You are a god send.
Hehe @KC111 you shouldn’t. You guys didn’t ASK ME to do any reviews (well, hehe, some of you did LOL). Believe me, if it WAS an issue, I’d TELL you hehe.
What REALLY makes it worth it, is when people POST either reactions, or THEIR thoughts on the reviews, the flavors, etc. Agree, disagree, it’s ALL good, and helps EVERYONE.
I’m actually MORE than pleased to see @Gazza7 putting out some reviews now.
When I’m in “testing mode” I block out a lot of noise, and can only hear MY thoughts, and I write them down. I never know who will agree, disagree, love, hate, etc. I just put out, what I get, and that’s it. It’s actually very refreshing to hear OTHER people’s thoughts, questions, comments, even disagreements.
I LOVE encouraging others to review, SFT, if even for themselves. Not everyone can, and WANTS to put their personal thoughts OUT on the interwebs. Hell, I don’t even know if I do LOL. Even if you never go FULL ON SFT crazy, taking notes, even for yourself, can REALLY help out. It doesn’t have to be FULL BLOWN, just short notes, even a few words, can really help out.
All working together, we can really make things somewhat EASIER for newer vapers, mixers, DIY’ers. I WISH I had all of these resources when I first stated. What a shit show that was, back in the day. Trial and error.
No worries whatsoever but I do wish I had the time to do some more.
I don’t really look at my efforts as reviews but more of my thoughts put into words as best I can.
Same thing I suppose but there you go.
Well there you go.
@mikser my mixing mentor, looks like we’ve got some NEW Flavorah Flavors on deck for 2023 !!!
(new brand from Oz)
About 80 (!!!) single flavrz and 11 one shots here. Thank you SD; well appreciated!!! You continue to impress us with your dedication and hard work.
At the risk of overloading my mixing mentor @Mikser, I had to split the FLAVRZ flavor tests into Series, as they have already overloaded some other forums max word limits, hehe.
Here is the link to the second series of 40 flavors Hatrick. Thanks mate.
Thank you my mixing mentor !!!
@Mikser once again, you prove, that only YOU, can keep it all straight. Thank you my mixing mentor.