Reuleaux RX200 by Wismec

If you want a warmer vape increase the TCR setting by 5 or10 at a time until you find your happy spot just remember to LOWER your temp 20 degree’s or more each time you try a new number.

For Ti I started at 350 in m1 360 in m2 370 in m3 and then just kept going up until I found my happy spot at 380

SS 316l I think is 0080
SS 317 I think is 0094 or 97


I set mine at 0080 and it just gives vary little vape. so I set it to 0180 and it perfect vape

from what I have read, they set the SS settings to 316L instead of the 304 SS

That is what the new release from Wismec stated the factory setting for SS is now for 316L not 304 like it was set

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I know its working much better now. I’m happy

evic mini after the battery got put on steroids


Do you need to see a copy of my AARP card?


I am sure this update will solve the issues everyone using Stainless Steel wire have been experiencing

I am fairly sure this update will also solve the issues people have been having with not being able to get a warm enough vape on the lower resistance Ti dual coil builds


I use my rx200 with SS and the dna200 with my TI. So i got the best of both worlds now. Yeah

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"Oh ye of little faith " :innocent:
I knew an update would come out and make this a winner.


I don’t think they are done yet. But it works way better

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I hope this solves the problems people are having. Sadly it’s not possible to update firmware and fix shoddy construction. Ever notice the lack of recalls?

Has there been a lot of recalls on them ?

None that I know of. That’s the point. The Chinese keep pumping out crap every few weeks or months but never recall their junk devices. Not saying the RX200 is junk, but I AM saying problems have been identified with them and plenty of other devices - yet they do nothing to act on them. When it’s mechanical or electrical they should recall them.

Pay me no attention. I’m having a curmudgeon episode.


No your 100% right. Its like we got there money. Who cares.

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exactky what im dealing with… sent numerous emails with no reply. Tomorrow i’m going to call joytech :disappointed:

idk… so far I’m very impressed with the rx200 it vapes perfectly and with the update it’s even more versatile…

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I suspect if you have one of the ones that are built solid the latest update likely makes it a wonderful device. It is after all now basically the same as the eVic VTC Mini which has been rightfully praised for packing serious punch for a single battery device. But for those unfortunate to have received one with wiring or other manufacturing problems, not so much.


I’m praying my new cuboid is as good as both predecessor’s


Are these memory settings just for temp control? I usually vape kanthol. This wouldn’t apply to me, right?