Just went out and bought a.12 nickel coil for my smok tfv4. Do I wanna mess with tcr with nickel? Or is it mainly for ss? I’m a little confused. Ha. Keep in mind in used to vaping kanthol, but it seems like the puff just isn’t as strong as I’d get with my kanthol coils.
If you’re using the RX200, just set to Ni mode. Then maybe start at 450F and 40 watts. If that’s not good then raise watts 5 at a time until you either don’t see a difference or it’s fine. If you stop seeing a change and it’s still not good, raise temp 10 deg at a time up to maybe 550 or so. If still not right go back to raising watts. You should find your sweet spot somewhere between 450-550 deg F and 40-100 watts.
I’m sorry, I am using the rx200. I’m at 500f @ 80 watts. And it seems like my. 15 kanthol coil puts out way more vape. And I usually only vape it at 65w. Don’t get it. I’ll try raising the temp a lil at a time. So is the tcr mainly for ss?
It’s possible you have a wicking problem. Temperature control will stop or slow down power to the coil if it’s not getting enough juice from the wicks. This is not a flaw, it’s by design to prevent dry hits. If this is a stock coil, maybe try pushing a pin or piece of wire through the wicking channels into the cotton so that it will allow more juice to flow. If you have RBA’s and build your own, make sure you can pull the cotton through the coils without moving them.
It’s a pre-made coil. And I think it needed a lil break in time. I’m at 520-550f @ 80w and it’s pushing some vape now. Ha. But thanks!
Just read every post here. LOL
My RX200 should be here tomorrow.
I just downloaded the v3.00 update so I’m ready. Also have 6 more LG HG2’s coming. That makes a cool dozen brownies to power the RX200 and the DNA200 RooLoh’s.
Glad the update seems to have cured most the ill’s this thing has been having. With Joytech/Wismec’s collective reputation on the line, I suspect early software woes to be the major issue. With the variety of wire types out there, I bet they have had their hands full trying to get the problems straightened out.
And don’t forget Vapor Flask or now Vape Forward is also in the mix here. Are we going to see more team up like this. Interesting times we are witnessing here in my opinion.
Interesting indeed! The wonderful number of new RTA’s alone is very exciting. Add the technology being released in the new mods, it’s an amazing time to be vaping! Where we are at now is a far cry from mech mods, ego twist and VV/VW only devices with clearomizers sitting on top of them.
AFter reading everything and consulting with Santa this morning, I finally have a tank build and settings on this rx200 that I’m actually enjoying. Thank you ALL for your insights and information. I’m a happy camper right now.
@Alisa so glad you are up and running with a satisfying vape and if you have anymore issues feel free to ask away
I’m running 24g ss316l 10 wrap 3.0id on both of the Griffin tanks on the std ss setting and it’s a joy. No locking ohm. 500f @ 70 w.
Nothing wraps as easy as SS…or tastes as clean.
I absolutely love the stuff. Now I’m going to order some 22g.
I dont know weather its my lack of knowledge around TC, or, my lack of knowledge around this mod, or is the mod dodgy?.. IDK! I seem to be having some issues - could someone please tell me… is it me, or the mod?? If its me, I’ll just keep playing till I get it right, but I’d rather not be floggin a dead horse…
My RX sometimes pulses as the TC kicks in… kinda like a woosh…woosh…woosh thing. It doesnt do it all the time - maybe only 50% of the time & I’ve only ever experienced it with the Billow v2(dual coil 8 spaced wraps 26g Ti1 2.5 id)- not the velocity.
Is it meant to do it or not? If it is, why doesnt it do it all the time? If its not, how can I stop it from doing it? its a much more pleasant vape when it doesnt do it!
Also, sometimes when its cold (after a period of non-use, & with either atty) I get the “Atomizer short” message. It happened first with the Billow - I thought the spaced coils I’m using had moved. After some pushing & prodding of the coil it went away. Next time it happened, I couldnt be bothered with the pushing & prodding, so I just swapped to the Velocity & got the same message. There was no way the velocity was shorting so I turned the mod off, took the atty off, put it back on & turned the mod back on again - no message. This has happened several times now.
Also, also… after a period of non-use, I get the “new coil” question (often! - its just happened 3 times in the last 10 min) for no good reason (praps I should be grateful of this, coz I know a lot of people never get it at all!)… & its just jumped out of Ti to wattage…again! !
All of this stuff has happened before & after upgrading to 3.0. Though I havent yet played with the TCR, I would’ve expected things to be a bit more stable.
Can anyone shed some light?? It’d be greatly appreciated.
I got some 22g SS on Aromamizer and i love it.
Wish I could help, but I haven’t experienced this.
I have had this happen in the past and it was a wicking issue TC wicking is a little different. You have to perfect keeping it lose enough to get good flow but tight enough to have it touching the inside of the coil snug.
This sounds like some kind of connection issue or the integrity of the build itself. Lose screw pinched or partially cut wire
Are the builds close in resistance and if not is the velocity lower in resistance?
[quote=“wvsanta, post:400, topic:39326”]
You have to perfect keeping it lose enough to get good flow but tight enough to have it touching the inside of the coil snug.
[/quote] I presume my wicking is a little tight? Yep…need a bit o practice there!
Yeah, checking that was part of my pinch & prod routine when I checked the Billow as I know those little screws can be prone to back out. I’ve just checked again - all seems in order. I’m on my second build in the Billow- its done it with both builds. & I’ve just checked the V again too - all tight. Strange that it should happen with the Billow & then again as soon as I put the Velocity on- maybe its a 510 issue (with the mod)?[quote=“wvsanta, post:400, topic:39326”]
Are the builds close in resistance and if not is the velocity lower in resistance?
[/quote]Billow - .25 Velocity - .38 (same single coil build that was discussed in “interesting Velocity build” except spaced - just like yours).
Thankyou for your insight Santa - greatly appreciated! I’ll keep a close eye on the integrity of these builds over the next 24 hrs (in fact, I’ll re-coil the B) & see what happens. Cheers, vT
Although wicking can be and often is the problem with poor TC performance, I doubt the Atomizer Short and getting thrown to watts mode are even remotely related to wicking. It couild explain the pulsing.
As Santa points out, the “new coil” issue may be related to a connection issue or broken/loose coil leg. I had this happen to me on the Goblin Mini where I had a broken coil leg and didn’t realize it. It was making contact most of the time but would obviously become open just a fraction of a second at a time…just long enough for the mod to see a different resistance as if a new coil had been installed. I didn’t discover this until I was pulling the wick and saw the coil move.
As to the Atomizer Short message on two different toppers, you said you turned off the mod, took the atty off and put it back on. This would essentially clear what the mod was reading. Question - before you did that (after the Billow and before the Velocity) did you happen to press and hold the fire button a moment so as to “clear” the mod? If not, get in that habit. If you did then it sounds like your mod is acting up. Maybe a bad 510 connector or solder joint. If that’s the case it will probably only get worse. But in the meantime, first try uncscrewing the atomizer and pressing the fire button and then if that doesn’t help try pulling the batteries instead of just turning off/on the mod. That way it clears the current situation.
From experience I’ll tell you I can’t stress enough the importance of build integrity for TC. There are several things that will be the result of a bad build - all of which are undesirable and will have you thinking TC sucks. Nail the build and the wicking, and as long as you have a good TC mod you’ll be in vaper heaven.
The most reliable build I’ve had to date is spaced titanium. Notice the outside edges of the coil are well within the outer edges of the deck. None of the windings touch each other, an none of the coil except the legs touches the posts.
I would like to see a pic of your build. But if it does that with 2 different attys. Then it just may be a 5 10 conection on the mod. They are mass production product. As far ass pulesing. I’ve had mine do that tonight. But i noticed my power got bumped up to 200watts. Then it throws it into temp protection. I got 24g ti. Its set at 420F at 80 watts.