROC is right about those screws, they are tiny tiny. I can see myself losing those in no time at all.


Thank you Pastorfuzz :heart:


Just thought I’d mention that HC emailed me with instructions on an alternative payment method that will work for everyone. I won’t mention it on the public forum but it’s one we all know. PM me if you want to know what I’m talking about.


The single coil RBAs might be junk. I had one vaping alright and it had decent flavor. I switched the coil to try something different. Now it’s acting like it has connectivity issues. The coil I installed isn’t firing normally. It’s like a post is loose or something. The whole thing looks like it’s press fit together. I’ll try the other one tomorrow. The first one still works but my resistance was jumping.


That sucks!


Dayum, I just got all my SMRT gear from FT and HC. Haven’t tried the RBA yet but the V8 mesh coil works great in the Big Baby.

Just one little quirk. I had to remove the screw-on cap of the coil and thread it onto the tank’s chimney in order to put the whole tank together. No big deal but I couldn’t screw the top of the tank directly down on the coil without first doing that. Could just be my particular tank, Idk. Just saying in case anyone else has a problem. Or…this is my first time using a SMOK Baby tank so could be me.


@muth AREN’T THEY GREAT! i bought 5 boxes (was $5 off) made one of each, turbo chill and extreme. and have 2 spares! they roll fit and taste…perfect. no bleachy or funk taste at all! i m so glad i read this post way back when! the coils are almost ten bucks a piece w/ MA taxes #@ the brick and motor vape way.
i too had too screw top then bottom. if thats the worst…:slight_smile:
using them in geek vape CERBERUS & Smok Pro Color Neon Green Big Baby Beast <-fits perfect! thanks INOIROC. @INOIROC My rba that came with big baby beast did the same thing. started shorting. if it wasnt the “too large” contact , the coil would top out and hit the top cap. finally the rubber around the post started acting up…IMO it just wasn’t meant too beeee!


I ordered some of those SMRT coils from Fasttech. Pre-ordered them actually, and just got them a couple of days ago. I’m using the middle one which is best: 40-55W. These things are great. Right up there with TFV9 coils for flavor (but need less power). I’ll have to try the other two kinds later.

They’re a piece of cake to set up. You could throw the cotton and coils in old coil housings if you wanted to.


Are bubble glass readily available for the Big Baby?


They are easy to find over here in TPD land, so you shouldn’t have a problem.


Exactly I actually did that the first day cuz I had an old housing The taste is not as good as the geek vape new super mesh 0.2Ω coil but whatever they’re so expensive

Damon Tellegen


They used to be sold all over the place. You could get a bunch for cheap off of Fasttech. Another idea is to search for the TFV9 tank glass. It’s the same size. The TFV9 is basically a Big Baby with a different top latch system.


I’m getting really good flavor but I guess it depends on what kind of liquid you’re vaping.

I’ve used lots of .2Ω GV Super mesh coils. Did they update them or something? You said new. I would’ve been using the old ones I guess. They say X1 if I remember correctly.


They did update them yes. The new ones, for ex: in the SMRT box there’s 3 Types of mesh extreme, chill and the other one LOL small medium and large holes.
Geek vape upgraded the X1 AERO MESH 0.2 from ex: Extreme to the turbo the holes are bigger and cotton sticker I believe oh and the inlet holes are three times the size at least double.
I literally used 1 geek vape coil for 4 months and I took it out washed it 3x.
Great Coils… Just Too Expensive @Brick And mortar.
Not that the flavors bad in SMRT It’s just not as good as the newer version I’m psyched about these though I got 30 coils for 25 bucks thanks to you!


Would you like to post that, please? The newer GV super mesh 0.2 ohm?


Did my picture go through I took a picture of the coil me holding it it says on the coil new geek vape super mesh plus the inlet holes are about double the size I don’t have a link for them… if that’s what you’re asking.
They’re the geek vape X1 aeromesh but problem with ordering online is you don’t know whether it’s the new X1 or the old I found they don’t have to specify and one company didn’t and they were old the holes are so small the coil burns up in like a week I see why they changed it


I’m trying to think of where I got bubble Glass I believe it was elementvape.com.
Came in a plastic jar with 2 -3 sets of o-rings, black for big baby beast, the one you have nicely packaged actually.
And it was from smok


After a quick search, looks like efuntop is advertising the new ones:

I’m guessing they’re a step better. Kinda like the Baby Mesh coils got updated with the TFV9 tank. After you’ve tried the good ones, it’s hard to use those older ones. I compared Vaporesso GTMesh, Geekvape Supermesh, and TFV9 coils a while back. Surprisingly the “horrible company” won for best flavor. Slight adjustments make a difference. Newer wicking, different style of mesh, or whatever. I wasn’t expecting to notice much of a difference between the old Smok mesh coils and the new ones.


Yes, it did but I couldn’t make out the printing on the coil until I magnified it. Thx.


Aw crappers. I just checked my stash and I have a bubble for a TFV8 Baby. Close but no cigar!