Yes they can be pricey the dna’s but if you don’t use tc then anything’s good for wattage. You might want to give the ipv6x a look then.
I will right now…
Please allow me a feeble attempt to clear some confusion, without being too technical.
The batteries mentioned [LG–Samsung–Sony] are today’s 18650 preferred favorites.They have great proven track records, and will work for all modern mods that use them. I suggest you purchase them from Illumn to be certain they are authentic.
The RX200 had board problems, but was addressed and fixed in the RX200S, and the RX2/3 has the same board as the RX200S.
The problem with the RX2/3 has been with the housing for the third battery…and the plastic tabs that hold it in place…
some snapping off, but the mod works fine even if you have to run it with only dual batteries.
The TC100 had board problems, but was addressed and fixed in the TC100W. The TC100W will run on one or two batteries, and has a firmware upgrade for 120W [they claim].
If you don’t want a heavy mod, you don’t want a 3 battery mod, even some 2 battery mods are heavy
All with a normal tank/atty…and batteries : The RX200S [and RX200 and RX2/3] weigh approx. 385g
The DripBox 160 approx. 366g (2 battery mod in SS)…the TC100W approx. 355g
The RX200S, DB160, and the TC100W all work flawlessly with either Titanium or SS in TC mode.
If you want a dependable mod that’s a bit lighter, and don’t mind fooling with Escribe, get a VT133.
The difference is the cost.
Yet speaking of dependability, the RX200S[I have two] and the TC100W[I have five] have had ZERO problems, and cost $33-$42 each.
There are so many new trendy devices available it can make your head spin, and many were pumped out to beat the 8.8.16 deadline, and have little usage to prove their quality. Only a few have a solid reputation thus far.
I wish everyone good luck with their choices.
I looked that IPV6, it gets really good reviews and I love the size! .
The story is you have to get into the menu to shut it off or keep it from firing or no quick safety feature to throw it in your hand bag or pocket? There’s no 3 to 5 Clicks… is it possible they fixed that in an upgrade?
VapeNW has it for $53.00 which is not bad but I have to buy batteries for it, so that puts me in the same price range - they have the Sigelie 213 with batteries for 59.00 which is actually cheaper.
As far as i know the 5 clicks off won’t be available via update. It’s just a feature of the yihi board. The ipx6x did have an issue with the short circuit protection for your batteries if you put them in wrong for some reason, but thats all been fixed. Apart from that it has had great reviews. But if you still need to get batts on top and you can get a better deal, go for it.
What kind of batteries do you get with the sig?
The Samsung 25R’s come with it.
I shot on the Sigelie 213 because I spent the morning talking to you guys and doing research. I totally see the whole temp control issue on the youtube videos from the big reviewers. I also see the TC people who have bought it and are irritated… but the temp control thing isn’t an issue for me. The story is in wattage mode the Sigelie is really good and it’s small.
Whenever I buy a new mod, I always buy it a new set of batteries and I wasn’t getting free batteries with any other mod in this things class.
This is part of why I love this site. I can get the truth from people before I buy something!
Great. Hope you love your mod as I’m sure you will.
Great choice btw. And batteries included is a bonus, that way you can marrie the batteries to that mod.
I’m excited to get this one. It was you guys who stopped me from making a choice that may have not been a good one for me, so thank you! I spent more money than I wanted to spend but I think that may have been my downfall
We’ll see it in the vape mail thread then.
Can’t wait for it to arrive for you.
Pics, pics, pics,…and no xxx’s
Check out Daniels (Delbert vapes?) review of the 213w on his YouTube channel before buying it. Just YouTube search “truth about the 213”
I had mine for 27 days before returning it. The bottom paint had started to wear off and so on.
There are mixed reviews on the pioneer 6x. If you buy one ask the vender to confirm that it is version three
Do you mean Daniel Djlsb vapes brother? If so, heres the vid.
Yeah. He has two same ending. I really love his reviews. He does end up sometimes I think being a fan boy for smok…but I think he still calls them out when wrong.
Same here. I love his reviews. If I remember correctly, @Lostmarbles introduced his channel to me months ago. Been watching him ever since. The smok thing is true lol… I bought the h priv because of him. currently has a 25% Flash sale going on code is FLASH25. You can get the Smok Alien 220W mod for $42 shipped.
I don’t think you’ll find a better mod in the price range personally. I have one and am ready to order a second. It mates perfectly with a TFV8 Baby tank. I think I read you already had one of those, so add the mod and you have what they bundle as an awesome starter kit.
P.S. The thing is tiny for a dual battery mod. Smaller even than the 213.
I actually saw that video before I bought it lol… but thanks for putting it up for me!
Is there a piece of e-cig hardware out there someone wont bad mouth for some reason? If it’s bad the company I bought from will replace it for store credit.
@Big_Benny_MI made the order 15 minutes before that sale came up. (Per usual)
I’m sure you will be happy with your purchase, when you get it let’s know your thoughts on it.
I’m anxiously waiting!
The bottom line with this one seems to be the TC control is messed up so people who make their own coils cant get it to work right and… it wont actually throw 213 Watts but Good God, who vapes at 213 Watts anyway… Hello?
I was watching a guy on youtube tearing the board apart on it, he was hilarious! I’m thinking to myself watching that video… well of course it doesn’t work right you are taking the exhaust manifold and the spark plug out! Ha ha ha … he was too funny.
I don’t hear anything but good about this from wattage users. I got it from VapeNW and they are really good about taking returns so if I have a baddie I should be ok.
OK…I’ve been using it for 4 days. I have determined this is a really good mod. I don’t want to hear anyone bad mouthing it.
I loved mine until it broke, but to be fair it was a good 10 months before it went doolally, managed to fix it twice but the thing bricked on me in the end, still…I bought the RX2/3 to replace it and not had a problem with it at all