As some of you know i am moving to what i consider to be one of the most beautiful places i have ever been to. It is coming down to the finish line and we have run into a few issues but the house is in its place tho it will be a bit until we can take occupancy. Well guy needs to finish and connections needs to be made so the finish crew can come back and so what they do.
Anyways here are some pics, quite a few actually. Thanks for all of your well wishes, i appreciate it muchly.
So we were waiting at the end of my wifes parents driveway hoping to see it go by and we got a bit antsy so we decided to drive south to get fuel and to see if we could spot it.
There is a spot on US41, in Baraga County, where you can see for miles across the lake and we spotted it coming up the road appx 2-3 miles away. As we got closer we both started screaming, then screamed louder as it passed and then finally some tears as we pulled in to get gas. 2 years worth of planning came together almost perfectly.
Im going to be just a bit scarce for a bit, so many phone calls and i start a job up there on Oct 3rd.
Nice!, Hopefully the issues won’t take much to get taken care of & y’all can hurry up & get everything done before the cold weather gets here…, Should be by the looks (move-in ready)! Hope all goes well though…
Thanks bud. That there is the biggest issue, the cold. When it hits it hits hard, hehe. But it looks like early October should be the end. We thought by purchasing a manufactured home there would be less hassles and perhaps there was but dayum all them hassles are happening at the end.
@fidalgo_vapes Just shy of 4 acres, we also have several acres down the road but it is totally wooded with an old cabin on it, and my uncle own the property to the north as well as 250 acres just a mile down the road. This place was a strawberry farm years ago so it has very few trees, thankfully, and lots of strawberries everywhere. Farm field across the street so i will have very few neighbors.
Congratulations @Ken_O_Where. It look very nice. May you thoroughly enjoy your new quiet place. You’ll get to kick back, vape, and hopefully watch the daytime critters and the night time sky.
You’re going to want a razorwire perimeter in preparation for the civil war that’s happening, I know it’ll be a lot of work but your wife and yourself will have to rotate shifts on guarding the property… Get lots of ammo, if you need to know how to make IED’s… I got a guide.
What’s the R Value of the insulation? Can you be assured they used exterior vapor barrier around the insulation or is it applied via spray? … What did the wiring look like? Find a junction box or 3 and see how they’re wired to see if the electrician was competent. Make sure the skirting on the outside has a rigid foam insulation on top of insulation around your other pipes, important shit.
You forgot to ask about his subfloor … Is it OsB , Plywood or …Particle Board ?? Wait it a manufactured home so Particleboard is my guess . Unless Mr O Where requested something else .
Btw @Ken_O_Where love the LVP …That gray look is nice. Who picked the cabinets and flooring because that contrast is perfect.
We’re all effected by this, the globalists are going to destroy this continent… Stock up on Fiddy Calibre ammo now.
As for the particle board, never heard of that used for flooring at all. Here often times it’s Ply but have used ply for flooring…
As for skirting, that would be ideal to have rigid insulation on the back of your panels around the home, I think they sell fancier stuff you can rip down to size and get it all buttoned in. Gotta move fast, winter is approaching though, last thing you want to do is have a pipe burst…
Fortunately we chose an area that gets a bit less snow, about 200 inches/year. I love the snow stick next to that sign, really puts it in to perspective, its nuts, lol.
As for the construction materials, the sub floor is plywood and it does have wire as i saw some sticking out. This particular brand of manufactured homes is pretty good, we went down to Indiana to check them out before we had the home built.
For the colors, they give you plenty of options. The show home was mostly gray interior, flooring, countertops, etc, and we swapped it all out of what we wanted.
Thanks for the offer, @anon44012888 but i dont need any IUD’s.