Popping my cherry ( ry4 double help )

:smile: I just made something called ā€˜Goofyā€™ s Half-Naked Irritating Cousin Hankā€™s Juiceā€™ but wanted to ask Stay (thatā€™s what I call him) if itā€™s OK to name it that first before making public. Itā€™s just a Cashew variation using HS Ry4, PB and a few other things.


Lmfao! Stay (I will call him that too) totally doesnā€™t have dibs on ā€œGoofyā€, I say just go for it. :wink:


Ooh, sounds good, but of course, I have no cashew concentratesā€¦
Send me the recipe once youā€™ve got it figured out, would love to try it.

I second what @VapeyMama said, and I like the name youā€™ve given it.


I have it steeping currently, but wanted to make a second batch using Vanilla Ruyan Custard, just to try it out. It adds a little bit of a pipe flavor, which eh, Iā€™m not too keen on, but I really like the Vanilla Ruyan Flavor, itā€™s like a battle in my brain saying ā€˜I donā€™t like pipeā€™ and also ā€˜damn, thatā€™s good thoughā€™. Third Batch, I want to incorporate FW Graham Cracker, but thatā€™s a ways away.


I have the RY4 double and used it in a mix or two a long while back, it just wasnā€™t what I was looking for (I use to have a local shop mix me up a RY4, Butter Toffee, and Hazelnut juice prior to me starting in to DIYā€¦ they kept messing up my percentages). I do have Handsen Ry4 on my to get list due to recent comments about it.
Looking at your Cherries recipeā€¦ what are you trying to get out of the juice? For me personally, I thought the Sugar Cookie looked good in it and thought it would meld well with your other flavors, the Graham Cracker would be more pronounced. If your looking at more of a bakery or crust go with the GC, if your looking more of just the top layer of a pie (not the whole crust mouthfeel) stick with the Sugar Cookie.


It looks good to me but itā€™s need at least 30 days steep to start taste the RY4 double and will become better after 45 days.

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Iā€™d swap the sugar cookie for the graham cracker. I donā€™t think I own any cherry flavours so no idea how that bit will play outā€¦but the recipe looks yummy @fidalgo_vapes :yum:


I really like RY4D when blended with Cap cinnamon danish swirl.

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I love TFA RY4 double! Itā€™s always in one of my ADV! @Silhouette has some excellent recipes that I adapted with RY4D (I just tried Rybellion, the rest I havenā€™t tried yet! But will give some love soon!) Also, Candybecca is another awesome mix! Itā€™s acetyl pyroxene, Graham clear, cotton candy, and RY4 D, this is my favorite recipe! Goofyā€™s juice is good too, however I feel that the Flavors are too week overall and the PB needs to be stronger. I made those adjustments and it tasted amazing! I am loving anything with RY4 thatā€™s nutty, caramel, marshmallow, graham cracker, butter pecan, toffee, peanut butter, sugar cookie, etcā€¦ You get it! Lol!


Shroomā€™s Awesome Sauce is another good recipe if you want to try a cinnamon note with it!

Omg I just looked this upā€¦ 7% cap cds!!! Holy cinnamon! I see people using it that high (well maybe not that highā€¦) often so I guess I might be an oddball, but I canā€™t use cds over 1ish% without it killing the mix for me.


I think I ended up subbing that for a different brand. I mixed it in April when I first started, it was good. But I just kept mixing a ton of stuff. I forgot about it and vaped it in October, and it was incredible! Maybe the cinnamon died down a bit, or the one I used was much weaker. But I wishing for another 6 month old bottle! Lol!


I used up all my RY4 Double making this ā€¦super tasty and light on the RY4D at 3.5% but balanced for this recipe


Did you check the bottom of your purse :wink:


I donā€™t play with RY4 flavors and never thought I would but DIYFS sent me a sample of their Holy Holy RY4 and oh my GOD, this stuff smells amazing as hell! Still waiting on it to steep but as far as RY4 goes, this is my only experience.


I mixed a few times with the RY4 Double, but only had one that is somewhat successful, so I made it public awhile back. ( http://tjek.nu/r/58tJ ) Not sure how to help you with adding the Cherry, as Iā€™m just not a fan of cherry anything really. Sorry.

After reading a bit in this thread, Iā€™m gonna have to get some Hangsen RY4 and play with it. :slight_smile:


I tried the TPA ry4 doub and it didnā€™t suit my taste buds. It tasted like an odd fishy flavor for me :((. But I gave the Hangson RY4 a try and theres no comparison at all bā€™cuz the Han is simply fantastic! I mixed @Silhouette Ubersweet tobacco and love it!! Thats my two cents


Having the ry4 up higher will increase the need for the subtle flavors to be increased as well. Ry4 is a very rich note and it comes off very much like a caramel brulee with a touch of tobacco at the exhale. My thoughts are the sugar cookie may enhance that sweetness along with the cherry so your thoughts are pretty much spot on why not sub out the sugar cookie and add a non sweet AP based like GC or Cookie , Biscuit to fill in more breadiness then that a way the cherry may be more of a top note and once the tobacco has steeped and settled it may have the chance to shine. It has come off to me like honey at times with enough steep time. Hope this helps and good luck !

Possibly think about Fresh Fig I can see it working in this recipe. hmm found this link maybe add a nutty flavor in too !


Lovely to see you! Hope things are good with you :hugs:


You as well doing great thanks !