Reuleaux RX200 by Wismec

That is correct only for TC mode


Looks like the VTC Mini, Quboid, RX200 are the same just with 1,2 or three batterieā€™s.


Ok. Iā€™ve read all of your posts, updated my rx200 to v3.0 and tried to follow directions, but
Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m feeling confused about what Iā€™m doing and need some help.

Ok. What is the purpose of having M1, M2, M3 exactly and why canā€™t I find information about this
on wismecā€™s web site? lol

I have my TFV4 with dual coil SS @ .26 ohms
Someone please walk me through where to start as far as settings? I know HOW to set
now, thanks to @wvsanta , but not sure WHAT to set at. I like a little bit of a warm

Thanks in advance for helping.

I would first try the SS factory setting and if that is not warm enough move to setting the m1 at 0085 M2 at 0090 and m3 to 0095 try all 3 thru the menu and if not warm enough do M1 to 0100 M2 0105 M3 to 0110

Just keep going up in the settings until you find your happy spot

If this does not help let me know and I will try to get you going via PM


M1,M2, and M3 are just three memory slots for you to tell the mod what type of custom wire you are using in your build. The mod comes with presets. Just think of these as your user presets.

The number you are setting is telling the mod the wire type you are using by telling it the TCR of the wire.
The TCR is a property of the wire that describes how it reacts to heat up when when you run power through the coil. Donā€™t over think it. Just think of TCR as a sort of wire type ID number. So your three User Presets M1-M3 could reference three different types of wire, or even just three different types of Stainless Steel like 304, 316L, and 317.

Thereā€™s not a ā€œneedā€ to use M1-M3 if the mod already has a preset for your wire type. Some will anyways just to tweak the warmth or punch of the vape experience.

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This is really the only reason to use them at all but as stated only if the pre-sets are not warm enough for you and you can not achieve what you want thru setting only watts and temperature settings.

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As Corso would sayā€¦Not so fast!

Where itā€™s really needed is to set for the various grades of SS wire where the TCR varies enough to make TC fail.

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This much I would agree with but I use 380 TCR setting on all my mods for Ti wire for a much better vape so for me SS wire is NOT the only reason to use these settings

EDIT: There are others having warmth issues using Ti wire as well but setting TCR manually cured that.


I hear you. And Iā€™m not arguing that point. I just disagree that warmth isnā€™t, as you say, the only reason to use the TCR adjustments. Get some SS of various grades and try it on the stock SS setting. Youā€™ll see.


It also gives the flexibility to accommodate future wire types that we may not currently use. Provided they fall within the TCR range supported by the chip. Like that Tungsten wire in that new-fangled coilless atomizer. I also see mods supporting Platinum and Gold wires which i think is pure idiocy.

Itā€™s a little bit of future-proofing for the device.

I sure wish you had one in your hand with the same TI build I am using so we were talking the same language

Agree to Disagree

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I think you clipped his quote too early. Take the full context.

Warmth isnā€™t the only reason. Yaā€™ll are in heated agreement. Now whoā€™s buying the first round? :wink:


If the problems with your rx200 are down to shoddy workmanship, then your unit should be replaced by your vendor. Mabey im lucky that way mine seems fine.
The update has made it a better device.
Iā€™m using the m1 and m3 for stainless 317L and titanium
M1 is set to 0124 and m3 0400.
I think the 0400 ti setting gives me a better vape at lower temps than the preset, but i still use the preset aswell.
And m1 for ss i seem to get a warmer vape at lower temp, but i can still use 317L in the preset for 316L and get a similar vape but not as warm at same temp settings.


Finally got it together this morning after reading everything. @wvsanta and @ringling helped a LOT.

Built my Aromamizer with Ti too, and itā€™s now working fine.

The TFV4 has a dual SS 0.27 build and the Aromamizer a dual Ti 0.12 build.

I just have to play with both the TFV4
and Aromamizer to find the sweet spot for each.

Thanks to all of you for your supportā€¦ again!! :slightly_smiling:


are you pleased with the wire?

Oh yes! I really appreciate the wire you sent to me @Whiterose0818 !
Itā€™s in my TFV4 right now. :slightly_smiling:


Thanks for re-posting this brother! I searched for it the other day and couldnā€™t find it. :slight_smile:


I posted it as a picture so people could save it and keep it as a reference it is not my material I just clipped it from the JoyeTech web site


And from what Iā€™ve seen. If you end up with that atlus coilless tank. The TCR is 0450 lol tungsten

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Im happy you got everything working to your liking. I just did a duel SS build in my Aromamizer. 22g 8 wrap spred. On 2.0mm coming out to 0.09 ohms. At 100watt 410F. And what a wonderful vape with my blueberry custard :slight_smile: