Reuleaux RX200 by Wismec

I use my rx200 with 22g ti 8 wrap spaced 2.5mm coils and it vapes amazing. And i get a good day and part of a morning out of one charge. I use the LG HE2S in both the rx n dna200. They last the same

I would stay away from Efest batteries - not all are bad, but none of the 35A are actually 35Aā€¦ Iā€™d say go for Samsung or LGā€¦


Thanks, for the advice, Iā€™ll look for some HEā€™s. Been using EFest for a long time though ( 3 years) and never had an issue. What is a respected vendor for those. Iā€™ve never trusted anything in a plain wrapper, too many re-wraps out there. Iā€™ve seen the wrapping plastics on sale on the web and anyone can print those labels on a cheap printer. Guess the same could be said about the EFest too though.

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Bought all my batteries from


That IS what efest does.
They were rewrapping reputable batteries, 25rā€™s for some time, but Moochā€™s testing proves otherwise lately.

I like to use

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Thanks, I have used them before too. Iā€™ll check and see if they have some. They were very fast, I got my batteries before my mod so they were charged and ready to go when it arrived!

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Havenā€™t read Moochā€™s report yetā€¦guess I should. Thanks for the link too, Iā€™ll check them out. Canā€™t have too many sources for Battā€™s 18650ā€™s seem to go fast if the price is right.

Did I post up a link to his tests?
ā€¦cause I dont see it anymore, or I flaked out and meant to, BUT there might be a rule here to posting up links to other forums (if so im sorry)

Weā€™re fine with links to other forums - maybe you forgot to post it? :smiley:

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Flaked out, damn it!

me too. got a great deal on sammies and sony vct5ā€™s

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No problem, ā€œSearchā€ is your friend. I found it. It was posted elsewhere. Iā€™ve seen it before but not the updated results.,WOW, Iā€™m so disappointed in EFEST. Iā€™ve used them for a few years and had been very satisfied. Now I know why Iā€™m getting less battery life from my RX! Thought I was a real vaping fiend! Getting some new batteries ordered today. Thanks for the report.

I think where they say ā€œMoreover,ā€ they mean ā€œIn addition,ā€ or ā€œAlso.ā€ I read it as saying itā€™s better to charge the batteries outside the device (and it is) but there is also an option to charge them via USB.

My company ships our products to China (and Japan and Mexico, and occasionally other countries), and we translate our documentation via Google Translate. Iā€™m willing to bet these Chinese companies do the same. I can see how an algorithm could make the mistranslation I just described, using ā€œMoreover,ā€ for ā€œIn addition.ā€ Some of our products are for resale in these countries, and a couple of customer companies have sent us translations themselves for us to include for their customer, when they find the Google translation particularly confusing.


Iā€™m actually amazed at the people who are needing to go through Wismec for defective product under warranty that they bought locally. I have two friends who own shops, and both of them always replace out defective product they sell. Always. They know how much defective product they average, and use a markup that gives them an acceptable profit assuming they have to eat the cost of that number of units. Most product has about a 10% failure rate.

They also many times replace or repair units that arenā€™t defective, but a customer accidentally damaged. When I broke the glass on a favorite tank that didnā€™t have replacement glass available, they were able to replace my glass from another returned tank that had a defective part.

This is why I buy locally, and how these people became friends I associate with besides being a customer.

Supporting local business is just good for you. It creates local jobs, and supports your community financially through tax dollars. Itā€™s always a good idea to buy locally.

And shame on those local vendors described here that donā€™t support their customers. ALL of our local shops, not just those owned by my friends, support their customers.

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New colors look nice. Really like the Black and Red.


Oh I like that one. Sweet. Wish they had black and yellow

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I wish it was Maize and Blue. :wink:

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Red and gold would be super. Favorite NFL colors

You must be having keyboard issues. I know you meant to put green and yellow but from some reason red and gold came through. Logitech makes some good keyboards. You can even get custom skins for them!


Think I just puked a little.