Reuleaux RX200 by Wismec

I was also wondering if its safe to dry burn SS coils.
I had mine glowing red when I built them to compress them.
Next build will be spaced.

Yes you can dryburn ss. Helps to shape your coils and take out hot spots.

updates right away and Iā€™m lovin this canā€™t wait to see just how long the new samsungs last Iā€™m very very happy so far :+1::dash::+1::dash::+1::dash::+1:


Welcome to the rx club mate. :+1:


soooo I can say this is by far my favorite mod up to nowā€¦ so comfortable in hand and the battery life is so good!!! 24 hrs almost exlusive and only about 70 percent down. .12 ohm to coils on my (black) crius vapin @ 510 deg f pushing it w 66.6 Watts itā€™s almost perfect temp controlā€¦ this is great

very very happy with this


Glad you like it mate Iā€™m loving mine. Canā€™t wait to get the griffin on there with some big ass ti coils in it. Woohoo. Great times. :+1::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::dash::dash::dash:


Glad you are liking it as well the RX is a very nice mod and battery life for me is great. The feel in my hand is also the big plus all in all my favorite mod


SS or Ti, @quitter1?

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Loving my new rx too!!
Still have about 60% left of battery after 24hrs of vaping.
Playing around with temp and watts, but now at 580F / 80w / .1 ohm Ti


tiā€¦ itā€™s soo great!!!

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[quote=ā€œquitter1, post:111, topic:39326, full:trueā€]
tiā€¦ itā€™s soo great!!!
[/quote]Iā€™m getting jelous ā€¦& VERY impatient!..Waiting (twiddle)ā€¦waiting (twiddle)ā€¦

sorryā€¦ thatā€™s not my intent :wink:

Whatā€™s your thoughts on getting the rx from fasttech? Apart from the shipping time of course. Are they legit?

Sits nice in the hand too doesnā€™t it? Glad your likeing it. :yum:

When was yours due?

Shipping time aside if it says authentic it will be but just check on the reviews and see what everyone is saying.

Just looked on the reviews on here and seems authentic.
Hope that helps. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Thanks brother. I will probably pick up 3 of them, one for the wife, one for my son and one for me of course :wink::+1:

I actually canā€™t waitā€¦ Getting little tired of the x cube. Hate the firing delay, the unstable tc and the massive sizeā€¦ I could go on lol

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I hear you bro got the cube aswell. Canā€™t wait to get rid of that piece of crap. Nothing but a headache and never had a good vape off it yet.
I highly recommend the e vic mini. Exelent piece of kit. Iā€™m having a second one. :ok_hand:

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Yeah I think if I can afford it Iā€™ll get them both. I hate to choose one or the other :grinning:

$45.00 bucks

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