4 clicks
@100w same thing, 60w same thing. Temp protection comes on screen and nada, switched rda for tfv4 Ti same thing. Aaaaargh, on way to bc by bus will never see that store again, will try firmware upgrade when I get home, maybe that will fix problem
Sorry to hear you are having problems. Just got mine out of the mailbox so I will add some pics and my first impressions shortly.
Edit: Right out of the box mine was running very hot in comparison to my eVic VTC Mini. I was running the tank on the mini at 460 degrees and 75 watts. On the RX200 the same tank was super hot at the settings in this picture.
I just did the firmware update and will add more later after having a chance to PLAY
200 watts??? I think that’s a little toooooo high maybe tone the wattage down a bit??
How long are you guys getting on a full charge? Mine only lasts about a day @ 70w. Thought this would last me 2 days or more! Contacted the place I hit it from, but they haven’t gotten back to me yet. Just curious if I got a bunk one or not.
3 bats I was not impressed with bat life. People were telling me they were getting 2 days. Course most people don’t go through 30 mils of juice daily either lol
Thanks for putting that up it helped me get things going right away. The manual that comes with it was a little hard to read without a magnifying glass. Super small print.
Now for my first impressions.
Batteries installed and watching the tutorial first
Next I took a tank off of one of my VTC mini’s and put on the RX200
Here is the initial settings I tried it at right out of the box
It was super hot so I went to 300 degrees and it was ok but still seemed a little hot in comparison to my VTC mini’s so I did the update that is out for it and tried again.
After doing the update I started playing with it and found it to be very similar to the VTC mini as far as the temperature I like this juice at. With the device set to 200 watts there was no super hot blast at first just a very rich, smooth and satisfying vape right from the first draw.
I went outside to feed the animals and while doing chores outside in the cold it did ask me new coil same coil the first time I used it but that would be totally normal because it is nippy outside today and I had been inside near the woodstove. This is the settings I ended up at while I was outside and I have to honest I am liking this mod a lot so far.
On the subject of size and weight all I can say is the size and shape of this mod I am really liking it and the weight is really not as bad as I was expecting.
Here are some pics of 3 different mods for comparison.
Left RX200
Middle Segelei 150
Right eVic vTC mini
I would like to thank everyone that has added to this thread with all your opinions.
I am liking this mod a lot more than any mod I own. I am now in a very Happy Spot for my vaping needs. I like to have the ability to vape at least 3 flavors so having 3 temp control mods with dedicated tanks has made me very happy. I am sure I will add more in the future but for now loving life and the new RX200.
You guys having problems, why not try setting 450F and 45 - 50w then work your way up from there if you need.
100 and 200 watts are not typical for many, many TC builds. Just sayin.
Good advice and mine are all working well but I am only using Ti wire.
I could be completely wrong on this but your watts in TC should only have an effect on the initial fire then TC should take over and limit the wattage applied to the coil almost instantly.
On my RX 200 I am running at 100watts and 450 to 480 degrees with no issues at all
On the VTC mini’s I am set at 75watts and 450 to 520 depending on the juice I am using and again with no issues at all.
If the mod is working properly the watts or joules setting should not matter at all just the temperature you want for what you like.
I do not have any stainless wire and no plans on buying any just to test with. Titanium is working in all mine as it is supposed to no matter what ohm’s I build a coil …
You’re right…it should limit watts. My point is what’s the purpose behind setting watts 4-5x what is needed to reach temp? And if something goes wonky why have the mod set to a point where if TC doesn’t work the set watts is high enough to cause cotton or something else to combust? I think at best it is an unnecessary risk. Also the 200F thing…makes no sense because that’s below the point where the liquid turns to vapor. If someone is getting vapor at 200F then TC is malfunctioning and the user should stop what they’re doing and figure out the problem. Safety first.
Very good point
Had to be a test dummy so just set the RX to 200 and ZERO vapor
How long can you vape at 100w? mine is having issues reading the batteries. I’m only getting a day at most @ 70w
I have been using mine for about 6 hours now (Just got it today) I am a chain vapor so I go thru a battery pretty quick. I put 3 new and fully charged Samsung 25r’s in it and right now the battery bar has not even moved yet. Hope that helps
Just a thought here as it seems some are having issues and others are not. I wonder what version of both hardware and software others have.
This is what I see when I go to the update software
I don’t understand why everyone has there settings so high.
I’m running 22g ti at .2 ohm single coil 50w 500f and its running fine. At 200w its going to hit the limits straightaway and bounce like a ball to get what you demand.
@SthrnMixer is giving the right advice. Start low and build up untill you hit your sweet spot. As for batt life mine does two days no problem. At 200w it won’t last 8 hrs.
What batts are you using?
What sort of ti builds are you putting into your lemo’s.
Awg? ID? Etc…
There’s some great info here guys! thank you all very much!!!
When mine finally gets here (…apparently, via the slow boat from fasttech!),
I’ll have a much better idea of what to do! I’ll share my thoughts when it arrives …& if thats not before Christmas… Seasons greetings!!!.
[quote=“Pattie, post:76, topic:39326”]
I don’t understand why everyone has there settings so high. I’m running 22g ti at .2 ohm single coil 50w 500f and its running fine. At 200w its going to hit the limits straightaway and bounce like a ball to get what you demand.
[/quote]Not the case at all with mine and truthfully I was set there just to find out what it would do. 50watts at 480 slightly anemic vape does not seem to get to temp fast enough 75 watts 480 perfect vape 100watts at 480 perfect vape 200 watts at 480 perfect vape Currently running the 75 and 480
[quote=“Pattie, post:78, topic:39326, full:true”]
What sort of ti builds are you putting into your lemo’s. Awg? ID? Etc…
[/quote] 26g Ti 7 wraps 3mm ID spaced coil room temp ohm’s are .33 to .35 or so and the coil is probably 2 weeks old or a little more. All of my builds dripper or tank are single coil builds
Looking forward to what you think I am loving mine